Incident snowballs into gun being pulled

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Since we are all embarking on a nice little nostalgia trip here i figured i mention the "good ole days" of my youth when a kids were allowed to goof off without some dude deciding that they were " (are) vermin committing a criminal act". There is WAY too little information on that article to come to any kind of conclusion. But, at the absolute worse case these were little hooligans who decided to throw a snowball at some guy because they were jerks. Even still it was way out of line ot pull a gun on them. Such an action goes against EVERYTHING that we maintain as responsible gun-ownership and its a black eye for all of us.
I don't know what you guys are complaining about. It's ok to point guns at kids that haven't done anything wrong - just look at the example set by the Goose Creek police at Stratford High School. It's obviously alright :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I'd be pissed if some punk kids hit me in the face with a snowball for no reason, but pulling a gun on them is not how I'd react. If they did it as prelude to attack that would be one thing, but just doing it because they're punk kids shouldn't elicit that kind of response.
I don't know. I never would pull a gun withought the intent to USE it if nessicary.

So you would likely have to do more than just pelt me with a snowball. More like 2 or three, and then start moving in.

And at that point, once I have my gun out, all of you little punks (I'm 23 :) are going to get hauled in under Citizen's Arrest for assault.
When we were "kids"(16 to 20), two "kids" in the area got stiches,one lossed an eye from snowball fights. NEVER was there ill intent,just good ol' fun. A well packed snowball pitched by a 18 year old ball player at ?? miles per hour....
Don't jump to conclusions. You all know how the media hypes gun related stories. The "children" might have been 17 1/2 years old and the snowballs might turn out to be bricks after the investigation. Of course there will be no follow up story if this turns out to be true. I'll have to get all the facts before declaring this guy a nut case.
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