Jared Jewelry anti-gun

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It doesn't matter if their "we don't want your business" signs meet the legal letter of the law or not.

They don't want your business. What part of this do folks have trouble understanding?

Doesn't matter if you'll EVER buy a shiny thing from _anyone_ either. These folks need to be told (they ain't psychic...) that they are telling people who can prove that they are not criminals that they don't want them as customers, while at the same time telling criminals that they've got easy targets, both in the business and in the entering/exiting customers.
OH trust me Im all for having the right to "Discriminate" agaist who ever you want for what ever reason you want, but... theres always a but lol

If the general public is so dead set against it when it comes to race,gender,gay, or what ever , then why is something like this thats aimed toward us so different. We should stand up and demand to be treaded as equals. We're here We're ARMED get used to it. I know that doesnt rhyme but darn it , it was short notice :D
"Discrimination" or not, it's their private property, and they have (in my opinion) the right to ban whomever they want from it. If that makes them money, then so be it. If it loses them money, then so be it. But it's a rare case when it's beneficial to turn away business.

I completely agree they have the right to turn away any customer they choose. After all, it is private property as you said.

But the same as they have a right to post the "no guns" sign, we as consumers have the right to shop elsewhere, and more importantly, to let the management know exactly why we've chosen to shop elsewhere.
I agree businesses have the right to refuse service to anyone but part of owning a business is conducting transactions with people you may not necessarily like. Gun owners are not pedophiles, rapists, or murders. WE ARE NORMAL PEOPLE. Denying gun owners access to your business solely because they are carrying a legally concealed weapon is like telling a black person to sit in the back of the bus. It's morally despicable, prejudicial, and down-right wrong. It fosters hatred and ignorance, and, quite frankly, I refuse to patronize a business that's owned or run by such close-minded bigots.
Well crap.

My deal (well, one of them) is guns. My wife's deals are diamonds and sapphires (Jared's), sterling silver (Tiffany's) and clothes (her choice).

I can't begin to tell y'all how much dough I've blown in Jared's in the last 5 years and I've been eyeing a new Rolex there to replace one I lost years ago too.

The way I figure, I can do one of three things or a combination of them:

1. fire off an email to their headquarters and voice my opinion of their policy.
2. completely ignore their sign as it's not Texas state compliant, i.e. 30.06 sign in 1" letters in English and Spanish, pack and shop there anyway.
3. find a new place to shop and take my hard earned cash elsewhere.

While I'm inclined to do both nos. 1 and 3, I am one of their better customers and I get promotion materials not available to the average Joe that literally saves me hundreds while at the same time, satisfying the wife's craving for shiny things.

Oh well, I guess that I'll have to get on someone else's "good list" for promotional stuff...
How does Jared plan on protecting me on the ride home? After I buy an expensive piece of jewelry, are they planning on sending their security guard home with me to protect me and my recent purchase?
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