If Bush wins... expect violence.

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Jul 18, 2003
If Bush wins, especially if it is close, be prepared for pockets of violence. Yesterday, they shot at a campaign HQ. They just took over a HQ in Milwaukee. The left is rabid in their hate for him. It would not take much to push them over the edge.

I am not sure how big the "uprising" or "discontent" will be. But, it will happen.

Lock and load.


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A sad trend

It is getting to the point that extremists on the left hate Bush as much as the far Right hated Clinton. Ironically on a political spectrum Clinton and Bush are almost in the same spot.

It is sad to see how polarized the country has become. No dialogue because the "other side" is authomatically wrong. The fact that most people don't fall fully on "either side" and that the "sides" are meaningless in so many ways just makes it worse.

People who support individual rights wind up disagreeing with both sides on so many issues that they are left out of the political "mainstream".
Tootaxed, I almost thought the same thing. However, liberals/marxists own guns. They just don't want you to own guns. Besides, during the Rodney King riots, matches were a powerful weapon.
Should it come to pass, do please remember the continuum of force and save the lethal stuff for last. Violence is one thing. It comes in many flavors and should be dealt with accordingly. Lethal Force? Might be used by Terrorist types (homegrown or imported variety) and should be dealt with by professionals. But we all know they can't be everyplace all at once.

Just have a plan for non-lethal mechanisms.

Can you imagine how it would be played in the media if GWB supporters "GUNNED DOWN" poor innocent protestors who were only exercising their First Amendment rights?

Better to take THR all the way on this one... should it come to pass.

And if, I repeat, IF, JFK and a handful of D congresscritters and senatorial types gain control of our beloved Fed... then what? Anything can happen in an American Election ya know.


dave3006, did ya go full auto (3 rd burst) there for effect?:D
This thread type has come up on several forums. What's really interesting is watching a conservative start it, others link more articles and talk about local events, then a lefty or five show up and tell about all the violence from the right.

OK, we want to read it, can you gives us links?

*crickets chirping*

But then a new lefty shows up with another anecdote. :rolleyes:

Yeah, I do think some portion of them, the activist and cynical and self-promoting part, will get nasty and I also believe the media will portray the few hundred that do as "massed thousands of the disenfranchised". That's where the real damage will come from, not anything the stupid lefties actually physically do.
Better to take THR all the way on this one... should it come to pass.
No problem. I seriously doubt any Kerry supporters will hike up my hill with blood in their eyes and mayhem in their hearts. :p I plan on watching the festivities on TV, pop a cold one and order a pizza. :D Besides, SWMBO is a Democrat, I have to take THR every day. ;)
Let 'em riot. The ultra-left needs to be shown for what it is: violent.

- Gabe
My wife and I have talked about this very scenerio. She is a social worker, so most of her co-workers are die-hard leftists, and she has gotten the impression that if things don't change in Nov, than there might be some violence.

Its unfortunate that this is what we have come to. 3 years after the country finally rallied together against a common enemy, now we are at each others throats again.

As for us, I don't expect any violence directed towards either of us. Neither of us have Bush/Cheney stickers up on our cars, mainly because of the industries we work in, it might cause problems.

ive been wonderingthe same thing as of late.

I've even stocked up on some "boxed" goods should worst come to worst.

the thing about it all though is that things seem a little hotter this time round.
I have to agree with you guys, there will indeed violence following this election. After the "takeover" in Milwaukee, and the random shootings at a couple of different campaign HQ's, I cannot help but think there will be a pocket of resistance. I do not feel this will affect my neighborhood, but I will be prepared nonetheless.

I might just hang the Mississippi State Flag out on my front porch on election day just to be safe. Northern Virginians seem to think that all of us from the Deep South are crazy. In this case, they are right. :D
No one is saying for any of us to mow down protesters. Heck, Hillary, Boxer, Schummer and their gang can protest, flip over cars, and throw a fit. I don't care. They can even take over a building or two.

When, they start moving down residential streets setting homes on fire, then they are targets. This is very, very, very unlikely. But, you have to be prepared.

The more real danger is being in the wrong place (downtown) at the wrong time like Reginald Denny. Remember how he was drug out of his truck and beaten to an inch of his life?

I am not Reginald Denny. The punks will die. I am armed. More importantly, I will not be in a bad area on election day.

Be smart.
Hmm, on the heels of my MS related post.... Not really surprised since this was in Oxford, MS.


Vandals hit local Bush campaign office

by Martin Bartlett
Senior Staff Reporter
September 28, 2004

Oxford police are investigating a break-in over the weekend at the Bush-Cheney campaign headquarters in Oxford.

Andrew George, North Mississippi Field Coordinator for the Mississippi Republican Party, said he was heading to church in Oxford Sunday morning and noticed that something wasn’t right at the store-front headquarters on Van Buren Avenue at South 11th Street.

“They came in and broke out the window on the front door. They broke out another of the front windows,†he said.

George said it was an act of vandalism, not theft. Vandalism is a felony in Mississippi.

“They stole a couple of yard signs and the county party banners,†he said. “Computers and telephones were left. They didn’t touch anything of a lot of value.â€

Jason Hyland, chairman of the Bush-Cheney campaign in Lafayette County, said the office will be open today.

“We’re still on schedule. We’ve got our signs up and we’ve ordered new stuff for inside,†Hyland said. “We’re going to run like it never happened.â€

So far, none of the stolen campaign materials have been recovered. There was nothing to foreshadow the break-in, George said.

“It was just out of the blue,†he said.

Judith Ann Monteil, chairwoman of the Ole Miss College Republicans, said her organization has worked closely with the campaign staffers.

“I’m disappointed that it happened,†she said. “Vandalism is unnecessary and unhelpful on both sides.â€

Police have not taken anyone into custody in the break-in. Monteil said if this turns out to be dirty politics, it’s not appropriate.

“Campaigns always tend to get dirty, and I just hope that’s not the case,†she said.

Hyland said he hopes the incident won’t corrupt the election.

“We do want to make it clear that it seems like people are wanting to make a dirty election out of it. We’re trying to keep it as positive as we can,†Hyland said.

Hyland pointed out that the incident is more serious than the vandals may have thought.

“What someone needs to understand is it is not just wrong, it’sa felony,†Hyland said.

• City News Editor Sheena Barnett contributed to this story.
The average American on either side of the fence is too apathetic to get of their butts to VOTE. I somehow don't think they will suddenly get a surge of energy to rage against the proverbial machine.

Once again that goes for us and them, right and left, red and blue.

Yes you will have your isolated crazy folks either way it goes but I seriously doubt insurrection.

Now maybe if they take our cars, TV's and Ez Chairs away, now them's fightin' words. :D

Bush did so poorly in his first debate that I'm having second thoughts about voting for him. He would make a poor poster child for Harvard, which is the university he graduated from. I bet he had several full time tutors! The guy must have the IQ of 90! Dick is the one we should have nominated for President.
telewinz-William Jefferson Clinton is a world renowned public speaker and a Rhodes scholar. Why don't you just vote for him?
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