Why the NRA must be stopped.

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Do you honestly think that any group dedicated to a cause has every interested person as a member? Or even a majority? I don't belong to MADD but I'm pretty opposed to drunk driving. Should MADD be stopped because not every driver on the road belongs to the group not even every driver who doesn't want others driving drunk belongs. That's part of your post is just absurd.

You also seem to be off base with stating the NRA needs to do more to attract Democrats. They look at politicians and evaluate them based on their positions and voting. There have been Democrats with A+ ratings. Others not so much. The reality is their are enumerated planks in the Democrats platform that are absurdly anti RKBA. We say with Machin how much we can trust some of those folks who are supposedly pro gun. The credible threat of organized opposition is the only thing that keeps some of those folks "pro 2nd amendment" same is true for many people with an R next to their name.

I'd respond to the rest but I realize I've already invested too much effort in responding to what we can only hope is trolling.
Please tell me again how the NRA supports pro gun Democrats?
Either you are a complete troll or you are unaware of a region called "the South". The NRA has given A and A+ ratings to a ton of Democrats in KY based on their second amendment stances.

Although KY votes red in national elections virtually all local and state offices are held by Democrats. NRA supports the pro 2A Democratic candidates just as much as the Republicans.

I've never seen the NRA praise Obama for anything. They never once mentioned him allowing hand guns in national parks or on Amtrak trains.

Do you really believe Obama would have passed these had they been stand-alone bills? Of course he wouldn't: they were just minor amendments to bills he couldn't afford not to sign. That's just politics, not advocacy.
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"2nd, all of what I am about to tell you is fact."

Well, you missed the boat right off the bat when you promised us facts and nothing but facts. Did you find your facts in an anonymous email?

I'd elaborate, but I need to take a trailer load of trash to the dump.

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