"Indiana awash in guns" AKA More idiotic cackling from the gun grabbers

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Dec 31, 2002
Dan Carpenter
Armed for trouble

Recent weeks have seen an all-out rhetorical assault against violence in Indianapolis, with the prosecutor flogging a new video to scare kids away from guns and experts offering explanations for our horrifying upsurge in robbery and homicide.
You teach and learn personal responsibility at an early age to head off tragedy, Marion County Prosecutor Carl Brizzi says.

We need more jail space to fight the mayhem we now face, he and other law enforcement officials cry. Longer prison sentences. More cops. A merger between city police and the Sheriff's Department. A delay in the merger.
Oh, and don't forget the social factors, other informed voices chime in. Drugs. Unemployment. Failure in school. Single mothers. Erosion of old-fashioned values.
Everything's there, in these columns and columns of ink devoted to the prosecutor's Educating Kids About Gun Violence (EKG) program, the rash of murders and the 18 percent rise in armed holdups in this city while crime is declining nationally.
Everything, that is, except availability of guns.
When Brizzi was asked, during an interview launching EKG, whether guns themselves, and gun laws, might be culprits in the crime plague, he gave a surprised look and a resigned answer: "Guns are everywhere." He wasn't even current on the gun show situation around here.
Yet the so-called gun show loophole, which allows handgun purchases without background checks, is just one feature of a state with few peers when it comes to ease of obtaining and carrying lethal firepower.
No assault weapons ban. No one-handgun-a-month limit to curb straw purchases for criminals. No restrictions on Saturday Night Specials. No requirement that guns be sold with child-safety locks.
On and on. No wonder the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence gives Indiana a D grade for protection of its citizens from bullets. No wonder the Americans for Gun Safety Foundation said in a 2003 report drawn from federal records that guns bought in Indiana were used in more gun crimes than those obtained anywhere else in America, Wild West of the Western world.
While she cannot comment on the laws, U.S. Attorney Susan Brooks of Indiana's Southern District agrees guns are too easy to get. Like Brizzi, she's giving talks at schools; and kids themselves confirm her knowledge from their experience, regaling her with accounts of weapons being retailed at discount out of the trunks of cars.
Despite education campaigns and rewards for tips, "I am concerned we're not making enough of an effort at going after those who are illegally selling guns, especially to young people," Brooks said. "But we need information."
In the view of state Rep. David Orentlicher, D-Indianapolis, "The bully pulpit is important, but it's only half of it." He proposed bills in this year's session of the Indiana General Assembly to close the gun show loophole and limit handgun sales to one a month. Both went down in a hail of predictability. Orentlicher, an attorney and physician who's well acquainted with the kind of damage shown on those EKG videos, agrees guns are everywhere but disagrees that they have to be.
"Sure, we're awash in guns. Unless we do something, we'll always be awash in guns. The cops say they need these (gun control) laws to protect themselves and to protect you. That ought to be enough. It's not."

Did Daley invade Indiana?:rolleyes:

I've only been in IN once to shoot and I must say that the experience at that range was better than any experience at any IL I've ever been to. They don't treat you like some half-criminal or psycho because you like to shoot guns when you're in IN.
Hummmm. I have lots of relatives and friends in Indiana. Heck, I was born there. Maybe they'll send me some guns instead of washing with them.:rolleyes:
No wonder the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence gives Indiana a D grade for protection of its citizens from bullets. No wonder the Americans for Gun Safety Foundation said in a 2003 report drawn from federal records that guns bought in Indiana were used in more gun crimes than those obtained anywhere else in America, Wild West of the Western world.

Maybe the "author" of that vicious little screed would be happier living in Cuba or communist China.
Indiana is awash is guns and it is great!:D Indiana has it's share of downsides but it is a gun lovers paradise. There is a lot of gun freedom here. Sometimes people will shoot other people or kill themself with a gun but there is not an anti-gun outrage when it happens like in some places. When a person blows their head off with a gun in this area, people don't blaim it on the gun, they realize that there was something else wrong. Same thing for murder most of the time. Most murder is the result of gang or drug related crimes not people going out and killing innocent people.

