I'm a Retro-Guy

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I love this article. Put me in the "retro-guy" category.

I'll add to it a little:

-- A retro-guy does not shave his chest.
-- A retro-guy does not have non-god-given highlights in his hair.
-- A retro-guy understands the home is his castle, but he doesn't have a say in how its gonna be decorated.
-- A retro-guy doesn't use terms like Mauve, Chartuse, or Salmon in place of "Pink."
-- A retro-guy CAN get a manacure, pedicure, facial, etc.-- BUT ONLY if his wife is doing it to be sweet. And he can never speak of this outside of home, family, and CLOSE friends (who are still allowed to rib you mercilessly.)

I'm sure more will come.

-- John
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That is just so wrong on so many levels. Simple though. Very 50's and those years were'nt better. Nice assigned gender roles. No one was asked if they want those roles. Sheesh. This is old time Hemmingway chest-beating stuff.
You meet the nicest people on the Right side of a gun!

You meet the nicest people on the Right side of a gun!
I like the concept of "DEALING WITH IT," but otherwise it's just outmoded old fogeyness. I'll be the first to admit I suck at wiring electrical outlets, and I'll also be the first to call my cousin the electrician to give me a hand.

I'll also be the first guy my cousin calls when his computer crashes (I'm a computer consultant/technician). As long as you have a viable means to "DEAL WITH IT," the rest of the list doesn't particularly matter.
WoW :uhoh: what a wake up call :confused:

I honestly can't believe the negative posts about this idea, please tell me you people who think this is outdated or in some other way wrong are only joking and I am missing the humor.

I havent read the article, but from what Scanr posted then I'd be proud to be called a "retro" guy, but heh, I'm still early 20's

those things I learned from my family while growing up, I really can't find anything good to say about the people who are disagreeing with this. Please, explain any of your problems with the OP's idea.
Very 50's and those years were'nt better
That is a matter of opinion.

This is old time Hemmingway chest-beating stuff.
That can be a very good thing indeed.

I am a man in a very old school (retro?) way, I make no appoligies for that.
May I add a couple?

--Not afraid to ask for help when you're genuinely stumped, in over your head, or honestly stuck. But you exhaust your own resources first.

--Not demeaned by an unrequested offer of help.

--Willing to apologize when in the wrong. How you got there don't matter much. And an apology isn't the same thing as a string of excuses.

--Never making an insult--unintentionally.

--Gives praise in public (generously) and reprimands in private (stingily).

--Complains only about stuff that matters, and only to those who can do something about it.

Come to think about it, for those who are/were Boy Scouts, the Scout Law and the Scout Oath aren't bad guides, either. And they are without a doubt old-fashioned values. (Note: Old-fashioned is not equal to Outdated.)
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Damn, I thought this was going to be about retro guns.

I thought of registering "lowspeedhighdrag.com" for a gun blog - revolvers, 1911s, rimfire rifles, Case knives, etc.. Hope none you bandits steal that before I can make up my mind. (though even if you do I have a better one in mind, so take that)
That is just so wrong on so many levels. Simple though. Very 50's and those years were'nt better. Nice assigned gender roles. No one was asked if they want those roles. Sheesh. This is old time Hemmingway chest-beating stuff.

Really? Please enlighten us. I do not see on instance of chest beating in this list. Actually I see quite the opposite. The example is to suck up and be a man, not whine and complain when life throws you a curve ball.

Gender roles are not assigned, gender roles just are. Back in the 70's and 80's they tried to raise some children, boys and girls, in a gender neutral environment. The experiment failed. The boys would pick up a stick and that stick would become a sword or a gun to them and the girls would show all the loving and nurturing traits. This goes back to the old saying "boys will be boys and girls will be girls."

What is so threatening to you about this list of standards and ideals? No, the 50's were not perfect, but they were a heck of a lot better than what we have today. The instances of unwed mothers and teen pregnancies have gone up exponentially. Back then, a man took care of his responsibilities, and shame kept a lot people from doing what they should not have in the first place. Gangs and gang violence has gone up just as dramatically, then a father was around to correct his son and keep him out of a gang. Did bad things happen? Certainly, but you cannot tell me that in this age of enlightenment that these bad things have lessened to any degree and I contend they have become a lot worse.

Again, please tell us all that is wrong with this list. I really want to know.
I'm not saying it's bad to be a retro-man, I'm just proud to not be one. If that's you and you're a good person, cool. But it's not me and not being retro doesn't make me a coward or a dishonorable person.
Yeah, I fit in this basic pattern myself.

I know Roy Huntington. He's an old shooting buddy from the 1970s. He was a humble but lovable San Diego cop and I was humble but lovable Marine Sergeant soon to be a Border 'Troll.

Just for the record, he really is like that. No B. S. He also has a good sense of humor and laughs easily.

