Illinois Bills call these Senators

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Mar 1, 2005
Illinois Bills AWB .50 CAL ban call these Senators

Call these Senators from Illinois to keep your rights...Remember its just like dominoes

Oppose bill SB219 it makes a crime if you do not report stolen gun..It sounds harmless but it just one more law to make you a criminal..SB317 can only buy one gun a month...
Judiciary - Members Bills SB317 & SB219

HB 1060 semi auto ban no grandfather clause...HB1098 .50 cal ban no grandfather clause
Appropriations-Human Services Committee - Members Bills HB 1098 & HB 1060

Than HB 2414 AWB and .50 CAL ban by Acevedo and its the worst one yet
Rules Committee - Members Bill HB2114

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working on it.

Last week I called my Rep and Senator (Bill Black and Rick Winkle) both good supporters of 2nd Amendent. This week I followed up with a letter to both. I think I will write a letter to Blago asking him to support CCW just to see how he will answer. I read he has about 12 million allready in his re-election fund even though I find it hard to believe he will actually run again. If nothing else it looks like at least the house bill will get voted on, this will show who is for and against us on record. Jim.


All these bills died ignoble deaths.

Now the celebration's over. Time to start calling those Representatives I put in the other thread, who are the ones they're really targeting in my opinion. MAKE IT HAPPEN!

Once we beat those bills, we'll work on pushing CCW. I have ideas to share on that, but first we need to beat these bills.

The worst are HB 1060, 1098, 0990, and 1349. These are the bills that just went down in the Senate, plus an assault weapons ban (1060) and a .50 ban (1098.)
Moving them to Rules should mean they're being postponed. Rules doesn't send bills to the floor, to my knowledge, only checks to make sure they don't have obvious procedural mistakes and then assigns them to a committee.

I didn't know about Acevedo's bills, thanks!
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