Kentucky Constitutional Carry Under Fire?

Next best thing would be GOA. They have state alerts.

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Unfortunately, here in IL-ANNOY we have the Illinois State Rifle Assoc. (ISRA). They have been having similar problems to the NRA and have "waffled" on several pieces of legislation in this "Democrat-controlled" state, hurting their standing as well as our rights.
Most of the state related information I get is from our "watchdog" group, as there are several people there that do a splendid job on finding and disseminating needed information.
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If the Democrats steal power here in AZ, I would assume that Constitutional carry along with state preemption, AWB and Stand Your Ground will all be on the hit list. They are not holding back anymore - when they have power, they immediately go for blood.
The difference between Republicans and Democrats, is Democrats do. Republicans don't. Look at how many states with Republicans majorities constantly kill pro-gun legislation. FL with a supermajority, refuses to even pass open carry.

If Democrats take control, they'll look to undo pro-gun legislation in a heart beat.
The difference between Republicans and Democrats, is Democrats do. Republicans don't. Look at how many states with Republicans majorities constantly kill pro-gun legislation. FL with a supermajority, refuses to even pass open carry.

If Democrats take control, they'll look to undo pro-gun legislation in a heart beat. can't be serious.
What sucks is all the gun grabbers that foot bills could not tell a CZ-75 from a Browning M-2. Its like me the forest ranger making laws on brain surgery. total stupid BS.
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So, remove the RINOs is the next step in Florida and elsewhere. I remember when Republicans held both Houses and the Presidency and the Hearing Protection Act went nowhere, even with the President's son championing it. Cowards.
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Reactions: RetiredUSNChief can't be serious.

If you mean he's not serious about "The difference between Republicans and Democrats, is Democrats do. Republicans don't.", then I say he very much IS.

I see exactly this when I look at the Democrats and the Republicans. Democrats do, Republicans don't.

This is a HUGE failing of the Republicans.
So, remove the RINOs is the next step in Florida and elsewhere. I remember when Republicans held both Houses and the Presidency and the Hearing Protection Act went nowhere, even with the President's son championing it. Cowards.
It is a bit hard to remove them when 1/4 of the entire legislature runs unopposed and the party through political chicanery blocks non-establishment approved candidates.

Heck, the previous FL Republican Party 2nd Committee Chairman flat out said he's against Constitutional Carry and Open Carry.

The FL Republican Party has since simply disbanded the 2nd Amendment Committee.