I think it's started.

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I think that if we learn anything from this, it should be that we can't focus only on gun rights, but must remain vigilant for any threat to our freedom.

It is our duty as Americans.
Knives are Tools, Not Weapons

Draw a knife for whatever mundane reason, while I draw my .454 pistol for self-defense, yet knives are multi-purposed tools, but RARELY useful for more than cutting fishing monofilament. Cutting freshly-baked bread is what knives excel at. cliffy
I have a friend who is a Lieutenant Colonel in the US Army. About 6 years ago his 6 year old received a small folding pen knife (1" blade) as a birthday gift from his Grandfather. My friend put it away to only be used when he and the boy were outside together. As kids will do, he dug it up, snuck it into his school bag and took it to school. My friend got a call at the military base to immediately come to his son's school. No other info. When he got there the SWAT Team had handcuffed this 6 year old and was threatening him like he was Osama bin Laden. This happened in Arizona. No media rage, or people protesting. He was expelled from school and despite the endless trying on my friends account this will remain on the child's record until he is an adult. Then we all know it will be removed. Yeah, right.

I could not believe this happened. It is one of those things so outrageous most doubt it did or could happen in America. To this day I see no hope of reversing the trend against personal persecution of anyone owning something that has become a target of the disarmers.

Disarmament doesn't have rationale, common sense or outcome other than what it is. DISARMAMENT.
Fear of things that aren't a real public health threat are irrational. If the risk isn't credible yet the level of fear is great we'd call that paranoid in an individual. In a culture, well, we call it zero tolerance.
Poor East Texan , yeah but once again I will caution you, not that I like it. I am just like you, and would like to discuss things, but that can be a iffy thing here.

It appears you watch FOX atleast if not have other sources. I understand it would have taken a speed reader some 12 hours to read it non-stop with no breaks of any kind... I am sure Monday morning it will be signed into law no matter what it says.

Perhaps with great care to not create a slanderous posting, this thread may live a little longer, but I am betting it will be locked before too much longer.

Maybe that depends on just how carefull words are selected.
while I draw my .454 pistol for self-defense,

Certainly not the ideal self defense firearm , over penetration and slow follow up shots , but the perp would soil himself from the muzzle flash alone ;)
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