I shook up the appliance clerk!

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My brain wouldn't have been able to form a come back for something that stupid.

Thats almost as bad as the lady who asked me why the bacon was IN the cooler, I couldn't even form the words to explain to her why.
Thats almost as bad as the lady who asked me why the bacon was IN the cooler, I couldn't even form the words to explain to her why.

Ok, this part is off topic. My wife is a part time tax preparer. She had a client in the other day and they were chit chatting and the client says, "We sure do need some rain." My wife replied, "Well, I don't know. The ground is pretty well soaked." Client responds "Well, yes, but that's from snow. We need rain." :what: My wife asked me "Now what do you say to that?"

Back on topic.

I think you missed an opportunity to educate someone

That's why I like to open carry a lot. Not always, and not into places with a lot of people and such, but it's a pain to cover when I jump out of the car to run in 7-11 for a cup of coffee or something. (Open carry is legal here.) I've had several people ask "Is it legal to carry a gun like that?" "Can I do that too?" "What do you have to do get a license to carry a gun?" Something along those lines. Give me a chance to explain the open carry law, the CHP application process, and demonstrate that not all gun owners are crackpots, or criminal like you see on "Law and Order."
My wife is always complaining about all of the ammo she pulls out of my pants pockets. I finally got her a nice jar to put it in, each spring I pull it all out and shoot it off.
About ten years ago I gave a friends young son a fired .45 acp case. He was a pre-teen (7,8 ?) at the time and was super thrilled by it - don't ask me why and asked if he could have one of every kind that I had (empty fired brass). I figured sure why not. Then I found a couple of .45's that i dug out of a sand bank and stuck it into the fired brass case and gave him one of those.

His Mom thanked me later (sarcastically) because he took it to school and showed it to everyone - it was quite a hit - he almost got in trouble when a teacher saw it until he pulled the bullit out.

That was around 10 - 12 years ago just think what would have happened if he brought it to his school today!
You know, I wonder if the guy wan't a bit, well,...addle-pated. You know, a tad simple.

Or maybe he assumed you were a felon.
Guys, it's up to us to be the good guys. The role models. Be a proactive nice guy.

Please try not to scare the people. Be gentle with them. Because when they are scared, they get really skittish. If we are gentle, we can bring them over to our way of thinking.

Or we can scare the living bejeezus outta them, and then the next time you get a rash of letters to the editor of your local paper screaming about the streets running red with blood because people are carrying guns, you can cut 'em out and frame them, and point to 'em and proudly say "I caused that!"

It's all up to you. Because you are the ambassador - you are the "firearms person" who people will see. Be proactive. Be nice. Be gentle. But at the same time be firm. Be proactive.

Okay. I'm sure someone will find something wrong with this. Sigh.
im gonna start carrying 22s in my pocket change just for fun. i already keep extra 45 acp rounds in my trucks change jar. just because if i need to top off i can do it. livin on a farm you always see something while driving that needs shot. like varmints, road side litter that looks fun to shoot.

i would carry extra 45 in my pockets, but i dont like having lots of stuff in my pockets, uncomfy sometimes
I'm a bit of a pessimist so I am not too terribly inclined to "educate" someone. In my own experience, I've found that folks prone to blurting stupidities are beyond help. Trying to initiate a rational conversation with an idiot is a lost cause. You only end up antagonising the individual ...
Guys, patience is a virtue, and NONE of this will be instant.

Okay. You don't wanna bother to educate them - too much trouble. Does that mean that you WANT them to vote toward the Brady ticket?

I doubt that.

But that's the result.

Take your time, and good things will happen.

And remember - a LOT of these folks are NOT idiots.

They're intelligent people.

Who are ignorant.

There's a bit difference between idiocy (incurable) and ignorance (curable).

Take your time, and help the ignorant discover the truth.

Betcha someone will disagree...
I agree with educating people, and I think that the best thing we can do is bring people to our side, whether it's verbal education or better......taking them shooting.

But there is a time and a place for everything. Hauling out bullets in a financial transaction isn't really one of them nor the appropriate tactic for education anyway IMO. You haul out rounds and the rest of the contextual clues don't scream robbery, I'm going chew your ear off chatting about guns. But I've been shooting for at least 20 of my 25 years.
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