Just what exactly has the NRA done for me?

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What has the NRA done for me ? Well in 1961 being a member of the NRA allowed me to purchase a 1911 for $17.50.
I still have that 1911 and it still works just like it should.

In between then and now they have done a fair job of trying to protect my gun rights.

I am still waiting for them to provide me another opportunity for a twenty dollar firearm. :D

What has the NRA done for me ? Well in 1961 being a member of the NRA allowed me to purchase a 1911 for $17.50.

Exactly. Even if the ILA was completely worthless, the NRA does all sorts of other neato stuff to keep the gun culture alive. More than one member of the Purdue Rifle/Pistol Club has a story of the NRA financing a range in their home town, and there's four Anshutz target rifles in our safe thanks to the local Friends of the NRA.
Oh, and all the training, hunter's safety, etc for kids. IMO making sure there's still gun enthusiasts in the next generation is just as important as lobbying Congress. Plenty of groups lobby, but I think the NRA is the only one tending the nation's youth.
Brad Johnson said:
Usually Rustic. I like being able to shoot a little of everything. Plus, I like the scenery down in the canyon.

No doubt.

I've shot at Rustic off and on during my visits to the panhandle for probably around twenty years. I enjoyed shooting the sillouhettes.

Dub still run/own the place? I'd heard last year that he was thinking of putting it up for sale.

I'm not an NRA member and I was going to stay out of this thread when I read something like this

But as pointed out in an earlier post, approx 4 million of us are carrying the water for 80 million gun owners.

which is a rather insulting thing to say. The NRA does not speak for me on issues of firearms and my government. I do. I carry my own water, and I'll thank all of you arrogant NRA members to stay out of my face.

A question is asked, albeit rhetorically, answers are given however and when a person posts his negative views on the NRA and why, he gets torn apart. If the NRA doesn't want to do some simple customer service to, you know, keep their customers (members) happy, then that is a legitimate complaint in my view.

You know when phrases get bandied about like "there are lurkers here that read this stuff, we need to convince them" or "the fencesitters are out there, judging" well, guess what? In regards to the NRA, I'm one of those lurkers and fence sitters. I read this thread to get information on the good of the NRA with the thought that maybe I can spend my few saved pennies on something worthwhile and the membership of that organization have made me think twice.

Good job, lifetime members of the NRA!
The NRA does not speak for me on issues of firearms and my government. I do.

One voice is a cry, small and weak, swept away in a storm. Four million voices is a power strong enough to hold the storm at bay. Just think what we could do with ten million. Or twenty.

One voice is a cry, small and weak, swept away in a storm. Four million voices is a power strong enough to hold the storm at bay. Just think what we could do with ten million. Or twenty.

Yes, I do agree with you about the one lone voice in the wilderness deal. Nonetheless, I don't see anyone yet who has chided their fellow NRA members for their poor showing in this thread. All I've seen is "sure, run away from the NRA! See if we care, ya pansy! Only real men who care about their second amendment rights will join our group and take abuse when the rest of us think you're wrong!"
sage, i really don't understand why you are so cranky. i will point out one thing. just the NUMBER of NRA memberships is a powerful point in it self. there are a number of RKBA orginizations out there and if i could (i.e. if i had the time/money) i would join them. the fact is that the NRA has been around for long time. there are problems (as there are with any large orginization) but its there, its reconized. thats 4 million PEOPLE that LIKE guns! when i can afford it i will join others as well, but i joined the NRA first. just to get the number one higher.
Being a member of the NRA in my mind is similar to being a member of a labor union in the respect that many speaking with one voice is much louder and clearer than many speaking with many voices.

Is the NRA perfect, I doubt it. But it is the strongest gun lobby in the world.

Someone previous spoke about 4 million members, and what if there were 10 or 20 million members. I can easily imagine what would be possible if that many of us chose to join. Politicos listen to votes, 20 million voting as one could get some things fixed.

asking what the NRA does for you? ask yourself if you have done more by yourself.

I recommend you to join the NRA.
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What has the NRA done for me?

1) kept me informed of legislation and products concerning firearms
2) developed a concise training program to teach safe firearm handling and technique
3) introduced me to like minded folks who enjoy the hobby of shootings sports
4) expanded my interest in firearms, history, science, metallergey etc.


