Is this the most Annoying Anti-Gun Statement?

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Most recently, the most annoying anti 2A statement is "common sense solutions" or some variation of those words. My common sense says stay away from the second Amendment. Enforce the laws already in place.

^ This. There is crime because the laws are not enforced to their full potential. If ALL laws were enforced even 25% more than they are now, I guarantee you much more than half the country would be "criminals". That said, I went 20 over the speed limit today...:D Not saying more enforcement is a good thing, but, maybe we should focus on enforcing the laws instead of creating new laws that won't stop any crime.
I think it's probably pretty close to being true that you are 100% more likely to shoot a family member if you own a gun or have access to one. And again almost 100% of car fatalities occur among people who ride in cars. And almost all airplane deaths occur when people ride in them.

You can cook statistics to say anything you want. All you need is a good loaded question like, "Do you support gun control or do you think we should just go ahead and shoot all babies?" All the poll companies use loaded questions. All of them. Seriously how it is that they know how often guns are used to repel intruders? No statistics are kept on that. How do they know how many people own guns and which ones own them? Who keeps those records?

Do they really think murder will go away if we get rid of guns? I guess they've never seen the effectiveness of a bow and arrow or a knife or a sword. People have been killing each other since Cain and Abel. They don't need guns to do it. Bombs are quite effective. So are rocks thrown from catapults and trebuchets not to mention burning oil, traps, snares, feeding people to the lions, the rack, guillotines, rolling rocks down big hills, and the all time favorite of many - fire. Set someone's house on fire while they're asleep and there's a good chance they will die.

They can't eliminate evil from the world. But then they don't really want to.
so the following is more logical.

1. if the dog doesnt get let out at 2 am, hes going to poop on the new carpet.

2. if the dog doesnt get fed, hes going to eat the chicken on the counter

3. if your not feeding the dog or letting it out to poop, your not a good dog person.
Whenever I see "you can't yell fire in a theater" as an analogy for gun control, I know that the person making the statement lost the argument before it even began.

For the "43x" argument, at least the person is trying to use logic from a study on the topic. You can then bring up how that study as been criticized and even its author, Kellerman, admits that number is taken out of context.
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Whenever I see "you can't yell fire in a theater" as an analogy for gun control, I know that the person making the statement lost the argument before it even began.

Just point out that you aren't trying to plink in a a theater either.
How about we all just tell them "You'll take my guns at the cost of your life, and then I 'll hunt up your buddies, too"?

To me the most annoying anti gun statement is:
"I support the 2A BUT....."

This, a thousand times this.
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Several years ago I actually looked at the study that made this claim (the Kellerman study IIRC). It was so filled with holes that it wouldn't have even passed muster as a freshman's undergraduate project. It suffered from multiple issues in methodology and had a good bit of selection bias. Even worse the study kept changing its story so much that even people who were inclined to believe it (on an academic level) had to admit that it wasn't valid. I believe the number was changed 3 or 4 times.

To me the most frustrating thing is gun owners who will throw everyone else under the bus as long as their bolt rifle and shotgun are safe.

My parents used to be like that, they were fine with me owning a shotgun, but couldn't see why I'd want a semi-auto rifle, a pistol, or a CCW and made sure to tell me I was wrong for having them every chance they got. Well, about a year ago during the scare, they came running to me asking what AR they should buy, wanted recommendations on pistols, and then got CCW permits.
That sounds like what the NRA did a few years ago, it's okay as long as we are exempted. (Disclose Act 2010)
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Guns are not the most popular way of commiting suicide, but if someone really wants to commit suicide, there is no way you can stop him. There are hundreds of ways of killing yourself. If he has a gun he would probably use it to kill himself, but if he hasn't got one, he could jump off a highrise. Or maybe poisoning, or blade.

My father was a PO when I was a kid, and he'd occasionally take me with him when he got called out in the evening hours. He got called to ID a parolee that had straightened out a large safety pin and stabbed himself in the heart - 43 times! "Safety pin", huh?

I went with him enough to know, at a deeply personal level, that I wanted to avoid drugs, alcohol, prison, and women who were missing teeth....
I love it when they trot out their "2A cred".

"I grew up with guns, shooting a 22 and a shotgun with grandpa. I went hunting once but never killed an animal."

They are all the same: they push sporting and hunting guns and follow it with "I support the Second Amendment but..."
I hear it all the time and it makes me wanna slap the person:

"you know you are 43x more likely to use that gun against yourself or a loved one than you are on an intruder or in self-defense"

I've heard variations but it's obviously the same talking point...

It's such a dumb statement I don't even know how to respond.

My response?

"Prove it."

Most people can't even cite their sources. And when they do, then they've opened up the field for ME to cite MY sources.

I don't find them annoying. It's just simple math.

If we could miracle away all the guns in the world, nobody would ever be shot by one again. This is a true statement but it is pretty simplistic and doesn't actually say much. Removing guns does nothing about the types who would use them against another person.
I find LOTS of the statements about numbers annoying. "You're 43x more likely . . . " or "There are X thousand people killed every year . . . "

I'm more concerned about WHO gets killed than HOW MANY people get killed, and making sure that neither I nor my loved ones become part of the How Many.
You could easily turn it around and ask them how many gang bangers would be left alive still plying their trade if guns were outlawed.
Clean97GTI said:
You could easily turn it around and ask them how many gang bangers would be left alive still plying their trade if guns were outlawed.
Answer 1: I'm not concerned with keeping gang bangers alive. I'm concerned with protecting my family.
Answer 2: More of them than if guns are not outlawed. After all, gang bangers will have guns whether they're legal or not.
Any politician running for office that starts a sentence with ... "I've been a hunter, so you can trust me to support the 2nd amendment" is lying through his capped and whitened teeth.
My father in law is a NRA member and a hunter. He don't think anyone should have a
Modern sporting rifle. His words-I don't want a gun that looks like that. Drives me nuts.
Defeatist speech from our own side...

"It's only a matter of time until they ban your XXXX. Hope is lost! The sky is falling! Dig my grave because the RKBA is finished!"

And I just saw this one (a little less dramatic than my interpretation) yesterday in a conversation here.

So you all better send me all your AR's and AK's... because they're just going to ban them anyhow. Probably toss in any Tavors out there too. Add the M-1 Carbines and Garands while you're at it just in case. Stop wasting your time fighting it... hope is lost.
Most Irritating

Do you really think you can take on the army ?
Well it is a darn bit harder to do with just pitchforks and clubs :what:
when people say you dont need an ar-15 to hunt.. but if that isint bad enough the people saying it are BUNNY HUGERS so i dont see why they preach to you about it
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