IL: Chicago Mayor >Videotape all gun purchases

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Sep 13, 2011
IL: Chicago Mayor >Videotape all gun purchases ...or "Smile You are on "Rahm" TV" !

The Mayor Of Chicago wants all gun purchases videotaped and pushed other ideas for allowing gun stores back into Chicago. Guns Stores would be banned nears parks and schools, store employees will be required to be fingerprinted and undergo background checks, police approved security system, training of employees to spot possible gun traffickers.

This is all due to a court ruling that said Chicago's ban on gun stores is illegal and gave the city till July 24 to come up with a plan.

"The Democratic mayor's plan, which is likely to be controversial, would aim to significantly limit any gun dealer who wishes to operate in the city. Emanuel’s proposal would also require a 72-hour waiting period for purchasing handguns and a 24-hour period waiting period for rifles and shotguns.

Dealers would then be able to sell only one handgun per month, per buyer. Store records would also be subject to quarterly audits."

If I'm not mistaken, I thought there already was a 72 hour waiting period for handguns and a 24 hour waiting period for long guns in Illinois. So that may not be the Mayor's "grand plan", but rather state law.

I would venture to guess most gun stores already have some sort of video security system in place. I wonder if the plan for Chicago is to hire someone to take a video of customers buying firearms close up. Kind of close up like they do on the TV show "Pawn Stars".

All those rules and regulations is not for the criminals, but for law abiding citizens.
I'm not sure criminals will even know about those stores, but they make it sounds like all criminals want to be a movie star and rushing to buy a guns and be on 15 minutes of fame?
Just wasting my taxes for nothing.
This sort of proposal is just one more indicator of why things are going so badly in Washington... our country is being run by a bunch of Chicago politicians.... with all the usual tactics they employ.... I'll leave it here since this is THR.

For reasonable gun laws and reasonable local regulations regarding sales, etc. each locality will need to elect officials to office who don't play these kind of games (while supposedly complying with the court's order...).
Of course, the waiting periods are already present in state law-just more proof that the Tiny Dancer doesn't have a single clue about law-making in his cesspool city.

I guess I'm just surprised that they don't at least try harder to LOOK informed about the stuff they try to regulate....?

The purpose of the new regulations is to make Chicago dealers - if any set up shop - unattractive to potential buyers and non-competetive with outside dealers that Chicago residents can easily reach. It remains to be seen if the Federal District Court will go along with it. It is obvious that they are trying to evade the Court's order, and they may not be able to convince the judge that their additional requirements are necessary. :uhoh:
"Videotape all gun purchases"
Only if they also agree to video tape every customer entering the strip/night clubs adjacent the capital building.

"It is obvious that they are trying to evade the Court's order, and they may not be able to convince the judge that their additional requirements are necessary."
No derp; the little tid-bit about facilities' security measures requiring police (chief) approval screams "may-issue abuse," and they didn't have the stones to try for that in their CCW scheme, what with the opinion laid out by the high court. Obviously they're going to try for DC's tactic of making it impossible for anyone to do licensed business in the town. The real question, is will we get a ruling protecting the business of the 2nd Amendment in addition to the individual right (because now that it's an individual right, there's suddenly no appetite by authoritarians to protect their precious "collective right" to keep and bear arms, which obviously hinges upon their access via purchase ;))? Newstands and printers can't be shut out entirely from a city for political or "zoning" reasons; neither can gun stores.

The best tactic for pro-gunners is to look up the arguments against TX's new abortion clinic laws (not quite a thread jack; regardless the specifics of that particular issue, the arguments for/against are essentially the same). Several law suits are being brought against those standards, and we should keep an eye on which tactics work the best in the court system, so that we may use them in Chicago.

"They are loosing their minds [upon] the Windy!"
Fixed it. These guys are not crazy; they are being as clever as they can to avoid complying with the law while not violating the letter. Prepare for extremely creative interpretations/maneuvers for at least several election cycles before it sinks into their skulls that they lost, and the people won their freedom back.

"Tiny Dancer"

Man, you Chicago posters need footnotes, or somethin' :D

In this Times articles he admits that most guns come in from out of the city and the state. If this true, then really all he is doing is attempting a ban under another name. He also wants store workers to undergo training to discover illegal purchasers. Isn't that what his police dept. is supposed to be doing?

How many people have they arrested for filing false applications? If he's got a problem with that, he should be asking the ATF to follow up and arrest felons when they file erroneously. But then I guess he'd lose votes from their families, much easier to go after legitimate people.

Here's the article:
Of course most guns come in from out of the city, gun shops are illegal there.

The fact that a lot of them comes from out of state just coincides with Indiana being a stones throw away.
"If this true, then really all he is doing is attempting a ban under another name"
Because he and his ilk still do not understand that their goal, that people in Chicago should not have firearms, is illegal in our nation. I think it will take a decade or so to sink in fully that this area is off limits for reals.

I wasn't even aware that gun shops were flat out illegal in the city until today; how the heck did that fly for as long as it did? :confused:

This guy likes the federal appeals court eh? :) He'll be there in a few years, and this will get struck down, but not before hassling legal guns owners worse than ever before. That's the plan, they know that courts don't have the power of enforcement, so they come up with the strictest guidelines to comply and not comply at the same time.

Only way this will stop is for the folks of Chicago to vote this thinking out. Sadly I think they are lost.
That's the plan, they know that courts don't have the power of enforcement, so they come up with the strictest guidelines to comply and not comply at the same time.

They have short memories. In the last go-a-round the court awarded the petitioner's attorney over 1 million bucks in legal fees and court costs. :eek:
And NONE of that money came from Tiny Dancer's pockets; that's the real problem here-they're gambling OUR money, and so don't feel any real risk.

You would have to be an idiot to buy a firearm in Chicago, hell you have to be an idiot to even want to go there, place is a war zone.
By the time you get done paying all the city and county taxes the purchase will be 25% higher than out of crook county. That's why a pack of cigarettes costs $12.00 in the city. They tax the hell out of everything to pay for their fat pensions and welfare voters.:cuss:
It's not designed to deter buyers as much as to deter people from wanting to open a gun store in town. Listing the onerous parts of the law above, one of the worst for a gun store owner was left out, the quarterly audits to check nobody bought more than one gun per month.
Video his office Let every one see and hear what these morons do . Judges chambers & all meetings held in any offices . Why not record everything these public officials do all day and night .
Video his office Let every one see and hear what these morons do . Judges chambers & all meetings held in any offices . Why not record everything these public officials do all day and night .

I'm with ya man. The only way we could ever hope to have a transparent, HONEST government, is to live stream these yahoos 24/7. :)
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