I told Geraldo off today!

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I saw him years ago when he had Charles Manson on his show (doing the interview from prison). Geraldo was trying to act tough and talk big with Manson...finally Manson told him "You wouldn't be talking like that if it was just you and I in here." Geraldo tried to laugh it off, but h was a lot more docile after that...
I saw that. Not quoted verbatim, but he asked Geraldo "What if I jumped over that table and just beat the dog**** out of you?" Geraldo said something like, "You'd have a tough time doing that." Manson laughed and said "Yeah, right!"
I have my money on Manson. He's got the crazy factor going for him! Well, Geraldo is crazy too I guess.
...oh wait, I mean mentally deficient.
I offer up one of his known weak spots.
I have my money on Manson. He's got the crazy factor going for him! Well, Geraldo is crazy too I guess.
...oh wait, I mean mentally deficient

How does the saying go......." It's not the size of the man in the fight but the size of the fight in the man that counts." ...Something like that.....Even though Manson is a pip squeak, he is one SCARY pip squeak with the adrenaline of a rabid animal I would guess. My bet is hands down Manson would clean his clock in a heartbeat.
Manson would probably be able to take Geraldo... but thats not saying much. I was watching a show about the book Helter Skelter today and the author (the prosecuting attorney in Manson's case) said a few times that while Manson would be looking at you and trying to stare you down that his hands would be trembling. When the prosecutor called him on it, Manson denied it, but became quiet quickly thereafter. Also, didn't Geraldo give away the position of the unit he was embedded with in Afghanistan?
My grandmother could whup Geraldo and just might if she gets within arm's reach of him. His action in Iraq set her off somthin fierce.

He did have a book about a sailing voyage he went on, where they had firearms aboard, and practiced with them from time to time. Mini-14s IIRC
Horrendo Revolver is nothing but a mustachioed horses arse. He lives off of sensation and fluff. He is a classic little man suffering from napoleonic complex. The only time he talks the talk is when he is not alone and won't be forced to walk the walk. The fact that Fox news even allows him to spew on their airwaves calls into question the trustworthiness of that network. Edward Murrow etc. would die laughing if they were alive and told that he considers himself a journalist. One of these days Horrendo is going to step in it big time and no one will be around to bail his self righteous backside out of the soup.
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