Iowa cops: If someone in your house has a CCP, it is grounds for a no-knock SWAT raid

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I don't think we know the whole story here. This is definitely not your typical no-knock. I wouldn't look for this to become a regular occurrence.
george29, it does take a different kind of person to put up with the crap facing cops now-a-days.

I don't envy them and if I could do it over again I wouldn't. Here's a great line I'm sure you've either heard from a real Cop or at least from the movies, "I should have been a Fireman."
george29, ive said that before.... in jest but really shoulda when I had the chance...
mrdeltoid, I don't think we have the whole story either, but some wont let that get in the way of hysteria and making up tinfoil hat hilarity.
In the early morning hours there's a din in the air;
mayhem's on the loose.
Stormtroopers comin', and you better be prepared.
Got no time to choose.

Get ready. Stormtroopers comin'.

Comin' up that street, jackboots steppin' high.
Got to make a stand.
Looking in your windows and listen to your phone.
Keep a gun in your hand.

gotta love Uncle Ted
The citizens deserve to get paid, but until some of these officers who are exceeding their authority are punished either criminally or personally in civil court this is not going to stop and it will eventually get citizens and police officers killed.

The militarization of the police forces of this country will eventually result in dire consequences for us all.
Long ago back in the late 1980's local Police organizations watched movies like Scarface and heard about threats from violent Drug lords and crazed gunmen. They decided they needed a SWAT team to address such rare but serious threats. Money was set aside in the department budget to create and train SWAT teams. After some time went by, Beancounters in accounting, started asking the Police departments how often they used the expensive SWAT team (and justifiably so). The answer was hardly ever, so when beancounters proposed eliminating SWAT teams as being too expensive and not really necessary...... The police department management decided to use SWAT teams more frequently to justify the expense, and what had been a knock on the door by a polite officer or two, became a dynamic no knock raid by a heavily armed SWAT team...

And to this day more officers are killed in Car accidents, and at rountine traffic stops and patrols, than durring raids looking for potentailly violent criminals... Thus reinforcing the success of the SWAT Team model and the Dynamic No Knock...

The Answer is to justify the expense of their cool toys and exciting training, police departments use SWAT more than they probably should and any excuse to deploy is good. Officer Safety has Replaced Protect and Serve.....
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My takeaway from the police chief CYA points:

- Suspects had potential access to weapons. So does every single adult in America, clean record or not.
- Active warrants. For drug possession, a non-violent crime.
- Drug history. Irrelevant.

If "potential access to weapons" is reason enough for a no-knock raid from SWAT, then there is essentially no limit to SWAT deployment. If CCL/CCP rolls are to be used for this purpose, I would rather not get one.

The police chief also claimed that no one opened the door and everyone hid. Looking at the video before the camera was sabotaged, the residents were given about two seconds before the battering ram was utilized. So that is a least untruthful claim, in grand government tradition. Looks like the "knock" is little more than legal cover so that they can claim later than it wasn't a "no-knock" raid, despite giving the residents no time to respond.

These police procedures are ticking time-bombs when many American households keep firearms for self defense.


On top of everything else the police are liars.

And tearing down the camera...they know what they are doing is wrong and are trying to cover up evidence so they can get away with their lies.

It's despicable.
Any time a cop, or any LEO, destroys a camera he should be arrested immediately! There is absolutely no VALID reason for a cop to destroy a camera. If he does his job properly then any photographic evidence should be to his benefit.
If your wife hires a detective and the guy gets video of you sleeping with another woman I doubt you can destroy the camera and convince your wife it didn't happen.
Gordon Liddy had it right. If they can't knock and wait for an answer, it better be the case that some woman or kid is screaming in agony inside. Otherwise, aim high! Dope and baloney like that is no reason at all. If they CAN flush it down the toilet, there wasn't enough of it to be bringing a SWAT team about, in the first place. So they "get away with dealing", so what? Despite all our loss of rights and a trillion $ spent on the dope war, there's still all of it that you have money for. Even prison inmates can get it.
The citizens deserve to get paid, but until some of these officers who are exceeding their authority are punished either criminally or personally in civil court this is not going to stop and it will eventually get citizens and police officers killed.

The militarization of the police forces of this country will eventually result in dire consequences for us all.
This is so true it's money in the bank. The continuing militarization of the police force in America is going finish our Liberties off or spark another Revolution.
The police messed this one up bad, but I agree that we may not be getting the whole story. If misconduct is found then they need to be face charges, both criminal and civil.

But I do not see this going anywhere productive and am not inclined to leave it open so we can rack up 13 pages of "cops are evil".
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