If you feel like you need to carry a gun in order to go there...don't go there.

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Ken noted:

>If you don't think we're "hardcore" enough for your rants, there are other places more accommodating.<

Hat off/Rant on...

I'll second that. The internet is rife with gun-related sites that cater to the fantasy factions who fervently hope for an Apocolypse to begin so that they can break out their combat packs and engage in glorious firefights and run around shooting people with impunity...or at least they think that's what they want until the reality of such a situation falls on them with full force, and then there will be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth...and the survivors of such an event will come away with a much different perspective.

Responsible, mature, intelligent, sensible, and sane gun owners dread that day and pray that it never comes. They hang onto their guns in the event that it does, but only wish to use them as an absolute last resort.
I wouldn't go there (given a choice) just because I'm armed.
you may think its safe because you carry , but you can run into more trouble then you ever thought of. If its not a real need or must , stay elsewhere.
Look for trouble or put yourself in a bad spot and you just may find everything you are looking for (plus some).
I heard, or read, once

about the saying of some famous defensive pistol trainer, to the effect that if you need to draw your gun, you have made a mistake. Either of poor situational awareness, or getting lost in a bad place, or poor judgement about where to go, or failure to read the signs in an esscalating situation and withdraw in time, or whatever, you've made a mistake.

The gun is there to keep you from dying for your mistake, and since we all make mistakes, it behooves us to learn well how to use it.

But before you put it on your belt and sally forth, learn well how to avoid needing it. Because if it ever happens, then the other guy has also made a mistake.... for which you'll be giving him the death penalty. You'll have some serious 'splaining to do, Lucy, both to society and to yourself.

Tuner is right. If I knew there was trouble waiting, I wouldn't go there. There's enough trouble out there ready to come find me as it is.
Tuner is right. If I knew there was trouble waiting, I wouldn't go there. There's enough trouble out there ready to come find me as it is.
Tuner is correct with respect to what you just said, but the adage we are discussing is misphrased, which is the only point of this thread. I carry a gun because I feel the need to do so. According to the adage in question, however, I should therefore not go anyplace, because I feel the need to carry it everywhere I go. If I didn't feel the need to do so, I wouldn't carry at all, you see. I don't do anything needlessly.
"If you feel like you need to carry a gun in order to go there...don't go there."

Go there? I live there?

I know, I need to move somewhere with no crime. Where to go, where to go.

John in Richmond
Need to Carry

On a per capita basis, there are few people who actually NEED to go armed.
Most of us carry not because we need to, but because we want to in order to be prepared...and largely because it comforts us. Need is based on the high potential for a lethal encounter as one goes about his daily routine. Many police officers have gone through an entire 30-year career and never fired a shot in anger...and some have never even drawn their weapons.

As a private citizen, your chances of actually needing a weapon on a given day, in a given decade, are very slim...but we carry because of that one awful moment in a lifetime that may come...or not.

There's another tired and timeworn phrase that came from men who did need to carry:

"If you need to carry a gun...carry two."

So...How many of us actually need to carry versus those who want to? Do you carry because it comforts you...or because you're actually afraid NOT to? (Afraid, as in...having made many serious enemies over the course of your life, and not because you see a mugger around every corner.)

Or...are you like this little fella? (Hit the link quick. It'll probably change by tomorrow.)

OK. . . . . We've established by this point, some 5 pages later, that Hawkeye is merely arguing over semantics.

Hawkeye, the vast majority of people believes this expression means that while one wouldn't go to a given place unarmed, he would do so armed, because it gave him some perceived benefit of protection. I'll disagree with that assumption all day long. But that's not what you are arguing.

You won't go anyplace unarmed. OK. Fine. We get it. Argue semantics elsewhere.

Thread locked now. This horse died days ago.
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