Inside the mind of the anti

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Some anti-gun people almost have a child-like mentality.

That's because of the emotional attachment. If little Billy has his bicycle stolen by a bully he goes home and cries to mama! If a bully goes and shoots somebody litlle Billy goes home and cries to mama!
The mind of the anti

I didn't have the impression the mind of an anit was claustrophobic.. Seemed to me more like they were so open minded their brains fell out.
I read through some of their articles. There is alot of fear there and a bit of ignorance. I'm willing to bet that the moderator of that site doesn't own any guns, never shot one, and doesn't really know anything about them.

They focus on guns being used unlawfully. What they fail to realize is that there are far more guns owned by people in the United states then there is crimes committed with guns and accidents with guns put together,which means that the vast majority of people use guns in a lawful an careful manner.

They also seem to believe that banning all guns would reduce crime and the fact is that it won't. If they don't shoot then they stab, beat, bludgeon, etc.

When Cane killed Able...weapons didn't exist.
We are in an era where the blame is always shifted to others. People rob because they are poor and oppressed. The war continues for Haliburton. People are murdered because of guns.
This trend will continue,it is the opiate of the masses. Its easier to be a victim than to get to the root of the problem.
I've obviously been mistaken. Here I was, thinking I kept my gun vaults locked to keep people out, when I was really preventing the killer guns from escaping & wreaking havoc! I reckon I also missed the obvious fact that felons & bad guys don't carry firearms unless they have a CWP . . . Lord knows how law-abiding such ilk are . . .
The problem with that argument, of course, is that whenever there are firearms around, people die. Concealed weapons laws may be able to arm experienced knowledgeable people like this off-duty police officers (who, in certain situations, may be able to actually do some good after disaster has already occured), but they also arm criminals. Loose gun laws are often the reason why people like Talovic are able to obtain their weapons in the first place.

BS in yields BS out ---- If one does not tell the truth, it is because they are either ignorant of the facts, or they lie to support an opinion that has no merit.
Anti's look at what the gun CAN do.

Pro gunners look at what the gun WILL do.

The anti's love to follow others. I bet like the enviromentalists only a couple are passionate about their cause. But it makes them feel like a better person to fight against these EVIL guns. When in real life they have no idea of what they are actually doing.:uhoh:
Heh, I read this guy's site before. It's hilarious. He refers to .50 cal muzzleloaders as ".50 caliber snipers."

He also condemned this one woman who was a prostitute that shot a client who was threatening to kill her and then himself, because the guy was 70. "What can a 70 year old do?" Was what he said....

Then, a lady who "happened to be a crack dealer" defended herself with a .22 revolver, and he was bitching that the NRA wouldnt back up her just because she was a crack dealer.

Talk about irony.

This guy is truely hilarious. Go read him sometime, you wonder if it's a satire even.
My $0.02...

Mike Magnum, aka Mark Karlin, is a boil on the arse of humanity. I know it's best to keep tabs on the enemy, but what one finds on the Gun Guys site (actually, it's just one guy) is such a pile of unadulterated, infuriating crap that it almost, almost (but not quite) makes the Bradys look semi-reasonable by comparison. I don't go there if at all possible, and whenever I find myself with the urge to do so, I fight off said urge by going to buy more food for my guns. Luckily for my poor wallet that doesn't happen often, or I'd be even more broke than I already am.
Think of the worst type of person you can - a child molester, kiddie pornographer, drug dealer who experiments on children, torture killer, etc.

THAT is how the antis think of YOU! That is why they are willing to do ANYTHING to rid the world of guns and gun owners.

"That seems to sum of the thinking of most anti's very well."

Well sure, if you are willing to ignore data, facts, and history, it's easy enough to use the logic they did. No surprise there!:barf:
Just goes to prove that one can't clearly formulate rational thoughts when their head is inserted firmly in their butt!
Now I am worried.

Since I am the only one around at the moment, that gun sitting on the table is sure to kill me... the gun is around, so apparently, someone has to die.

I better keep my eye on it and make sure it doesn't move.

Nope, no movement. I think it is waiting for me to let my guard down.

Wait, I think it twitched.

Nope. Just my imagination.

Wait a second, it's an inanimate object. I think this guy might be an idiot or something. Inanimate objects can't hurt you by themselves.

Just finished reading "Road to Damascus". Not a terrible book if you like SciFi and dislike the way things in the US are going.
Hmmm . . . perhaps this would be better-titled "Inside the Mind of the Ant." Surely the gray matter would fit (and still leave plenty of room for political-correctness ideology).
"Now, just how in the hell did they arrive at THAT conclusion???! "
I think that some people believe getting a CCW permit is just like getting a driver's license. Show up, take the test, you get a temporary permit - later you get a plastic one in the mail. I think that IS the way in Pennsylvania, but noplace else that I'm aware of. And I'm pretty certain that PA does a background check first - just like every other state offering a CCW license.
Inside the mind of an anti

What a great oxymoron. If antis had minds, they wouldn't be antis, would they?

Antis are the only mammals that you can't kill by shooting them in the head. Through the skull, through the empty space. Out the other side of the skull. No lasting damage.
This is what I found in the mind of an anti 2A moron.......

Guess I'm lucky I found that!


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I am ashamed to say that I have left my piece alone for entirely too long, more than once. It did not rise up and shoot anyone, but, sad to say, it got kinda incipiently rusty, as did my skills with it. (such as they are)
I am a gun rights Activist. I deal with them every day.

This is what I tell them and they have had a hard time with it'
"If you are anti gun, You are pro criminal,Pro rape ect... Disarming the general public just makes the criminals job easier." Can't remember the exact
stats but this is close. In home burgularies in England Like 55% are occupied In America About 18%.
The gun buybacks and bans, In Australia, One third of the people complied with the buyback. So now two thirds of the guns owned, If the owners want to get rid of them. They have to do it in a less than legal way which actually puts more guns in the hands of criminals.
The most crime infested cities in America are the ones with the strictest gun control. The criminals can do their business without fear.
I could go on.
If you guys need any material In your fight against the anti's, I have an Archive of material and other resources.
Got a question on stats and I can probably help.

The strength of all the gun messageboards combined, to change things is stronger than you can imagine.

Just remember, Australia was their test bed. Their #1 champion is now here and has literally billions of dollars backing her.
What a great oxymoron. If antis had minds, they wouldn't be antis, would they?

Antis are the only mammals that you can't kill by shooting them in the head. Through the skull, through the empty space. Out the other side of the skull. No lasting damage.
Honestly talking about shooting people that you disagree with in the head isn't a great way to win them over to our side and, at least to me, isn't very high road.

This is The High Road. We may disagree with our political enemies, but we won't be vile on this site in our criticism of them.
Posted at Mr. White's request:


I just wanted to apologize to you all for my comment that led to this thread being closed. It was a stupid thing to say and not very High Road at all.

When I posted it, I didn't mean to imply that I advicated shooting antis, or anyone, for having an opinion tha differs from mine. I was just trying to illustrate my opinion of the seeming empty space between the ears of most antis. After hitting the submit button and thinking about it for awhile I realized it wasn't the most well thought out thing to say.

Again, sorry for taking the low road and getting this thread shut down. You all deserve better than that.

I'll add that there were other contributions that led to this thread being closed. I sent out no warnings, and simply let it go as immaturity and impoliteness. This kind of discussion doesn't help us, folks. Sometimes my mother in law makes me a little peeved, but I won't make fun of her.
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