If Bush Wins

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Funny,all that anger and vitriolic speechifying at the democratic convention and no counter crowd protesting outside.Now we hear about all the "Anti" fill in the blank usual suspects planning to disrupt the republican convention.So,who exactly is the party that is so "tolerant"?....
I fully expect violence from the moonbat left.

If one believes that BushCheneyHalliburtonJoooos! is about to load up the trains and send off dissenters to a modern-day Auschwitz, a Bush reelection will push a few of them off into insanity.

With the amount of money being poured into organizations like the ISM, MoveOn, and International ANSWER, and the sheer lunacy of some of their members, expect the next major terrorist strike to be committed by radical leftists.

It'll be like the 1970s, without the drugs.
I wouldn't worry too much. While there might be a few scattered whackos pulling SLA-type BS, it won't be organized on a scale that represents a threat. Someone mentioned the organizing abilities of the Communist party. How has that been working out for them? They've been at it for a century, and near as I can tell, they haven't won a whole lot of U.S. converts over that period.

Of course all this won't matter to those few unfortunate victims of such scattered violence, but it won't be a threat to our national security.
Watch how many howling moonbats show up at the GOP convention in New York.

Figure that 1-2% of them may turn violent after a (possible) Bush victory.

It only takes a few, but with the right training, equipment, and financing, they can cause havoc. I would point to that smoking crater in Manhattan as exhibit A.
Don't underestimate their potential for violence, most especially when they're in groups.

Violence? Really? I thought they only get violent with metal trash cans and storefront windows. (metal trash thrown cans set on fire and thrown through storefront windows)

I though when it would come down to standing up and fighting for what they truly believe in, the majority of them would rather talk their way out of a hostile situation, unless of course from a distance they could throw a rock at you, or toss the tear gas canister back across the police line. I really believe if it came down to the point where true Americans declared that enough is enough, and civil unrest became the order of the day in reclaiming this country away from the liberals, they wouldn't have the stomach to stand one-on-one against you.

Their battle cry "I'm a lover not a fighter" would never win any war.
They are threatening in groups you say? What do they do...... Chan't "We are the World" in harmony while they break three storefront windows instead of one?
OTOH if one wants to posit a worst case scenerio: Terrorist event or events sparks serious panic in the US, Bush wins and (whether it's true or not) all the left claims it's purely because of the terrorist event(or that the terrorist event was planned by Bush...the left would say that.) and/or based on vote fraud. Then we add THEIR violence to the looming threat of another terrorist event...

That's worst case and probably not overly likely but it could play out that way. If so then things would become...interesting... Game it out a little and it becomes easy to create an entirely plausible snowball effect.
I've always thought it was ironic that the same people who view Bush, Cheney, Ashcroft, et al. as a bunch of fascist tyrants, are often the same people who want the gummint to have a monopoly on weaponry.

You might be surprised how many of the really FAR leftists are on our side in that respect. Head on over to DemocraticUnderground. You'll find plenty of Che types who are convinced the revolution is at hand and oppose gun control as vehemently as anyone here.
I suspect the membership in groups like the Democratic Underground is a small percentage of the membership of groups like the NRA. Still, I think you have something here. I believe the only thing that would lead to a large scale armed revolt in this country would be the government confiscation of privately owned weapons. If the government attempted that, I believe we would be fighting right alongside those Democratic Underground folks.
wouldnt put it past a radical lib. look at them they are foaming at the mouth with hatred at parties.

would love to see the boys in blue with theyre bats n hats and mr firehose when those varmints attack.

nice keg of beer on highrise apartment or rooftop. not to high to miss the action.

on them not doing anything cause of Al gore losing. wait for this year. bet they will blow theyre tops if it continues to be close and bush wins.
Someone mentioned the organizing abilities of the Communist party. How has that been working out for them?
They have managed to murder well over 100 million people.

Of course, the left much prefers killing defenseless people, rather than a stand up fight. Funny how they support "gun control", eh?
I remember how angry the gun forums were during the 2000 election. After eight years of getting screwed by the RENOs and krew, many on our side were talking about 'voting from the rooftops'. I remember so many threads on gun forums about Revolution and civil war if Gore won. I understand. Many of our guys didn't like being considered a criminal or suspisious person for merely enjoying firearms. Which is Constitutionally protected! Many of us were disgusted with AmeriKa when gun owners were daily discarded into the trash, and considered something that is WRONG with AmeriKa.

Now there is a new boss, same as the old boss, in The White House. The game hasn't changed but those feeling the heat has. Gun owners are not feeling the heat as much today as we were four or five years ago. Today we are counting down till the AW ban sunsets! Yet the fed.gov is putting the heat on the left.

In 2000 the left didn't go violent after Bush won, because they had grown complacent a little because they had been in power for eight years. Just as the right has grown complacent being in power in both congress and the white house for four years. In 2000 the right was galvenized because the right wanted anybody other than a Democrat. In 2004 the left wants anybody but bush.