In your opinion NRA is a failure. Apparently your life experiences has enriched your intellect to where you know much more and are near perfect in your perceptions and analysis of the issues we face. We need people with these qualities! I challenge you to join the NRA and change it and perfect it from the INSIDE. Please! Help the rest of us that realize NRA's imperfections and help us make it better.

I'm doing my part. Are you doing yours? I didn't think so.

It's easy to complain. It's a lot tougher to dig in and put forth a worthwhile effort.

Just my 2 cents before the lock....;)

Sage of Seattle:

Yes, I do agree with you about the one lone voice in the wilderness deal. Nonetheless, I don't see anyone yet who has chided their fellow NRA members for their poor showing in this thread. All I've seen is "sure, run away from the NRA! See if we care, ya pansy! Only real men who care about their second amendment rights will join our group and take abuse when the rest of us think you're wrong!"


Fellow gun owners of America, if you are a real man (or real woman, if that's okay with the Sage of Seattle) who cares about your Second Amendment rights please join the NRA.

After you have joined the NRA please take abuse from all of the gun owners who won't join the NRA but who criticize you for not doing what they want and not doing enough of it either.

Please be especially nice to them when they believe every lie they are told by people who attack the NRA and people who distort NRA actions. Be sure to plant a big wet kiss on them when they lie about you too.

Please, by golly, do not ask them to do what they aren't able to do. They are able to read e-mails and brief messages in gun forums but they can't read anything really long, so never ask them to read any bill they comment about. Big words, lots of paragraphs, and complex wording make them think everyone is out to get them.

Please don't ever tell them Gun Owners of America is wrong, lying, greedy, and corrupt. That's not nice. It makes them unhappy and very angry too because everybody knows that it is the NRA and you who are wrong, lying, greedy, and corrupt. You're ugly too.

Please don't point out what the NRA accomplishes for us all. Those are dirty filthy lies. You don't understand the Second Amendment. They do.

Please listen to all that about the NRA from gun owners who don't want gun control. Then listen to the same things about the NRA from gun control people who don't want gun owners.

Please understand that by joining the NRA you participate in a common domestic situation. You have become the good citizen who stumbled onto the scene where two lovers of the same persuasion are engaged in a domestic dispute--about who can destroy gun ownership in this country--and make you their common enemy.

So please join the NRA, let both sides beat you up, and be sure to smile a lot while they do it, otherwise they will think you are not a nice person. So there. Remember: Don't be a meanie. Nobody likes a meanie. :)
Flubadubs and how to spot them


RH, I've read and enjoyed your many posts. This one was beneath you in my opinion.

I'm glad that you've enjoyed many of my posts, Terry. Read more of them, though, and you should find at least some others that are irritating.

If you agree with them all, one of us isn't doing something right. In this instance I think I've done fairly well in following both the letter and the spirit of that request by the Sage of Seattle.

There's no doubt that the result is irritating--to me too, by the way--because the Sage of Seattle's request was a rhetorical Flubadub in search of a mate.

In case you're not old enough to recognize that reference, Flubadub was a minor character on the Howdy Doody show in television's early years. It was a nationally broadcast kid's program featuring a friendly adult host and a cute childlike marionette, the title character. There were other characters too, including Clarabelle the Clown (played originally by Bob Keeshan, who later became the famous Captain Kangaroo) and, of course, Flubadub.

Flubadub was a desperate invention intended to explain the host's absence from the show on vacation in 1949. When he returned after his vacation he said that he had been on a hunting expedition for the elusive Flubadub. And he brought it back.

Here's a good description of Flubadub exactly as I remember him:

a unique South American animal with a duck's head, a cat's whiskers, a giraffe's neck (encircled with rings), a cocker spaniel's ears, a seal's flippers (and four webbed feet), a raccoon's tail hairpiece, a dachshund's body and the memory of an elephant. When Flubadub got hungry he cried "Meatballs!, Meatballs!", his favorite food (a prototype of SESAME STREET's Cookie Monster who cries "Cookies!").

