If Lee presses are junk, why are used ones so hard to find?

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Those who are 'offended' by this (or any other) thread should either ignore it or get a life. It's all for amusement anyway so why not respectfully allow thoughts and things wander as they will, so long as the attitudes and words remain in respectful limits?

So with this logic a thread about a feeding problems with a 1911 whatever can wonder off into what color frosting to but on a birthday cake, or any other ridiculous subject?

Yup, makes sense to me!
"Those who are 'offended' by this (or any other) thread should either ignore it or get a life. It's all for amusement anyway so why not respectfully allow thoughts and things wander as they will, so long as the attitudes and words remain in respectful limits?"

The main idea is for one idea, one subject, per thread.
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