I have to wonder is there any hope?

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Sep 4, 2006
Hi everyone, I am now the type where I cannot watch the news due the fact that it is not true. Besides sports. I cannot read the newspaper because it makes me angry. I really do not believe anything our media feeds us.

How many people believe something major is going to happen in the next few years to drastically change our country?

I think something will happen, but I am not sure what, but I think we need as a country need to grow a pair. Our grandfathers would look at this country and not like it. I still believe in America and hope the normal people still do.
Take a break from the news and talking head shows.

There's plenty of hope. No one can act with impunity in our government. As long as we continue to hold our representatives accountable, they will be.
Hi everyone, I am now the type where I cannot watch the news due the fact that it is not true. Besides sports. I cannot read the newspaper because it makes me angry. I really do not believe anything our media feeds us.

Have you considered finding an online news source that you trust?

If you don't follow any kind of news, you just end up ignorant. Try shopping around for a news source that you feel is accurate. Be careful though, do you want "the truth" or do you want "articles that make me feel like I'm right". If the latter, you just want your bias instead of someone else's bias.

I find www.bbc.co.uk to be a pretty solid, and covers a lot of regional news that you don't much see in American news. For contrast I read FOX, CNN, and Al-Jazeera.

Oh, and The Economist is great, been around over a century now.

No matter what news you read, some bias and focuses will annoy you, unless you read something so ridiculously slanted to your personal bias that you're getting nothing but an intellectual tummy rub from people that think exactly like you.

I don't watch the news either. Don't read mainstream magazines either. Unless it's something non-political, that is.

What are some good media sites on the web, that have no spin on stuff? Sites that you can find out what's really going on?
I do think it will take a catastrophe of some sort to shake the United States back to it's senses. I don't watch a whole lot of TV news but I am on the web alot and scour blogs and forums. I think I'm pretty well informed.

My feeling is that Americans by and large are just trying to get through their week and then have a liitle fun on the weekend. We have so much information readily available to us, finding the truth has become an exhausing exercize and people are just fatigued. They switch off valid messages because the people with invalid messages are shouting just as loud and long.

Jeez it's only 0830 Monday and I'm thinking about Friday's first beer.
Forget about "hope," just decide to do the right thing.

I'll stand by the words of author Nikos Kazantzakis (Zorba the Greek):

"I hope for nothing. I fear nothing. I am free."

(his epitaph)
It seems like it all started with that "peace-love" nonsense back in the late 60's.

Now, let's throw out all of our guns and join hands for a chorus of Kumbaya!!!:neener:
No matter what news you read, some bias and focuses will annoy you, unless you read something so ridiculously slanted to your personal bias that you're getting nothing but an intellectual tummy rub from people that think exactly like you.

But when one's personal "bias" is correct--as in going with the Framers' interpretations of the Constitution--the news should be "ridiculously slanted" toward it. Anything else isn't honest news at all: it's either a subversive agenda-driven piece, or a lemming-like "ah well, this is a 'reasonable restriction'" piece.
As long as we continue to hold our representatives accountable, they will be.

Can anyone explain to me how voting for the lesser of two evils holds anyone accountable?
Zrex said: Can anyone explain to me how voting for the lesser of two evils holds anyone accountable?

You might not like your choices. That's not what my comment suggested.

As long as our leaders feel compelled to act within the system, follow its rules, and act within its constraints, we have hope.

Once they act with impunity, recklessly, arbitrarily, without regard of consequences, then we have a problem . . .
As long as our leaders feel compelled to act within the system, follow its rules, and act within its constraints, we have hope.

As long as our leaders can change the system at will (passing new unconstitutional laws), ignore its own rules (signing statements, exepmtions for federal employees, etc) , and redefine meanings (activist judges, judiciary interpreting EVERYTHING to be interstate commerce for example), what do we have?
Zrex said: As long as our leaders can change the system at will (passing new unconstitutional laws), ignore its own rules (signing statements, exepmtions for federal employees, etc) , and redefine meanings (activist judges, judiciary interpreting EVERYTHING to be interstate commerce for example), what do we have?

You just made my point. . .
Turn off the TV, get some sunshine. Go to the range and empty some Winchester White Box. Repeat tomarrow, if necessary.
Nope, only work. I can hope that the snow will melt off my driveway, or I can get out there and shovel.

Right on!

There are ways to stay informed without having to buy into the talking head's point of view. Courthouse records are starting to show up on the 'net, and sites like 'project vote-smart' seem to be quite neutral in reporting a politicians positions. For 'current events' news, read Fox's website and CNN's website... the truth is probably somewhere between the two.

I sometimes watch Fox with my family, PVR remote in hand. When someone says something that I disagree with, or expresses opinion as fact, I pause the blasted thing and discuss the point with my family.

If you're not involved and informed... how can you help solve the problems?
Just do what I do - I only watch Spongebob and the A-Team anymore, with a Knight Rider thrown in now and then. :D
I do think it will take a catastrophe of some sort to shake the United States back to it's senses.
We already have that catastrophe. It is called the Iraq War. This will change everything, much more so than 9/11. It's the most amazing thing I've ever seen, and I'm old enough to remember Watergate. Many politicians are waking up and realizing that there are things more important than politics, like holding our country together in the face of impending disaster in Iraq. Bush 41 has chosen the good of the country over the career of his own son by unleashing Baker on the administration.

As bad as all this is, I'm hoping a few good things come from it. I hope that, for a little while, anyone with a brain in his or her head will put aside partisan bickering and work together to rebuild America's credibility on the world stage. I hope that this disaster will be the push we need to develop alternate forms of energy that might someday free our grandchildren from dependence on foriegn oil. I hope that wise men once again direct our military and rebuild our armed forces. We'll still have to watch out for the moonbats on the left who want to engage in social engineering and the loonytoons on the right who have drank so much of the Neo-con Kool-Aid that they've become toxic, but I hope that there are enough wise men and women who have been woken up by this incredible mess we're in that they will roll up their sleeves and begin the hard work of rebuilding this country.
Maybe I guess there is hope.

I am a college aged "kid." And I have to fight everyday against bias ill-informed people. I speak my mind fight for what I believe in.

For this I have been kicked out of 2 classes, ended many more. And had a few enemies. (teachers who hate me, only one who loved me)

I feel better knowing there are people out there feeling the same, I do not know even how to put it. "loss of hope" ?
Many politicians are waking up and realizing that there are things more important than politics, like holding our country together in the face of impending disaster in Iraq.

Name five of them, and list what they are doing to hold the country together since they have "awakened".
ah, yes, ten people with absolutely zero experience in-country. Never been out of the Green Zone. Had their positions staked out from the beginning. Not a single military person in the bunch. NOT ONE.

All hand-picked by James Baker...to include such objective individuals as Sandra Day O'Connor.

Yes, impeccable credentials. Most Excellent. :rolleyes:
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