I met with the president of the San Diego NAACP a few weeks ago.

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skirting the issue

Saying there is a gun store on every corner implies a lot of things.

Saying there are guns being sold illegally on every corner implies a bunch of different things.

Which group of things do you think would be in the favor of the NAACP's stance?

If a person or organization uses misdirection or circumlocution in their statements then they are no longer a voice I can hear.

crazed ss, i understand what you are getting at but people like you are a very small percentage of the black population, with that said how many people that are members of the naacp thinks like you do? my guess if slim if any, and till they all do we will continue to have this problem with them and their antis ways, also they are very racist and i would never give money to an organization that dispises the white race, they are just like the kkk with a better disguise.
The NAACP is as bad as the KKK? Please..
How many murders and bombings are the NAACP responsible for? How many families have been terrorized in the middle of the night by costumed black men on horses?

And how do you know I'm a small percentage of the black population? How many black people to you even interact with on a daily basis? People always blame the mainstream media for making gun and gun owners look bad, yet you guys get your ideas and images of black people from these same media outlets. On every board I go on people always say "Blacks are always blaming whites for everything!!!" .. In my experience, most blacks are just trying to work, survive, and be happy.. just like everyone else.

And who says the NAACP "despises" whites? Please get your facts straight before you post.

EDIT: here's a quick start.
From Kim du Toit:

We all know that the ACLU holds basically an anti-gun ownership position: they concur with the (flawed) 1939 US vs. Miller SCOTUS decision, and their take is that only the militia may bear arms, and the militia is now essentially the National- or State Guard.

So, the next time you happen to debate someone who holds this asinine view, you need to ask the question of them thus: “So what you’re saying is that only the police and military may own firearms?"

* If they say “No”, then ask them under what circumstances a private citizen may then own a firearm. If they mumble something about “hunting”, ask them why the Founding Fathers would have been so insistent on protecting the right to hunt—especially in light of the fact that not one of their individual writings of the time allude to hunting, at all, whereas on several occasions the right to self-defense is mentioned, among other reasons (but not hunting).
* If they say “Yes”, then you can kick them in the teeth say, “Well, that situation really worked out well for the Jews in Nazi Germany and for Soviet dissidents, didn’t it?"
* The final question to be asked is this: “Can you think of any time in this nation’s history when the Jewish Holocaust could have taken place?"

If they still hold their original opinion after this, ask them that if they were ever the target for some kind of punitive governmental action, whether they would expect you to come to their aid.

Facts, and history, are on the side of the citizen gun owner. Don’t ever let them try to change that truth.
LMC, you strain my ability to act politely.

Crazed is not like a small percentage of the population, unless you are counting men who are 26 yo, raised by their mother, with two sisters, former marines turned network engineers. The fact that you find his story exceptional screams that you need to go find a church with a black congregation, and attend for two months. When you come back you might have something more reasonable to say.

NAACP is not very similar to the KKK. Has the grand-donkey-mule of any coven of KKnucKleheads EVER asked a black guy to join up? I (fat white guy) was asked by the PoSDNAACP to join.

Lately the NAACP seems to be blindly backing ultra liberal causes whether or not they have anything to do with African Americans.

My question would be this . . . How many gun crimes are perpetrated by the original purchaser of a handgun from a licensed dealer? Do any of you LEO types have an FBI stat on that somewhere? My guess is the percentage would be very small. Also, I'd bet a larger percentage than everyone would think of inner-city murders are done with blades of some sort rather than guns.
I think what we've been seeing is a firm belief in gun control acting itself out.
Many people think "black men are violent, we must sieze their weapons"... before noticing that many of their communities are already disarmed to the point where criminals go from one violent act to another unopposed.

My question would be this . . . How many gun crimes are perpetrated by the original purchaser of a handgun from a licensed dealer?

Very few.
If I recall one article debunking the "evil gun show" myth, it noted that far more crime weapons came from straw purchasers than legal sources.

In other words we should have been screening the white folks who buy 10 guns at a time in another state and can fly easily through all the federal loopholes, instead of worrying over gun shops in minority population centers that follow all the rules.

The government attacks the dealers because their static targets and Id wager (simply because of location) its a good chance these stores are also being run by minorities.
ARTiger, this website has some interesting info...
It seems to say that 40% of all murders are black on black but 40% are white on white. It says 17% was black killing white and only 3% was white killing black. I would never have guessed these to be the numbers. Unfortunately it does not differentiate between gun and knife deaths or other causes. It does give the percentage of gun homicides as being roughly 2/3 in the US.
This has been a good subject. I recommend you DO join the NAACP. I belileve that many who have joined for other reasons which frankly are more important to them, need exposure to other viewpoints. When EVERYONE around you thinks the same, and only spews the same "facts" over and over you miss one very important thing-perspective. Perhaps a white guy who cares enough to join up may not be such a bad guy...and maybe he's even got a point.
crazed_ss you have made some very eloquent points, and I realize that others constantly assuming that you are a drug-dealing gang banger is no way to go through life. Perhaps all of the readers of this post should stop and relflect on the point that much of the info we get on the black population is from the media, and its usually negative. Im only 25 and I think that pretty much all teens look like little punks :p , and thats regardless of color.
One more for you all who think its color thats the problem. The recent development of a black and hispanic middle class has brought one more idea home. ITS THE CULTURE OF POVERTY, NOT RACE thats the problem. Its no coincidence that many of these people are poor, and its not because of color. Its lazyness, entitlement, and ignorance.

DigitalWarrior I too have considered joining the NAACP. On the other hand
Jim Keenan's post expresses exactly how I've come to feel about this once great organization.

They're more interested in gaining political power nowadays than supporting the causes of civil rights. They blindly support and identify with the extreme left even when the left's issues are either blatantly racist and detrimental to African Americans or violate civil rights. They support the anti-Constitutional proposals of the loony left in exchange for political crumbs that are thrown at them like birds.

That being said, I have a couple of friends who are members. They're telling me that changes are coming about and that the younger leadership are refusing to just follow the status quo. ;)
supersensitivity and the accepted reverse bigotry

Interesting post...thanks Digital Warrior for putting it out there.

Re. the xxx drill bit.....that kind of thing has happened to me before...but I assume it's the result of the clerk being ill informed and too stubborn to admit it. The "boss" comment, with the limited detail given, does not necessarily imply a racist attitude. I'm an engineer and tradesmen types love to rag on "Mr. Dapper Dan engineer" because my hands are less calloused. So what! I'm secure in who I am.

Re. the NAACP....I've considered joining it myself.....but have concluded that any organization that serves to promote one race (or group of races) exclusively is itself inherently racist.

IMHO the only way this country is going to move beyond where it's stuck and the land of MLK Jr.'s dream is going to be when we become completely color blind. Let's face it....there's only one race...it's called the human race.

Other distinctions are pure fabrication by people with agendas. A Fig-Newton of the imagination.
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