In the world of firearms, I'm still retro. I prefer single action 1911 autopistols and pinned barrel S&W revolvers to plastic guns. I also prefer rear wheel drive automobiles to front wheel drive automobiles. I prefer manual transmissions to automatics (except when I'm stuck in traffic.)

A word about 'dealing with it'. Calling an expert to fix the wiring or plumbing is not a sign of weakness. Dealing with it means doing what is needed to correct the problem and get on with life. Whining about the lights going out or suing the city because of the tree you planted in your front yard which is now in the sewer is weakness. And a desire to avoid responsibility. Going to a doctor to take care of an injury is dealing with it. Suing the ladder manufacturer because you aren't bright enough to operate a ladder and you fell off is being a weenie.

Crunker1337, I'm not challenging you, but how are you not a retro guy and why does that make you proud? You said some parts fit and some don't but didn't elaborate, I'm curious.

Terry: The 1950's... Okay, I don't miss the Cold War and I don't miss Jim Crow laws. I do miss purchasing firearms by mail and quality made U. S. firearms. I miss men wearing hats and putting on a tie to go out to dinner. I don't miss industrial waste but I do miss '57 Chevys, '59 Caddies and Studebaker Golden Hawks. I miss African hunting and open space in the United States. I really miss convenient, local shooting ranges. I miss the Democrats being on the side of the common working man. And Ernest Hemmingway was a man.
So Terry, what is your objection(s) to the 1950s?

Well, so are Roy Huntington and Craig Boddington. There are others. All is not lost, but we've lost a lot since then.
I'm trying to figure out two things:

1.) How pussification is different than, say, niggerification..

2.) What any of this has to do with guns.
Wish I'd said this first.

I think this is called being a "gentleman."

or gentlewoman, Barbara.

I don't think this stuff has ever gone out of style.

One other thing I'd like to add:

The ability to simply say "I don't know.", when you don't.
I'd think not using words like pussy as an insult would be a good way to start behaving in a gentlemanly manner.
I am a 52 year old white male , and can relate to the Original Post.

Ladies also did and still do the things in that Original Post.

They work[ed]ed to keep a family fed and safe, while husbands fought wars, or were widowed because of war.
I've seen ladies offer a seat to a male, a elderly male, not even a Vet.

Name anything a male can do, a lady can do it as well.
Heck I know ladies with a better workshop and set up with tools than men.

So while I will say "I was raised right" , while I will say I was from the "last good generation" and while I will say "How raised What you do"...

Ladies can and do say the same things. Heck even some younger than I , born after what I call "the last good generation" - have attributes.
I have a right to be proud of the time I was born in - so does everyone else.

Well I recall my first days in a Sociology class , with 85 students , from black, white, Native Americans, Indians [from India] Hispanics, Jews and name any other country , race, culture or creed.

A little "discussion" flared up about blacks and whites, personal responsibility and ...
Dictionary was tossed to a black student and told to read aloud the definition of ******. Which he did.
"Now, you have a choice to be ******, or a upstanding, respected Negroid, African American or whatever the hell else you chose to call yourselves..." - PhD Professor

Did I mention this PhD in Soc was a Black man?

by Gov't Meddlin', Hollywood, Politicians, and "Organizations" are eroding and re-defining values . It does matter if black, white, green , or polka-dotted.
Male, female, transexual, bi, gay or have a thing for sex with goats or Harley's...personal responsibility ...
From inside, how you carry yourself..." - PhD

Screw the stereotypes.
What do others define you as being from the way you go about life?
I'm not saying it's bad to be a retro-man, I'm just proud to not be one. If that's you and you're a good person, cool. But it's not me and not being retro doesn't make me a coward or a dishonorable person.
This is the way people were raised and behaved in the pre-70's era. If my dad wanted another electric outlet, he wired it himself. We fixed our own machinery. I saw him buy expensive farm equipment on a handshake deal all the time. To break your word was an unforgivable sin. We didn't even have locks on our doors. We'd go away for the day and not think a thing about it.

I'd think not using words like pussy as an insult would be a good way to start behaving in a gentlemanly manner.
You're missing the whole point. It's not about being a macho jerk, it's about being some kind of a cornerstone for your family and a role model. Men were men and women were women. Men were strong and the provider for the family. Hell, today there are "men" that can't even change a tire.

They carry a "manpurse"....:barf:
Barbara some of us men forget that there are ladies on the forum and such language should be left in the gutter. I do not curse, either in public or private.
Personally, I'm happy as heck things are the way they are now. I can hold any job I'm qualified for, public schools can't deny me admission except on merit, I don't have to tolerate being beaten, I don't have to marry someone to avoid starving to death, etc.

Do I think that's enough? Eh. Pretty much. I'd be happy when boys in grown men's bodies stopped being so insecure with themselves that they need to use a vulgar word for a woman as an insult to each other, but I'm happy. If it means I don't have to let some fool act chivalrous for me, that's a swap I'm willing to make.

Moderators: The thread should have been closed as off topic. Since it wasn't, I've said my piece.
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