Indoor Range/Shop wants to scan DL?

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Mar 31, 2003
North Georgia
The indoor range and shop that I frequent has started asking for my drivers license everytime I pay range fees or purchase anything. I think this is kinda odd and respectfully decline. The person at the counter says it something one of the owners wants to do to track purchases and send fliers based on purchase history. I'm not really buying that. I plan on asking one of the owners once I run into them at the range and see what they say about it. Just wondering if this is a common request these days at other places.
The range I sometimes go to lets you take whatever targets you want, but holds your ID as collateral. The only way to get your ID back is to pay for all your supplies, and whatever the hourly fee is.

They don't record any info off of it, though (to my knowledge). If they did, I'd have serious words with the owner, and/or stop my patronage...
I work at a gun store, and the only time we ask for a DL is when filing out a 4473, or writing a receipt for an item coming in for repair.
I certainly don't look all that young :) I frequent the place all the time so most know me there, not close but at least to recognize as regular customer. Also, I'm not talking checking ID, I'm talking scanning it with a bar code reader in the register. Will see what the owners have to say about this, maybe its just one clerk pushing some policy to the extreme. I can't imagine this being a policy they plan to push, or it seems they will lose a lot of business.
Scanning it? Like keeping record in a database on what you're doing? I'd go somewhere else and let them know you're not coming back and why.
I had the local range give my ID to the wrong person. Took a day to recover it.

How does one give the wrong ID?

The range gave me a couple boxes of 7.62 and 9mm as an apology.

Apparently they knew the person they mistakenly handed the ID too, as they still had his.
What range? We're in the same area and I'd like to know before I go next.

PM me if you don't want to post it yet. Heck, maybe we can meet at the range sometime.

To heck with that!!! My DL comes out pretty much only for two things ... a cop if asked and for NICS ... otherwise it stays in my wallet. Oh and yeah - as ID proof if I write a check, but usually use Debit card anyways.
I accidentally destroyed my DL over a year ago, and haven't replaced it. I've been pulled over once, they looked it up. I carry a state ID card, but I don't show it to anyone other than officers, or if/when I do a NICS - I've not bought from an FFL in the past year. I dont' understand why people would want to put so much information in one place. I have some experience with databases, and I'm not going to give anyone my "primary key" so to speak. My DL# is for legal records of my driving, and that's IT.
I'd find a different place to shoot.
I guard my customers privacy, they know it and appreciate it.
If they want to hear from me in the future, instructions for getting on my mailing list are on my card and my reciepts.

At the very least whoever is running your place is rude, at worst, who knows.
Confront them about it and if it doesn't stop, go elsewhere. That is no way to get customer info, no matter what you want it for.

same with you, no way to do business. Pay up front or at your request open a tab on you but holding ID is not good business.

I would absolutely not let them scan my license. I won't even tell stores my zipcode when they ask, just on principle. I'm always carded at the range but it's because i'm 22 and look younger. One local range does keep your license clipped to a clip that they give you the target holder from, and once when I was there they had given out the wrong licensce to someone, and the guy was understandably quite upset.
I won't even tell stores my zipcode when they ask, just on principle.

That's not principle -- it's just silly. Collecting individual information: bad! Collecting aggregate information: harmless!
The range I sometimes go to lets you take whatever targets you want, but holds your ID as collateral. The only way to get your ID back is to pay for all your supplies, and whatever the hourly fee is.

MY range does the same thing but only for firearms rentals, I don't have a problem with this at all since they are letting me shoot their guns in exchange. But, tracking purchases for marketing purposes is simply unappropriate for a gun shop. The owners would have to be complete idiots to think that the shooting community is going to be OK with this. As a group we are likely the most privacy oriented people around and most shops respect this.
If I buy more then 2 Boxes of .223 at Dicks Sporting goods they record all my DL info. Havn't gone back since.
My local Duham's store started recording DL info on ALL ammo sales. The store was broken into twice, and guns stolen.

Dunhams clerks claim that the FBI told them to record info on ALL ammo, including pellets & BB's.

Even though they have had PMP (Pretoria Metal Pressings...a South African company) 270/.30-06/.308 soft-point ammo as low as $8/20, guess who doesn't get my ammo money anymore.
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My range does take dl or military ID when renting range time, but also takes their membership car instead. They use it as confirmation of age, and to hold your slot on the firing line. That way they could look at the rental box to see what lanes were open, instead of scanning the whole line and counting heads.

On the other hand, if they started tracking information and recording info off my ID, I would quickly voice my displeasure and take my business elsewhere. I would definitely ask the owners of your shop some questions.
sounds like what some stores do, such as 'sports authority', only they will ask for a phone number or your zip code at the start of ringing your purchases up.
heck, if i wont give a store my zip code, i sure as heck aint gonna give me a copy of my DL!
deej - Gosh, I hate accidentally degaussing my DL shortly after I receive it. -

How do these accidents happen? I wouldn't want to make the same mistake. :cool:
I was having a medical procedure done on my sheltie that was going to run about $3K. I told them I was going to pay with AMEX. They checked with AMEX to get OK. Then when I went to pay the bill the controller wanted my drivers license scanned, I refused and told her that they already had preapproval on my AMEX and that was all they were getting. I don't give my SSN to anyone including NICS and I don't give my drivers license info to anyone who can't legally require me to provide same.
I work Part time at an indoor range, we only ask for ID when people are filling out the insurance waiver, if they look to young to use the range (21yr old min) and to do paper work on new guns.

But if the insurance companys get their ways we will be scanning D/L's and god only knows what else :fire: :fire:
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