Just got back from a late spring cat hunt..

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Staff member
Jan 28, 2003
Howdy folks.

I just got back from a late spring cat hunt down in the Southern Massive region. It was quite an experience over all and we caught two huge cats. After three days of hiking we arrived at camp which was actually a cave and immediately set plans for the next days hunt.

We decided to let the hounds loose in a VERY primitive area near some active volcanoes. The hounds cast about for a short time and then immediately hit upon a hot scent and off they went. We could hear their progress and it became obvious that they were not only scenting but sight trailing as well.

We picked up the pace and our guide Ulgha told us to get ready as we might see the cat at anytime. Since I have already killed a number of cats I had prompted my wife to move up with Ulgha so that she could make the kill.

Well it didn't take long we slipped down a rock face and pushed through some brush and came to a beautiful clearing. The dogs had the cat stopped and my wife moved in for the kill.

I was quick thinking enough to snap a few shots before she made her kill.

Here is the cat..


And a photo of my wife moving in for the kill.


After the back slaps and hand shakes we skinned the cat and quartered him up for the long trek back to. While the toil was heavy it was taken with lights hearts as we knew that we were going to be eating fresh Saber tooth Tiger chops roasted over the fire upon arrival.

We had a wonderful meal and our Guide Ulgha regaled us with glorious stories of hunts from the good old days. Here is a picture of Ulgha spinning tales of the hunt after dinner.


The rest of the hunt went well and we spent many happy days in the pursuit of the big cat. Was presented with a club opportunity on the last day but decided to let the beast go as we had plenty of meat. I did snap a few pictures of him before we let him go. He was beautiful big male and I hope that he has many happy days left killing and eating giant tree sloths, and ant eaters and stuff.

The last day cat.


Happy April 1st Y'all!:D
I could not take my wife on such a hunt she'd be all over him.

Tell me about it!!:barf:

Mine couldn't either. She even offered him her club later in the evening.
Did any of your fellow hunters come to a drastic and bloody end, as is usual with your hunts?

None of the hunters did but one of the club bearers by the name of Gus was tragically killed when he got to close and my wife splintered his skull with her back swing. No big deal though we quartered him up and mixed him in with the cat meat.
Good to see you had a successful hunt. Somehow Gus always manages to get in the way.

I have a wolf hunt planned for October. But it's still up in the air. We're still waiting on the FDA to hurry up and approve the vaccine for lycanthropy.
Poor who?


It was a guy named Gus you wouldn't know him. He's no longer with us. I will say this about him though he was delicious with a little barbeque sauce and chili lime pepper. Some of the most tender meat I've ever had.
I'll admit that that the Gus barbeque was a bit gamey but if you put enough chili onit you can eat anything.

Now you might wonder how we could tell the difference between the Gus meat and the tiger meat. EASY..The tiger meat was stripped and the Gus meat was pure white.
You almost had me hooked, especially with that pic of the southern Sabertooth Tiger. It fits the location to a T. until I saw the 4th pic clearly showing a Northern Tawney Sabertooth Cat, which has never been seen more than 10 days south from the glacial limit. I think yer trying to yank our collective chain.

:neener: Good one!
Using dogs is not sporting. And you call yourself a 'hunter'. :scrutiny:

But using clubs compensates for that. :cool: Kudos.

I would have come with, but I still haven't drawn a tag. :banghead: Partly because nobody has developed paper yet.

Used tea cup poddle hounds for the hunt. To make it more sporting.

Its easy to draw a STT tag but you have to speak and write caveman fluently. I suggest learning to cave paint before applying.
This is nuts


That is the most salient comment of this whole thread. You have powerful skills of observation sir! Have you considered possibly becoming a scientist or possibly a detective?:D
I suggest learning to cave paint before applying.
Shoot. I was held back in smoke signal class and the village doesn't trust me with a sharp rock. I'm going to just give up. Hunting is for the elites!!
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