If you're gonna do something dumb, why not videotape it...

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Stupid people don't know they're stupid.

I provide the aforelinked video as Exhibit #1.
It is t6hings like this that make me really wish that stupidity was painful. Maybe then some of these moronic wastes of oxygen would at least think once before they did something this completely and utterly irresponsible.

The truly scary part is the lack of parental control it takes to create such idiots.
I try to have faith. I try very hard to believe that, on the whole, man is capable of ascending to a rung higher than the one he collectively occupies at the moment....but then....I see this....and I think that I should have my vas defrens twisted in a knot so I won't have kids that share schools and jobs with cretins like this. :banghead:
You guys can yell "idiot" all you want, but I clearly recall seeing the manufacturer of a bullet proof vest shoot himself with a much larger caliber pistol. It was a revolver, can't remember if it was a .38 or something larger. He shot himself, then picked up another firearm and ran through a shooting course. I think you guys are just yelling "idiot" because the guys involved were young. I don't recall a whole lot of whining when the other video was posted. I'm not doing a search for it, but I know I'm not the only one to have seen the footage I'm talking about. Come to think of it, it might have been on tv or on TFL.

As far I can tell, the dumbest thing they did was to shoot up the vest before putting it on, thereby compromising the integrity of it. That said, I wouldn't let those guys shoot me :rolleyes:
I think you guys are just yelling "idiot" because the guys involved were young. I don't recall a whole lot of whining when the other video was posted.

I wasn't around for this video or missed it entirely. Show it to me, and I will whine too. :neener:

Granted, if the manufactuer did it, the guy has faith in his product and took an ultimate risk to prove a point. I guess it would be equivalent to a guy sitting in a vehicle while it's getting crash tested instead of using a dummy. However, these kids did it on the pure notion of fun with some iffy product they probably picked up at discount from the milsurp store.

I wouldn't let anyone willingly shoot at me while wearing any type of vest or protection level, period.
Who anywhere has a bullet "proof" vest?? Did all of you mean bullet "resistant" body armor? There's no such thing as any one vest capable of repelling all.
The video I'm thinking of was a manufacturer demonstration. I've also seen Johnny Knoxville do it with a .38, but that guy's not right in the head. As I said before, I wouldn't let those guys shoot me.

I don't mean to flame you, but you are comparing apples and oranges. The video you speak of was done by the owner of Second Chance and he (hopefully) knows his product pretty well as he designed and tested it. What these kids were doing was nuts. They were using a flak jacket (PASGT) that was not designed for firearms. There is a reason that PASGT armor is not seen much anymore in use by front line troops.


"Idiots like that give us all a black eye. Don’t they realize that footage like that just gives the gun grabbers more ammunition? Hopefully they will change their ways before one of them gets seriously hurt or killed. I don’t really care about them, it is the potential media backlash that worries me."


"Kids this stupid don't care about anyone but themselves. political effect, fallout on others, no worries, not us, who cares? A flak vest against a pistol bullet? Inconcievably stupid. I can only hope they never breed..."

Ah what a bunch of socialists. All trying to curb everyone else's rights for your own benefit and all. ;)

" Feanaro
Sometimes, despite myself, I think "You know, there should be a law...""

-Now you know how the other side thinks.

Just a humble opinion, but it's none of our business. Actual legal issues aside, I remember a dictum whereby you can stretch your arms as far as you like so long as they don't hit anyone. Well they aren't bothering me, no-one is being forced to watch that video, and I don't care what you think of their actions. The point is that this is a test of how 'liberal' you really are - do people have the right to do this?

Also, I'm pretty sure it's actually technically illegal to intently point firearms at individuals in some places, let alone shoot them. But that detracts from my point that the core ideology of America used to be Mind Your Own Business.
Actual legal issues aside, I remember a dictum whereby you can stretch your arms as far as you like so long as they don't hit anyone.

And doesn't that apply to us as well? Can we not stretch our tongues, long as we don't poke any eyes out? ;) They are certainly welcome to do that sort of thing, s'long as the only people hurt are willing participants. And I am free to call 'em stupid for it if they post a video up on the internet, which they have.
That was very stupid of them to do. My lord what kind of a..hole parents raise their kids to be this damn ignorant. Not to sound non compasionite but if the bullet went thru and killed the young guy I couldnt feel like it would have been a huge loss, assuming ignorance breeds. It would have been a hard lesson.
Joejojoba111 - Touche my good man!!! :D I went back and read my post and realized that my knee jerk reaction does come off sounding a bit socialist. :uhoh: You are 100% spot on. Why should we care what these kids do? They have the right to be stupid and put themselves in harm's way if they choose. Yes, it negatively impacts the perception the general public might have about gun owners, but a person who truely respects liberty has to accept that some people will do the "wrong" thing when given the latitude.

I have reversed the decision to tie my vas defrens in a knot....instead I will raise my kids to be smarter than those in the video...
Victor - I'm glad I'm not the only one that saw that video, I was beginning to think I was crazy :uhoh: I didn't realize that they were using a flak jacket, so yeah - now I'll fall in line with the rest in calling these guys idiots.
Yea, it's dumb, but it'd be wrong to let anticipated media reaction bully people around.

Ironically I've heard this story before too, but in the news a couple years ago they wore a flak vest with a phone book under the front, and they progressed upwards from .22s to a shotgun... :eek:

Nothing to be done about it but nail your kid's foot to the floor if he starts hanging out with the wrong people!
I remember that video. It was the guy that owned Second Chance and he used a fairly large caliber IIRC a .44 mag and had a phonebook between his chest and the armor.

Those kids, just plain stupid.
Was he wearing the vest when the dude shot him with the .22? I couldn't tell for sure.

Isn't there a guy that tests his bulletproof vests by shooting himself with magnums? I saw that on Ripley's. I think he's been shot hundreds of times or something.
Yes those "kids" were stupid. I also thought it was stupid to be shooting at a wall like that because of ricochets but I was uncertain about that until someone else posted was i was thinking. I was going to laugh my ass off if when the bullet went through the vest OR the kid was shot in the arm, shoulder etc. Funny how they used the smallest gun they had for the "human test" bunch of punks.

what i really want to know is... Whats the name of that song that was playing?? or just who sings it.

HIFI ~ i saw that same thing. He needed to do it, they kids didnt. He was proving that his vest, which looked like foam insulator, would hold up against a badass gun shot. GREAT selling strategy in my opinion. Did u see how his vest folded up and was super flexible? i thought he was going to shoot striaght through it.
Ahhh, kids. Reminds me of my younger days, having wrist rocket fights with acorns - stupid yes, but this takes the cake.

Judging by the bruise the .22LR left, I'm guessing a .22 Magnum would have meant a trip to the hospital.

The shootee was probably also lucky that was a hollow point and most likely came apart in the vest. Do you think a solid may have made it through? :uhoh:

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