Now that you know about Flubadub you should be able to spot him in much of what Sage of Seattle says. Here's a trial run for you. Try it: it's fun. Compare these two adjacent paragraphs from his recent message:

  1. The NRA does not speak for me on issues of firearms and my government. I do. I carry my own water, and I'll thank all of you arrogant NRA members to stay out of my face.

  2. A question is asked, albeit rhetorically, answers are given however and when a person posts his negative views on the NRA and why, he gets torn apart. If the NRA doesn't want to do some simple customer service to, you know, keep their customers (members) happy, then that is a legitimate complaint in my view.

Did you spot the Flubadub? Right! In the first paragraph Sage of Seattle proudly declares that he is not an NRA member and wants no part of it. But in the second sentence he complains that the NRA does not keep its members happy and asserts that it's legitimate for him to complain about the NRA's bad customer service.

There's an easily recognizable Flubadub for you: it has the head of a non-NRA-member, the tail of someone pretending to have a legitimate complaint, and in between are whingy little parts of a few other things, all assembled into one angry creature that cries "Meatballs! Meatballs!" when it's hungry. You can never satisfy a Flubadub's hunger but many of us keep trying. I suppose some of us don't know it's impossible and others of us find it an interesting sport.

If you had trouble spotting that Flubadub, reread the Sage of Seattle's message to which I responded in the manner you consider beneath me. There he complains about NRA members whose happiness with the NRA is excessive for him.

That's a Flubadub too. But you can put it next to the other one so you can spot the elusive Flubadub more easily.

Some other ways to recognize a Flubadub getting ready to feed is to look for messages that start with demands like these:

  1. Show me the cites.
  2. Give me the links.
  3. Point me to the evidence.

You'll notice that a Flubadub demands service and never lifts a finger for himself. Flubadubs want their food delivered. They insist that other people wait on them, probably so they can criticize its quality, quantity, and service. Challenge them, though, and usually they proclaim their own exhausting activity on behalf of their Second Amendment rights and, possibly, everyone else's too.

Imagine that every Flubadub maintains his own set of lobbyists and lawyers in Washington, DC, as well as in his own state. The Flubadub's network of skilled instructors teaches CWP courses throughout the country. And the Flubadub's magazines and public relations people deal with media throughout the country on gun related issues.

But in reality the Flubadub's energies are focused on feeding in Internet gun forums and shouting "Meatballs! Meatballs!" a lot.

Please don't misunderstand me. Flubadub can be fun to play with as long as you don't mind getting bitten. It doesn't bother me at all. As you may have realized by now, I grew up with the original Flubadub and still find them amusing although I never forget how dangerous they are.

So what I did that irritated you was to create a kind of archtypical Flubadub exactly to the Sage of Seattle's specifications in that second message of his I mentioned. You're offended by its irritating grotesque appearance.

Yeah. That's the point. Flubadubs are irritating creatures. But they're not so rare as we were led to believe in 1949. They're common, very common, if you know where they live and what they eat.

Their major habitat is Internet gun forums. They come out to feed whenever anyone makes even a slightly favorable comment about the NRA and they go into an absolute feeding frenzy on at least two occasions. One is whenever people praise an NRA accomplishment for our Second Amendment rights. The other is whenever Gun Owners of America attacks the NRA. They're more ominverous than I might have led you to believe, though, because they tend to feed on most positive energy and transform it into negative energy. Look for "yes but" in what they say, as in "yes I can get a CWP but it's a violation of my Second Amendment rights to get one" and "yes the Assault Weapons Ban expired but it could have been renewed" and "yes the NICS Improvement Act does some good things but it could be abused." Those are only examples: yes you paid for my lunch but you didn't wipe my chin.

Gun Owners of America's most successful accomplishment is breeding and releasing Flubadubs. I don't know if Flubadubs have pedigrees or whether they're shown in Madison Square Garden for awards. If not maybe Larry Pratt will take the idea and run with it. It could be a revenue producer.
Oh, fellow gun owners, let us bow down before the incredible intellect of RH. We must not violate the 11th commandment - Thou shalt not say anything negative about the NRA, or its members - lest we be smote by the scathing sarcasm sent down from above onto us mere mortals.
Robert Hairless said:
In the first paragraph Sage of Seattle proudly declares that he is not an NRA member and wants no part of it.

