Jimmy Carter on Why We Need A Ban: Assault Weapons ARe Just For Killing Police

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Nov 29, 2008
More wisdom from the peanut farmer:

Not peanut brained of course.. nonoo.

I have used weapons since I was big enough to carry one, and now own two handguns, four shotguns and three rifles, two with scopes. I use them carefully, for hunting game from our family woods and fields, and occasionally for hunting with my family and friends in other places. We cherish the right to own a gun and some of my hunting companions like to collect rare weapons. One of them is a superb craftsman who makes muzzle-loading rifles, one of which I displayed for four years in my private White House office.

But none of us wants to own an assault weapon, because we have no desire to kill policemen or go to a school or workplace to see how many victims we can accumulate before we are finally shot or take our own lives. That’s why the White House and Congress must not give up on trying to reinstate a ban on assault weapons, even if it may be politically difficult.

An overwhelming majority

The gun lobby and the firearms industry should reassess their policies concerning safety and accountability — at least on assault weapons — and ease their pressure on acquiescent politicians who fear N.R.A. disapproval at election time. We can’t let the N.R.A.’s political blackmail prevent the banning of assault weapons — designed only to kill police officers and the people they defend.

I guess Carter is such a moron, that he figures if he happen to get his hands on an "assault weapon", Ar-15, Ak47, uzi.. He would immediately be inclined to go and start shooting police officers, go to schools and workplaces and start blasting people. Well, seeing the kind of horrible presidency he had, I doubt that it would be any worse than he already did to us.. I am not sure if this moron should own an "assault weapon". But for the rest of us law abiding citizens and responsible gun owenrs, we have the right to bear any type of rifle the military has for the protection of our families and personal freedoms.

These guns have not much more potential to cause mass destruction than any other type of rifle/handgun in an urban environment. These guns will more likely have the effect of defending our freedoms and loved ones. If he thinks assault weapons are so bad, just ask how bad they were when Jews in Warsaw ghetto had to hold off an entire nazi battalion.

If this article doesn't make your blood boil, then what can? He hates assault weapons, but has no problem with armed terrorists going around massacring innocent people. He sits and pats his Hamas and Hizbollah friends on the back for their tyranny.
The most popular centerfire target rifle in the United States is useless for target shooting?

The annual number of police officers murdered using non-LEO .223's is approximately zero (only 8 LEO murders last year involved any type of rifle). Only 3% of U.S. homicides overall involve any type of rifle.

Carter may be a nice guy, but on this issue he is an abject ignoramus.
And to think, I had to serve under this moron during the
Iran hostage situation.
We even trained for possible deployment
and were on alert too many times to remember back then. :rolleyes:
That's right. All the cops have assault weapons for killing other cops. Makes perfect sense. Thanks Carter. Now go back to your hole.
Geez, better warn one of the local Sheriffs about people with AR's. Oh wait, his family sells them at their store!
Where's Reagan when you need him?
"The problem with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant, it's that they know so much that isn't true"
The Cat Letter:

Apparently the following letter, on Jimmy Carter stationary, showed up a few years ago at auction.



To Sybil,

Lamentably, I killed your cat while trying just to sting it. It was crouched, as usual, under one of our bird feeders & I fired from some distance with bird shot. It may ease your grief somewhat to know that the cat was buried properly with a prayer & that I’ll be glad to get you another of your choice.

I called & came by your house several times. We will be in the Dominican Republic until Thursday. I’ll see you then.

Love, Jimmy

Apparently Sybil is some sort of inlaw.
Wow, I knew there was a reason I think he's a big ol putz.

assault weapons — designed only to kill police officers and the people they defend.

That's interesting that all the assault weapons issued to police and military are all designed to kill fellow police officers. As Johnny Carson would say, "I DID NOT know that."

Did he really kill someone's cat?
Check the link. It's a handwritten letter, signed "Jimmy," on Jimmy Carter stationary.

Every time I read that letter, I imagine the highly trained Secret Service Bodyguards standing nearby. "Sir, I really do not think this is a good idea... Sir, maybe we should think about this... Uh, sir..." :uhoh:

"Yes sir. I'll go to the shed and get the shovel."
Where's Reagan when you need him?

What, you don't think he would've banned 'assault weapons' too?
No he would not. In all his years in office he never signed even one peice of anti-gun legislation, and the man was even shot.
It's not true that he never signed even one piece of legislation. He signed a bill that closed the NFA registry. However, he had a good reason. It was added to a bill that intended to protect firearm owners by prohibiting registration (thank you Reagan) and I believe it is what allows you to carry your firearm through different states if it's in a locked case, and it had a few other provisions.

I guess the ATF was really, really bad in those days. So bad that apparently the NRA decided that even with that ban tacked on, it was still worth it. Rumor has it they told him they would fight the ban in court and then decided they wouldn't.
I love living in this country :)

It pleases me to no end that Americans still have that defiant attitude.

The government tries to ban "evil looking weapons" and look what happened? The AR-15 is the most popular rifle in America. The best way to sell something in this country is to tell Americans "you can't have this."
Reagan made a sad trade-off. He had more spine than the NRA did when it came to guns back then, thats for sure.

And Jimmy Carter is as smart and about as useful as a nearly starved-to-death turkey.
assault weapons — designed only to kill police officers and the people they defend.

Carter is a smart enough politician to try to use the perception that he's "gun-friendly" as a qualification to speak on the topic. But the statement is false, he knows it's false, and no amount of frying it in political peanut oil is going to make it taste or smell any different to a rational person who examines the facts.

"Assault weapons," by any of the myriad definitions that have been used to define them, were/are not designed to kill police.

I mean, duh.

Carter is like a quarterback, after being shut out 56-0 in the SuperBowl, runs off the field cheering and yelling, "We won!"

He continues to make a fool of himself, by acting as if he wasn't a miserable failure, and as if he has political clout.

It's sad to watch, really.

"But none of us wants to own an assault weapon...He would immediately be inclined to go and start shooting police officers, go to schools and workplaces and start blasting people."
designed only to kill police officers and the people they defend

Warren Vs. D.C - Police officers have no legal responsibility to protect individuals.

But i wouldn't expect a mindless drone like Carter to know such things.
that's ridiculous. my AK is for having fun at the range, and for use if there is a zombie apocalypse. i didn't buy it to kill cops or anyone and, shockingly, i have no thoughts of doing that when i pick it up.
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