Depending on the scenerio of how the election plays out. Bush wins, charges of e-voting hacking and maybe a terrorist attack which the left will play as a Bush Conspiracy. If it goes down like that, the hard left could go violent quickly. COULD go violent. I stress COULD. But many are very upset on the left that the fed.gov isn't stressing their ideals. They see a right leaning government with Patriot Act like powers and conspiracy and paranoid thinking comes quickly after. If Kerry wins and appoints another Reno type with Patriot Act power we'll see 'voting from the rooftop' threads here within a short time. Our paranoid thinking will go into overdrive. As we are already a paranoid bunch. Look at the groups supporting the Democrats, La Raza, Answer, Moveon, etc. The Left is sympothetic to if not fully in bed with these groups thinking. And our nation's policy will reflect this thinking. :uhoh: What would our temperature be in 2008 if Kerry wins?
Team Bush are ruthless, they WILL win. Any means necessary.

Don't worry :)

As far as terrorist threats, the far right is better motivated and better equiped than the far left. Only if the political spectrum swings back will there be an internal threat (a la Oklahoma City, anti-fed, anti-ATF, etc.)
capt_happypants posted:
It'll be like the 1970s, without the drugs.

No, the mood altering drugs are still there, only they are Xanax, Prozac, and Zoloft instead of marijuana, LSD and speed, and they are sold over the counter.

cheers, ab
There's been some mention of the 1970's here regarding what the left might do.

We should remember the Panthers, the SDS, the Symbionese Liberation Army (where the hell was Symbia, anyway?) and other groups.

I had some high school friends who joined the Communist Party. They left after deciding the Communists were too mainstream, and formed their own groups.

These folks were armed to the hilt, and held the position that many on gun forums hold now: come and get 'em.

The problem is that these former Communists have formed "community associations" and other taxpayer-funded, do-nothing foundations where the sole intent is to provide said former Communists with a nice paycheck.

These leeches aren't about to go violent and upset the gravy dish. But there are others much younger who think just like they did 30 years ago.
Since the 1980s the U.S. Communist party has been almost completely destroyed. I went to school with a few old-time Communist party members, and they were the most ridiculous people I've ever met. A bunch of aging hippies sitting around with their guitars singing "Solidarity Forever." I didn't talk with them much, but I don't think they took Perostroyka (sp?) and the fall of the Berlin Wall all that well. They sure as hell weren't drawing any new recruits. I'd guess that the youngest members in that particular college town are pushing 60 by now.

I just had a 6-degrees-of-Kevin-Bacon-type link to a famous Communist. In the alumni newsletter for my school I was listed as one of three notable authors from my college English department. The other two were Maxwell Anderson and the Communist poet Tom McGrath.
If Bush wins again, Kerry will use a cadre of lawyers to sue and question the election. Even if it is a landslide, they will sue. Why? Even if they question the results in only 1 or 2 urban counties, they can try to delegitimize the Bush presidency-again with claims of racism, fixing the election, etc. Even if it is a blatent lie, they will try to cast a cloud over another 4 years of Bush. Despite the fact that the UN has been invited to come monitor our elections already like some third world banana republic.
Being a Swiss citizen I am not directly concerned by the November election. However, I believe that if President Bush is reelected (which I hope) the left will never ever accept the result. If they don't succed in stealing the election like they tried to do last time they'll say Bush cheated and cause unrest or at least organise stupid marches (like the Million Stupid Mum's) to "defend democracy". Those people never can take no for an answer!
The larger Bush's majority the more difficult it will be for them to say he cheated... So mobilize your family and friends, get them out to vote to make sure theres no "horrible surprise" on November 2nd!

Being a Swiss citizen I am not directly concerned by the November election. However, I believe that if President Bush is reelected (which I hope) the left will never ever accept the result. If they don't succed in stealing the election like they tried to do last time they'll say Bush cheated and cause unrest or at least organise stupid marches (like the Million Stupid Mum's) to "defend democracy". Those people never can take no for an answer!

Excellent, that's why every conservative needs to vote for Bush instead of trying to send a message by voting for a third party candidate. I'm in California and no way will my state go for Bush, but my vote will count in the popular vote. Win or lose the more popular votes Bush gets the better. If he loses and it's real close no mandate for Kerry. If Bush wins by a 5 or more points, the Libs look very bad trying to raise a stink about a stolen election.
Excellent, that's why every conservative needs to vote for Bush instead of trying to send a message by voting for a third party candidate. I'm in California and no way will my state go for Bush, but my vote will count in the popular vote. Win or lose the more popular votes Bush gets the better. If he loses and it's real close no mandate for Kerry. If Bush wins by a 5 or more points, the Libs look very bad trying to raise a stink about a stolen election.

Oh, good heavens. It's not like those popular-vote arguments are anything but preaching to the converted diehards anyways. It's not "better" if Bush gets more popular votes, it's useless and just encouragement for the Republicans to go from left to lefter.

Vote your conscience and think longer-range than just the next election.
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