It seems that I read in the paper about someone shooting a home invader and protecting oneself more often that I read about someone breaking in and killing the home owner. I am probably wrong but I know that a lot of people in IN have guns and never use them to do anything bad.
If only we didn't have winter here in Indiana. <sigh>

I might add, articles like this in the Indy Star make me glad I only subscribe to it so my cat can urinate on it.
I don't know many Hoosiers outside of the Gannet organization itself that takes Dan Carpenter seriously. I'd be surprised he's still writing for the Indianapolis Star but he's unfortunatly right at home with the rest of the "news" papers editorial line up.

State Rep. Orentlicher referenced actually ran on and won in 2000 on an anti- gun/AWB platform on the north edge of the county. His rhetoric hasn't changed since and won't likely.

The problem here is that many who don't take Carpenter seriously won't respond in kind because it's all been said before by both sides pretty much every year that I recall (even had one of my own rebuttals make Spotlight Letter in the 80's) But what they're counting on is us getting tired of repeating ourselves and every time we do, they gain mindshare. Unfortunatly its a tactic proven to work with many issues.
Pointman said:
State Rep. Orentlicher referenced actually ran on and won in 2000 on an anti- gun/AWB platform on the north edge of the county. His rhetoric hasn't changed since and won't likely.

What county? Where?
I am tempted to move there just to vote against him.
Is he from one of those northwest areas and caught a case of "Chicago disease?"
What county? Where?
I am tempted to move there just to vote against him.
Is he from one of those northwest areas and caught a case of "Chicago disease?"

Marion County is the county Indianapolis is in. He's the rep for the northern most central precinct.
It's true...we DO HAVE too many needless guns in America!

Guns are out of controls...it seems that now, every cop in America has at least one, most times more! Worse yet than cops toting sidearm guns, you can be sure than most "pack" them behind hidden guns in their "sqwad car". What is a "sqwad"? Is it like a gang? I don't like it. No sir re Bob, I don't like it one bit. It's time we take these needless guns off the streets. And don't even get me started on the military's guns or I'll be here all night ranting! No, it seems to me that if the people are armed, and self-confident, that we can take care of the bad guys.

Just re-read it. Can anyone else not believe that the USA is complaining about people selling guns to kids?!?!:what:

Gee, if only there were laws on the books to stop that, Ms. Brooks. If only you knew of SOME WAY to prosecute people for doing that. Perhaps you should have one of your AUSAs do the research for you on that?:rolleyes:

If you do, maybe that tall Chinese young lady I saw in court last month? I volunteer to personally help her with the research. Maybe over drinks and candlelight?:D :evil:
Indianapolis Star + Brady Center =
There was a big party here in Indy at Popguns Trading Post and range the night the AWB expired. I was very worried driving home that night, that I would have to drive through the hordes filling Indy streets with blood using their awful AKs. :eek:

I must have just been in the wrong area of town, as that never occurred. Hmm..
Like Albanian says, the fact that Indiana is awash in guns is one of the things I like about it.

Tejon, you're right - IN's laws are way better than NM's in most ways. OTOH, we don't need no stinking permits to carry (even if there are a ton of places where we can't carry, and handgun buys are instant, regardless of whether you're licensed.

Still, the major error was expecting logic from the idiots at the Brady Center!

Happy T-day, everyone! Gobble, gobble! :)
"Indiana awash in guns"
And from what I've understood from reading here, the gunbanners can't do much about it in the states were blissninnys are in minority :p :neener: :evil:
El Tejon said:
Sorry, I was late to the office this morning. I had to drive around the rivers of guns that sweep across the streets. Very foggy here today too.
Can I come over for a few days-up to a week? I promise to bring my own net :D
Damn, I wish I could see similar articles in our local newsrags. Then we would probably be better of than now, and hopefully on the right way.
See it this way, articles like this is proof that you are still enjoying more freedom than most people in Europe. Sure, we have laws about other stuff that are more lax than yours, but you still have access to the most vital tools...we, OTOH have, eh, uhm, nevermind. :(
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