John Kerry on guns

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Dec 26, 2002
Anderson, SC
I was flipping channels tonight and stopped on CSPAN2 (yes, nerd alert). Anyway, Kerry was wrapping up a campaign stop in West Virgina and was shaking hands and signing autographs with the crowd.

His mic was still on and someone in the crowd said "don't take away the people's guns!" This was a sincere comment from a Kerry supporter.

Kerry replied, "I won't, I'm a hunter."

We'll see if he sticks to this, or if it will be a way for him to weasel out if he decides for stiffer restrictions on handguns.

Hell, let's just hope he doesn't become President!
You don't have to wonder. Kerry dropped everything on Super Tuesday to fly to Washington to vote in favor of the assault weapons ban. He hadn't voted in a year, but he found time for that on the most important day of the primary season.

It doesn't matter what he says. His actions speak louder and they are clear.
He also voted for Teddy Kennedy's ammo ban that specifically mentioned
.30-.30 ammo as "armor piercing", along with basically all rifle ammo. Hunter, my skinny white a$$.:rolleyes:
So you think his mic was "accidentally" left on? And one of the Democrats say's "don't take away the people's guns!" Dude! It was scripted!
"Scripted" is right. Seems like he's doing this sort of thing more often, lately. It gets him some recognition, gives him free advertising under the guise of being newsworthy, and he doesn't even need to buy an add!

It's downright smooth. It's also cheap!
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To the Democrats, hunting and sporting are the only two uses for guns. They are against you carrying your pistol concealed, as it give you a sense of security you provide for yourself. You are self-reliant, and they can't have that. They would like to make CCW illegal, and they would have you store your guns away, completely locked up and away from your ammunition so that you could never use your gun for home defense.
Originally posted by Sportcat:

Hell, let's just hope he doesn't become President!

Let's not hope. Let's get out there and prevent it with our votes!
it is important to understand

that the Democratic Party has an extensive statement on Firearms as part of their National 'Agenda'

That agenda contains the support of the AWB, and basically supports the VPC, etc. positions--anyone here knows, it spells restriction, registration, and ultimately confiscation.

Anyone here who recalls the triumphant chortle of the 1994 AWB 'winners' as they proclaimed that the camel's nose is under the tent and then revealed their next steps, will also understand that

1. John Kerry as the presidential candidate becomes the titular head of the Democratic Party,

2. That NONE of his fuzzy statements about being a hunter do anything to remove that agenda and that

3. In the great one-upsmanship game of Federal Politics, SCUBA Ted would be given free reign to enact his AP Ammo BS, and on and on.

How anyone can parse this any other way, other than through semantic and political rationalization, is beyond me. A vote for a Democrat at this time in our political history is a vote for more GC and for a big step to confiscation.
"I won't take away your guns" doesn't mean he won't:

1. require background checks for all private sales
2. require registration of all guns
3. ban new sales of many types of guns
4. allow trial lawyers to put gun manufacturers out of business
5. allow crippling regulation for "safety" of guns and ammo
6. impose a large ammo tax
7. require all guns to be locked up all the time.

I don't mean that he's said he'd do any of that, but those are the sort of things that are likely.
Don't forget the pic of Bill "Ban 'em all" Clinton in camo with his duck shotgun - probably unloaded so he wouldn't accidentlly shoot someone.
"I won't take away your guns" doesn't mean he won't:

Are you saying that you take him at his word?

Has he said anything that he has not later contradicted?

Actions speak far louder than words.

I was actually trying to think of a simple phrase that must be unblemished. Something like "I am John Kerry." However, last year he found out that his forebears name was Kohn, which was changed to Kerry, and he played that one up for the Jewish vote.

I will not believe anything he says. Just look at his actions and the platform he will be endorsing as the head of the DNC.

:barf: :barf: :barf:
What I want to know is WHY do people want to vote for him, he didn't do the job he was elected to do. DID NOT vote for a year! What the hell was he doing hunting, with a BB gun.

I have yet to find one redemeable quality to Kerry. Must be why it's in the running for President. I doubt in his quest for position he's ever once looked at his own values. Of course I won't ever know his mind, but his actions are quite plain.
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