Judge rules Air Force responsible for 2017 Texas Church shooting.

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Mar 8, 2020
Southeast PA
From the article:
A federal judge has ruled that the U.S. Air Force is mostly responsible for a former serviceman killing more than two dozen people at a Texas church in 2017 because it failed to submit his criminal history into a database, which should have prevented him from purchasing firearms.

For those interested the information about the case is at:

The background check system is only as good as the folks that are supposed to populate it.
I feel this is a fair ruling on the judges part.
I also appreciate that Texas courts struck down law suits against A.S.O. In this case since they did their due diligence performing the background check for the sale. However they need to get their act together in what state laws apply to sales in those states...
I think it silly to randomly say someone is a percentage responsible. The Air Force was negligent in not reporting. That doesn’t mean the person wouldn’t have gotten a firearm elsewhere or choose a different method for their evil deeds. Evil does what evil does.
No it doesn’t at all mean that but it would have made it a touch more difficult.
A judge decides a case on the basis of facts not on the basis of what might have been if ……….. simple fact is that the AF broke the rule that likelybwould have stopped the purchase of the gun that the shooting was done with. The AF was in fact responsible for its failure. Good decision by the judge.
Assigning moral blame in percentages seems wrong, but before everyone's high dudgeon is inflamed, remember, this is not a criminal trial. This is a civil suit. The subject is money, which subdivides very well into percentages.
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