John morse concedes loss in colorado recall elections!

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I found this note very interesting...and heartening said:
But about the same time that Senator Morse was delivering his concession speech, a landslide of Pueblo results started coming in. Giron quickly fell very far behind. She was recalled from office by 56% to 44%.

It’s one thing for a deliberately polarizing legislator like Morse to lose a close race in a swing district. It’s quite another for Giron to lose by 12 points in a district that is 47% Democratic and 23% Republican. One reason is that in blue collar districts like Pueblo, there are plenty of Democrats who cling to their Second Amendment rights. As the Denver Post noted, 20% of the voters who signed the Giron recall petitions were Democrats.

I know I would have signed in favor of it..
It is a better day in Colorado. I was disappointed when the recall effort for Hudak was dropped. Maybe it is time to rekindle that one. The big push should be to get these laws repealed though.
Nice.....Now lets keep the momentum going. There are more of these anti's out there that need the same treatment. :)
I congratulate all of my Denver and Pueblo brothers and sisters who voted these DPL gun grabbers out of office. I wish I could have voted also.

Now, we need to get rid of governor Hickenlooper!
Congrats to all the grass-roots supporters of the recall in Colorado. While most assuredly a victory in the battle for 2A rights, it is my fondest hope that these recalls aren't seen as an end result, but rather, they are seen for what they are - a harbinger of impending change across the country.

Kudos, my friends. Kudos.
Those two clowns were in districts that are traditionally either split or lean way to the left. The fact that they could both be defeated, especially Angela Giron who was from the heavily D district and she lost by a landslide. It was close in the other race and the way things work I fear a recount by the D controlled government. Ever since they put Al Franken in office I've worried about just how far they would go with their cheating. It was awful the way things were done in Franken's case. Terrible. What a blight on democracy that was.
New York and a few others need to be next. This is some of the best news I've seen on the tv for quite a while. I sincerely hope this becomes an infection and spreads to the other states who tries to tell us what best for us, like we don't already know.

We put these people in office, we can take them out!
Congratulations on your first step to retaking your rights. I do have one question though. Do they retain any benefits of their previous position? Tax funded health insurance, pay, etc, etc? I am a little uninformed about the state level politicians.
Can you recall the governor?

Probably, but that's a bigger proposition than the senators, and it took six months to get them out. Hick is up for defeat in only 14 months, and I expect the remaining D's not in "safe" districts will be very careful next session after this, so honestly there's not much point in spending the time and money right now.

I could be wrong, but I fully expect the governorship and both houses to return to red in 2014. This state has flopped back and forth for pretty much it's entire history, as there's a huge independent vote, and past Democrats have been pretty moderate, knowing the nature of the state they held office in. Having said that, they have never stirred the hornet's nest like this before. This state has a strong tradition of firearms ownership and a frontier attitude in general; it has been diluted a bit over the last few decades by an influx of left coast folks, but that spirit is still alive and well. These two senators just found that out the hard way.
Hallelujah Colorado!!
Let this be a lesson to all these "grabbers"! :D

Morse didn't help himself any when it was reported that he was "glad he didn't listen to his constituents" over this ridiculous law.
:fire: :cuss:
I've lived here all of my life, 64 years, this is one of the proudest days I can remember in that time! Now the governor is next!! The smug Dems thought all they have to do is jam things like this down our throats when they're in control, HA As my Pop used to tell me, "He who laughs last, laughs the loudest!" You're next Hickenflopper.
I'm still dancing around gloating about the fact that these two idiots finally lost their jobs. There were a lot of leftist radicals who claimed that this would never happen, that our views represent the "fringe", and that we'll be schooled on the "will of the people". Well, the results are in, and I think we've just sent a VERY clear message to our politicians about our unwillingness to tolerate this kind of nonsense.

I remember seeing people talking about "anti-gun Colorado" here on THR following this legislative session, and the whole thing never really set well with me. This is absolutely NOT an anti-gun state, we simply got blindsided by some politician's views of guns. I don't think it will happen again!
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