Illinois: Proposed Gun Registration in Cook Co.

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Just read the text of that bill, un effin believable.

This was my favorite tidbit.

Any weapon that the President, the Board, or the Sheriff defines by regulation as an assault weapon because the design or operation of such weapon is inappropriate for lawful use.

Once again, the "we know better than you chattel" monster rears it's head. Who are these ignorant yahoos to determine what's "appropriate".
Why don't they just put out a sign along the interstate that says "Welcome to Crook County, IL Where Your Constitutional Rights Are Subject To Our Whim".
What are they going to do next year when this measure doesn't work?

Oh, I know -- they're going to ask for something closer to a nationwide ban because these regional, halfway measures can't succeed.

Who was it that said advocates of gun control often conceal (badly) a deep contempt for their fellow man?
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Seems Very Covert

I did a search in the Chicago Tribune and could find no mention of this. I find this very odd. You think something like this would get some press (good or bad).
It IS Covert

You couldn’t find any information on it because the Cook County board doesn’t want the public to know about it. From the registration proposal;

If you scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page you will see that they moved and unanimously voted to suspend the rules for giving public notice of the ordinance, among other things.

In accordance with Cook County Code Section 2-108(z)(1) Amendment or suspension of rules, Commissioner Suffredin, seconded by Commissioner Collins, moved to suspend Section 2-108(h)(1) Prior notice to public; agendas. The motion carried unanimously.

The same strategy they used in November '06 to pass the AWB.
I've heard that Crook County has been inundated with calls concerning this. Apparently the phones went dead for a while and are back on now. Cabelas was informed of what is going on and are investigating, and a local radio station (WLS) was contacted so hopefully the word is starting to get out.
Yup, I do believe they wanted to keep this quiet and pass it without anyone really noticing. All the more important that we keep calling, writing, and spreading the word.
we call him Urkel...

A lady friend, who lives in Chicago and works for Crook County, had some home security issues with a neighbor. When she approached her co-workers they all said "get a gun."

Who were her co-workers? Sheriff deputies, public defenders, state prosecutors and county judges.

Urkel, like the rest of the cronies, have all done such a piss-poor job of running the city/county/state facilities that they have to hide behind big headlines.

This whole state sucks donkey balls and they won't give two ****s if the DC case does not go their way next summer. They will just "give 'em the finger" as a previous mayor used to scream and continue leech off the backs of hard working slugs which used to be a proud working American.


Ron Paul is not our savior...but what the hell, he could be one hell of a bee in their ****ing bonnet.
Larry Suffredin has aspirations for the office of Cook County State's Attorney. When you call to voice your displeasure over these two draconian gun control proposals it may help to mention that Suffredin will not recieve your vote for such office given his love for trampling and just plain disregarding the Bill of Rights. He probably doesn't care how many calls he's recieving in opposition to this but I'll bet the threat of him not being elected to higher office might make him a little nervous, who knows. This is showboat politics for the eneducated masses who think this kind of restriction is helpful and reduces crime. Suffredin is already campaigning for SA office with this garbage. Yes, William Beavers is the board member that proposed the so called "Safe Streets/Weapons Registration Ordinance" and Suffredin is the one who proposed the gun shop rezoning ordinance that would make it virtually impossible for guns to be sold in any part of Cook County, specifically targeting Chuck's and Cabela's. We're not that stupid to think they're not working together. The board meets tomorrow, the 18th.
I read the Illinois constitution concerning arms:

Subject only to the police power, the right of the
individual citizen to keep and bear arms shall not be

Do I interpret that right?
Does that actually mean you may keep and bear arms unless "the police" say you can't? :eek:

Holy Crap! The police ace out an inalienable right? Does this set you up for another Katrina/New Orleans debacle? Why hasn't that been overturned in federal court?

I must be missing something...
Nothing came up on the 18th. Apparently the ordinance is in a committee that can be called up "whenever". I bet they will wait for the talk to die down and try to pass it quietly.
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