Kerry Wins Super Tuesday; will be Democrat nominee

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Brian Dale

Aug 12, 2003
on the farm

It looks like Super Tuesday wrapped up the Dem Nomination for John Kerry. Well, he's shown everyone today in the Senate what he's made of. Yes, there are slow learners in the world.

Edwards will still be a danger in the Senate over the summer, but come November he'll be coming back home to North Carolina, where we can ridicule him properly.

Howard Dean won in Vermont, despite having withdrawn from the race.

Note: there are some factual errors down the page, including the assertion that the AWB had been renewed. Long story short: it has not.

From an AP story at

comes the following:
The crowd shouted along with him as Kerry delivered his signature line: "If George Bush wants to make national security the central issue of 2004, I have three words that I know he understands — Bring. It. On."
Well, you heard the man.
I listened to his speach after he found out the Breck Girl was dropping out.
I thought I was going to SPEW!!!!

That man can sure talk out of both sides of his Botox injected face!
In one breath he said he was going to raise taxes on the "rich" and corporations to pay for more social programs, then said how he was going to create 300,000 jobs by giving those same corporations "incentives".
And the people cheered.....not having a clue that corporations don't pay taxes. We do.
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