I have to wonder is there any hope?

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Yeah, your right. How could we trust a Democrat liberal Commie pinko like James Baker. You got me there. I'm in awe of your subgenius. I feel the urge to use your original, witty, and profound emoticon: :rolleyes:
The Baker Commission and their report on Iraq, for starters.

No awakened politicians in that bunch. Not a one currently holds an elected office and hence are not accountable to anybody. And what have they suggested that is so revolutionary? Sounds like more of the same We'll stand down when the Iraqis are ready to stand up blah blah blah stuff we've heard for the last three years.

Again name just five officeholders and list what they are doing not just saying.
The Baker Report was heralded as a great opportunity for change, something to really move the war in a better direction. Unfortunately, it's methodolgy has left it with minimal credibility as have such suggestions as inviting Iran and Syria to help end the turmoil in Iraq.
I didn't realize burying one's head in the sand could be regarded as a "methodology"...
Yeah, your (sic) right. How could we trust a Democrat liberal Commie pinko like James Baker. You got me there. I'm in awe of your subgenius. I feel the urge to use your original, witty, and profound emoticon:

Did I call anyone "a Democrat liberal Commie pinko like James Baker"? No? Oh, okay. Thanks for misquoting me.

I believe my objections were a bit more substantive. Go back and read it again...for the first time. :rolleyes:

Subgenius? At least I can read. And spell.

Since you liked it so well, here's another. :rolleyes:
You're (contraction of you are, not "your") welcome.
The Baker Commission and their report on Iraq, for starters.
While popular in some political circles in the US, they don't seem too popular with governments in the Middle East, except Syria and Iran.

re: news sources:

The BBC is not too bad and Xinhua, the Chinese national news agency, is surprisingly unbiased in their content. although their coverage of topics (or lack thereof) probably reflects bias.
I believe the Iraq Surrender Group has no worthwhile advice for us.

Is there any hope?

I liked the ideas of getting out for awhile shovelling snow or going shooting. There's a line from a Moral Rearmament song that's pretty good:

Don't worry about tomorrow, just be real good today,
The Lord is right beside you, He'll guide you all the way...
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