I have NO PROBLEM pocket-carrying my Glock 26

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Apr 1, 2005
Pretty much what the thread title says. I have absolutely ZERO problem pocket-carrying my Glock 26 in regular fit jeans, Dockers, dress slacks using a DeSantis Nemesis holster. And I'm not a tall guy, 5' 10" 210 lbs. I just don't get what all the hemming and hawing is about. I can see the gun being too heavy/fat to carry in gym shorts, but that's about it. With a good pocket holster and a decent belt it's simply not that difficult to pocket carry a Glock 26...for me anyhow.

My pockets just aren't that big to pocket carry anything. I also wear slimmer jeans, so I'd have a problem getting into my pocket quickly.

But, if it's comfortable, and fast for you, awesome!
I can do it with denim so long as I'm wearing overalls.

Since I don't wear overalls, I'm limited to pocket carry (with a rag strategically placed around it) in nice slacks or belt carry (for everything else).
I don't wear overalls, never have, I wear relaxed fit Levis and Wranglers and flat-front Dockers/black suit slacks. No giant gangster pants here. I'm kinda chunky for my height so maybe that helps matters.
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I can pocket carry a XDm compact, which is slightly fatter and definitely taller and longer (and heavier) but it's not comfortable. Looking at maybe a M&P9C next (waffling between M&P line and XD line) but seeing if that will replace my IWB primary or my pocket BUG depending on how it feels in pocket.
I guess it's just a different strokes for different folks kind of deal, because I carried inside the waistband for about 12 hours and found it to be horribly uncomfortable. That holster got returned to the gun store, I bought this'un, and never looked back.
When I was on the Ike there was a guy up in the Fredericksburg VA area that bled out in front of his kids pocket carrying a glock with no holster (had a ND). IMHO if you carry a glock with out a holster you need to pistol whip yourself in the <edit>, then go out and get a holster.
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i can pocket carry my G26 too, i just look like i have the Giddeon's Bible from motel six in my pocket. and when i sit down it looks like a cereal box in my pocket.

while i can carry it in a rig that breaks up the outline, im only fooling myself with the idea that its "concealed".
I carry a G26 daily, IWB. No hemming and hawing from me on a G26, but I ain't carrying a small brick in my pocket! :cool:
"I have NO PROBLEM pocket-carrying my Glock 26 "

Congratulations, you are one of the fortunate few. It's not so much about height and weight, but about body shape and proportion.

I've tried IWB carry and I've tried pocket carry. While I prefer to daily carry a subcompact in order to aid in concealing, I would much rather OWB and wear a shirt or jacket over it.

My current daily carry is a 26 carried in a nice minimalist holster I made for it (actually, it's for my 21 but the 26 fits just fine until I make a dedicated one for it) that rides on my hip at 8 o'clock (southpaw).

I could see pocket carrying a 26 in a pair of cargo pants, but that would make me feel terribly lopsided. I CAN carry IWB and tuck a tee shirt around my pistol, but that's only if I have to. I have a cheapie Uncle Mike's holster made for a slightly larger pistol that does the trick. Carrying anything short of OWB seriously gives my back a kink after a couple of hours regardless of the gun.

The exception being my LCP in a back pocket holster. That works just fine, but the firepower is underwhelming.
I used to pocket carry my G26, before I got the even smaller and lighter S&W 642. But I found that the G26 carried and concealed pretty well, though it would make an awkward lump in blue jeans, but I don't wear jeans very often ( in which case I could just switch to inside the waist band, and since I use an Uncle Mikes soft case, so the switch is easy). I generally run around in loose,comfortable cargo shorts, so any compact pistol, including the 26, pocket carries easily, so add an untucked short to the ensemble, and you're golden. :D
Can you post some picks of your G26 in your jeans pocket?

I'm glad you find it comfortable, but I'm having a hard time believing you are not printing like a billboard.
I am over 6'3 and there is no way the G26 I have fits in the wide open pockets on my cargo shorts, let alone jeans - WAY too heavy, too blocky, prints way too much
I agree that it is very easy to pocket-carry a baby Glock. A smooth draw, however, may not be so easy. Just as hammer spurs can complicate the draw, so can the blocky rear of a slide, and striker-fired pistols have slides that extend comparatively farther to the rear. In both cases, the thumb can be used as a ramp to ease removal from the pocket, if there is room to do so.

Having said that, for some folks, and some pockets, baby Glocks may be fine. My general solution for pocket carry is a spurless-hammer or concealed-hammer revolver, as I can attain a thumb-locked-down firing grip and still complete the draw without any interruption at the lip of the pocket.

Let's keep in mind that drawing from a pocket can be complicated when the fight has already started, due to motion, and being bent at the waist/hips. This is why I carry, virtually every day, at 0300 on the belt; the pocket gun is not my only gun.

To be clear, I am not anti-Glock. I owned .40 Glocks in the past, and for orthopedic reasons, as I get older and weaker, have just bought a G17, and a G26 is on my short list.

I've been pocket carrying this way for 4 years. Previously, it was a Kahr PM9. However I bought a Glock 26 last year and have been pocket carrying it daily since. I've carried it in the homes of several anti-gun family members and out in the world for almost a year now, and I haven't been made once. Nobody's said anything. Most people have ZERO situational awareness and those that notice the bulge assume it's a wallet/smartphone.
I have NO PROBLEM pocket-carrying my Glock 26
Obviously fine for you, but it hasn't been my experience. The gun being able to slide into a pocket doesn't take being able to get my fingers around the grip into account.
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Certaindeaf, ha ha, probably so.

In my left pocket is a wallet, a Samsung Galaxy S, and a key fob for my Nissan. In my right pocket is a Glock 26. The bulges are almost identical. I know everybody here looks at that picture and says "GUN!!!!!!" but out in the world...and my world (Texas) is particularly gun-aware...nobody has noticed or said anything.
StrikeFire83, you look like you have woman thighs with those pockets stuffed full of what have you.....no i can not see the imprint of a gun, but no, i am not fooled that you could be toting off a cash register....
I hear you man. The main and good thing is you got a good gun on you. I might have to look into some front pocket carry for my own self for the fun of it, though I always find a way to carry, whatever the weather etc.
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