Where did I say that? I believe I said "I'm not an NRA member and I was going to stay out of this thread when I read something like this" which meant that I felt that I had no experience with the NRA one way or another so I just wasn't willing to clutter up the threads. I read some things I felt needed to be commented on, however, which prompted my post.

But in the second sentence he complains that the NRA does not keep its members happy and asserts that it's legitimate for him to complain about the NRA's bad customer service.

I did no such thing. I said that the cop who complained about the treatment he recieved from the NRA was valid. Show me where I complained about the NRA's customer service, which I stated clearly I had no personal experience with.

There he complains about NRA members whose happiness with the NRA is excessive for him.

So you show your excessive happiness by berating a fellow NRA member for his poor experience with the NRA? And you continue to show your excessive happiness by berating me?

Some other ways to recognize a Flubadub getting ready to feed is to look for messages that start with demands like these:
Show me the cites.
Give me the links.
Point me to the evidence.

You'll notice that a Flubadub demands service and never lifts a finger for himself. Flubadubs want their food delivered. They insist that other people wait on them, probably so they can criticize its quality, quantity, and service. Challenge them, though, and usually they proclaim their own exhausting activity on behalf of their Second Amendment rights and, possibly, everyone else's too.

So you're stating that you saw my posts as empty criticisms of the NRA? Is that it? You're not being very clear here. I criticized directly the statements made in this thread about some NRA members regarding others. I made no statements regarding the NRA itself, except that some of its members aren't making joining the NRA a very appealing prospect for me.

They come out to feed whenever anyone makes even a slightly favorable comment about the NRA and they go into an absolute feeding frenzy on at least two occasions. One is whenever people praise an NRA accomplishment for our Second Amendment rights.

You've really got some nerve making those kinds of comparisons regarding me specifically. How dare you. I have never once said anything untoward to you directly, nor have I ever said one thing or another about the NRA except for tonight, and -- even then -- I've still not said anything negative towards the NRA.

Just it's nasty members.

I had a lot of respect for your insights and general good humor, Robert.

mb419, I never encountered anyone else who considered my references to a character in a 1949 television show for kids revealed my "incredible intellect." I appreciate it. It's fun to meet you.

I don't want to overload your circuits with more of this high powered discussion of childish things. But whenever I see you folks attack the NRA and everyone else who tries to do anything constructive I think of Walt Kelly's comic strip character Pogo. He's the thoughtful possum in this famous drawing below:


Walt Kelly couldn't have had Gun Owners of America in mind with that cartoon because he drew it in 1971 and GOA wasn't founded until 1975, but he was commenting on people who trash the environment in which they live, so it seems appropriate to me.

I don't understand why some gun owners want to live in a trashy swamp instead of at least trying to move forward but there's just no accounting for tastes.

Now that wasn't the least bit sarcastic, was it? Neither was my previous message.
But whenever I see you folks attack the NRA and everyone else who tries to do anything constructive

Name one thing you've said that was constructive in this thread.

Oh, wait. I think I posted too soon. I'm sure you're working on a smug, condescending and wittily scathing reply to me, complete with wonderful anecdotes about your childhood and pictures of fanciful cartoon figures.

Please, allow me to stand back so you may continue to cleverly impugn my character with wholly inaccurate insinuations.

Hey, guess what? I can link to pictures too! I think someone really famous said, "Yer either for us, or agin' us!" Again, I must applaud your efforts at bringing support to the NRA!

One of the things the NRA did back in the 70's was saving over 600,000 M-1 Garand rifles from destruction. It was thru thier efforts and a massive mailing campain to Congressmen by thier (NRA) members and others that got a stay on the destruction of these rifles.

The logic used was why are we spending about $6-$7 dollars a rifle to destroy them when we can sell them to the public for about $100.00 each (DCM program). We are talking millions of dollars at that time and the dollar was worth a lot more than it is now.

If you have one of these rifles,,,,,,,,,,,,thank the NRA..

Sage of Seattle:

I had a lot of respect for your insights and general good humor, Robert.


Oh darn, I didn't know you were a fan. You should have told me. I guess you were thinking it and just didn't communicate it, the way you didn't communicate that you were Sir Launcelot or some other noble knight riding to the rescue of that helpless and hapless law enforcement officer who was outraged because his instructors certificate wasn't renewed because he didn't renew it in time and he didn't get any sympathy.

