I'm selling my guns.

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I sold all of mine a couple of days ago. The guy thinks he got a great bargain even though I told him they were damaged goods.

You see, I bought them after hearing that scary guns go off on their own all the time. I figured, well hell, now I won't have to wake up at night if someone breaks into my house. The guns will take care of it. Well, the break-in last week proved they didn't work :uhoh:...but I slept right thru so it wasn't a total loss for me.

You know, the more I think about it... maybe it's because they were semi-autos. Maybe what I need for my home security are full-autos. Yeah that's what it must be...well back to the gun store tomorrow...unless any one here still has anything for sale.:p
What kind of people are you! With the new home based Gastopo that our president is forming just to make us safer why do you need all those baby killing guns anyway, shame on you. He be the man.

Oh by the way don't spend all the money from the profit on your guns you have to share that wealth with all of us. So hand over the keys to the new Chevy.
I gave all my guns to the police ('cause they what to do with 'em) the minute the election was called. I don't want to endanger my family by having such things around.

(removes tongue firmly planted in cheek...)
I sold all mine a couple weeks back. I just needed money to get a new computer
I don't know why you are all selling your guns when you can just wrap them in plastic bags and bury them in the backyard or under the doghouse.
I had a gun(s) once!!
I might still have some laying around!!
And I intend to keep them.
Or you be prying them from my cold dead fingers!!

Here we go. Part of Obama’s transition platform:

As president, Barack Obama would repeal the Tiahrt Amendment, which restricts the ability of local law enforcement to access important gun trace information, and give police officers across the nation the tools they need to solve gun crimes and fight the illegal arms trade. Obama and Biden also favor commonsense measures that respect the Second Amendment rights of gun owners, while keeping guns away from children and from criminals who shouldn’t have them. They support closing the gun show loophole and making guns in this country childproof. They also support making the expired federal Assault Weapons Ban permanent, as such weapons belong on foreign battlefields and not on our streets.
Yea, I sold all my guns too!

To total strangers cheap because guns are evil....

No, you can't look at what is in my gun safe because...umm....I filled it with embarassing 'marital aids'
In an effort to comply with the 'reasonable restrictions' proposed by IANSA, I have sold all my EBRs and used to proceeds to purchase single-shot shotguns.

Good thing I can still keep and bear arms.
Yea, unfortunately I lost a few to a car accident. And the rest got lost on a camping trip when my canoe flipped over. Such a shame...
Just sold the last two 5 min. ago. I got 250.00 :D for the AK and SKS with 500 rounds of ammo. Now I dont have to worry if they are banned.
My guns got up in the middle of the night last night and tried to get out of the house... I think they planned to go out and kill some innocent person. Even if they didn't plan on being violent, it's better to be safe than sorry!

Therefore, unfortunately, I had to put them down this morning.

Those things kill people, you know?
I sold all mine yesterday. I bought a mule for home defense: I hear they are very protective. All the burgulars will tremble in fear of my Obama-approved attack mule.
I actually just lost all of mine in a tragic boating accident this weekend..... I guess, I need to program my speeddial also. I don't want to replace them the world is safer without them.
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