Just got back from Walmart with pepper spray. Now what?

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Good ideal. Maybe start lifting some weights and do indoor exercises as well.
I'm not a fitness fanatic by any stretch but I wouldn't bother lifting weights in your situation, you risk hurting yourself which can make you more defenseless . do exercises that are low impact and just use your own body weight as resistance - push ups, sit ups, lunges , pull ups and things like that. A lot less likely to over do it and cause yourself harm. As goofy as it sounds, yoga is a great way to get very strong- I do it for my back - good yoga instruction is available free on YouTube and in difficulty from beginner to hardcore yoga master, if you do it you will gain strength without a doubt- zero impact.
This one is closed since it is wandering into territory that belongs in Legal.

I think the OP understand that using his pepper spray in clearly articulated fear for his safety or that of another instead of annoyance is the requirement to minimize legal troubles. Any further details on that need to be brought up in Legal.
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