You don't know, of course, that the NRA rule is that an instructor who fails to renew by the deadline is required to take the course again. The NRA now also requires basic pistol instructors to take and pass the qualifying exam every year beyond the first year, and that an instructor who fails the exam must take that course again. The NRA is dead serious about making sure its instructors demonstrate their competence. Awful, huh?

You don't know any of those things. I did and so did the cop. Maybe he forgot but he was reminded of the rule by the clerk or whoever it was he talked with when he tried to get around that rule. I'm surprised that you didn't see that the cop was blaming everyone--his police chief, the town treasurer, the NRA clerk--but himself for his failure to renew by the deadline. It's interesting, though, that you didn't register his dramatic statement that the NRA ruined his career because he failed to renew, the NRA therefore required him to retake the course for certification, and he didn't want to do it.

You, my friend, have the potential for a great many grievances in store for you. I don't know the law regarding concealed weapons permits in Washington state but many states have rules similar to the NRA rule. If you fail to renew a CWP in those states you have to retake the course and resubmit your documentation--just as the NRA required of that cop. If it happens to you and Washington has that rule, please feel free to call the person who administers the CWP, explain why you didn't renew in time, tell him or her that your life will be ruined if they don't waive the rule for you, then come here and complain that they didn't do it. You're sure to get some sympathy from some people. Put it under your pillow and sleep better at night.

Still, you feel that it's not right and you don't like the way the cop was treated and nobody told you that rule and that's not anything you should know but even if you don't know it that makes no difference because it's just not right anyhow. Got it.

I felt that I had no experience with the NRA one way or another so I just wasn't willing to clutter up the threads. I read some things I felt needed to be commented on, however, which prompted my post.

You felt you had no experience with the NRA one way or another but you felt the need to comment anyway so you did. Got that too.

Time for a brief summary: You don't know what you're talking about, you know you don't know what you're talking about, you don't want to know what you're talking about, you want to talk about it anyway, but you don't want to be told that you don't know what you're talking about and you're insulted that I told you in a way you didn't like. So you're not out of line; I am. Did I get that one right too?

If so, let's move on so I can try to clarify what you find unclear: "So you're stating that you saw my posts as empty criticisms of the NRA? Is that it? You're not being very clear here." Very gently, because your feelings are fragile and I hope to renew your interest in my fan club: yes, that's it. Reread the preceding paragraph if you don't understand why, and if you still don't understand why just start at the beginning of this message and reread down to this point. I'll wait. I am an exceedingly patient man.

Okay to continue now? Good. Let's continue for just a little bit longer.

I don't see any point in going through everything you said and responding to it detail by tedious detail. But the elfish spirit that resides within me and emerges from time to time can't resist one little thing more.

My inner elf enjoys this comment towards the end of your most recent message: "some of its members aren't making joining the NRA a very appealing prospect for me."

Did you really just say that the comments I and others like me made in this thread are what make joining the NRA unappealing to you?

If so, I understand why you are called the Sage of Seattle. Let's work from each end, just as I outlined before.

At the front end: This thread is recent, those statements you don't like were made in the past few days, they couldn't possibly have been made before the thread began, and you "had a lot of respect for [my] insights and general good humor" until just now.

At the back end: You're 36 years old, you joined this forum on 5/24/06, which is about one and three-quarter years ago, you are not an NRA member and have not joined in all that time, and the distress caused by my messages in the last few days are what prevented you from joining.

How do you do that?

Part of what I mean is, how did you know throughout the last 18 months that I would post messages in these last few days that would make you not want to join the NRA? If this is a prophetic art that you can teach me, I want to learn it from you.

The other part of what I mean is, how do you not realize that you've created another Flubadub, with that conflicting stuff I just mentioned at each end and unrelated stuff in the middle filled with your complaints and lectures about matters you don't know, know you don't know, seem proud you don't know, and lecture me and others about anyway.

P.S. I just saw the trick photo you posted of George W. Bush and the way you associated it with joining the NRA. Odd behavior. No point in wasting more time on you.
So how many people have signed up for the NRA as a result of this thread?
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