Kerry's got his own intern problem!

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"I'm telling you Republicans: your man is in trouble. Big trouble. And it's his own fault, not the media's."

Umm hmm. Whatever helps you sleep. I can't wait to talk to you in Novemeber. You'll have all sorts of excuses, lawsuits, conspiracy theories-- but you guys have little to no shot with these losers. Americans are unlikely to tolerate a candidate whose defense strategy is de facto surrender. Not now.

I know gobs of Republicans too. I don't know any of them who plans to do anything but vote for Bush. Democrats were unhappy with Clinton in 96'--guess who they voted for? John Kerry will be doing Botox commercials (Dole/Viagra repeat?) by December.
Nope...and you won't until it's completely out of control. Anyone remember how long it took for the mainstream media to pick up the Lewinsky story after Drudge broke it?f
Is there any proof this is real?

Good grief, I wouldn't vote for Kerry if you paid me, yet its only February
and we've already had the "Bush was AWOL" scandal, the "Kerry and Jane Fonda" scandal and now this.

Is it going to be like this for 9 months? What about the issues?

I can see where folks like St. Johns can get a good chuckle out of this. And by the way, St, Johns, come on over. We're actually pretty friendly, and its standard American cultural practice to not spew politics at strangers (except on the internet :) ).

Plus, I think tar and feathering went out about 1850 (cleanliness obsessed Americans don't like getting all that icky tar on their hands and such):D .
So are you telling me that Democrats, who may be fired up, are actually all fired up for Kerry?

In my area, and talking to Democrats around the country, I would say yes, for the simple reason that he's seen as someone who can beat Bush.

And the "anyone but Bush crowd" is just in a maniacal snit. I think if the race were between Hitler and Bush they'd vote against Bush.

Umm hmm. Whatever helps you sleep.

I'm not losing sleep over the idea of a 2nd term for Bush, not because I think it can't happen, but because I don't think he's as bad as most other Democrats I know do.

I'm the exception.
"I'm telling you Republicans: your man is in trouble. Big trouble. And it's his own fault, not the media's."

Umm hmm. Whatever helps you sleep. I can't wait to talk to you in Novemeber. You'll have all sorts of excuses, lawsuits, conspiracy theories-- but you guys have little to no shot with these losers.

I am going to defen Mark Tyson on this one. Stick around awhile and you will see that Mr. Tyson is the most well-grounded Democrat you will find. Mr. Tyson was merely adding to the discussion, not waving the "jackass" banner.
I used to vote Democrat years ago just because that is how my family and my public schools taught me; politically I was an idiot.

Then I woke up and found that the Republicans represented my new found ideals much, much better. And once they had the Congress and the Presidency, whoo hoo! or so I thought. Politically I was a fool.

Then I really woke up and have discovered that regardless of who runs the legislative or executive branches, be it reps or dems, bonesman or bonesman, the direction is the same.

I'm voting Libertarian regardless!

p.s. please don't wake me up this time.
Hey, I didn't mean it in a mean way! I was just playfully responding to the doom and gloom. Bush isn't in any real danger. I don't expect Democrats or hard-core Libertarians and Greens to vote for him. By November, Republicans, who are VERY reliable at the poles, will be chomping at the bit to vote--especially now that the Republicans are actually worried they might lose. Middle of the roaders will have to decide between Bush and Kerry. Bush, who has made defending our country the focus of his administration, and who is hard to label as a doctrinaire conservative. On the other hand there is Kerry, who has an extremely leftist voting record, who will change positions on the fly (Iraq, WMDs, Gay Marriage, guns, Patriot Act ), and who has done nothing but help disarm this country during his political life. This isn't the 90's, we actually know who our enemies are. Kerry's medals can't undo the damage he has done to this country in the last three decades.


edited for homonyms!
Note: whatever you think of the Clintons they are master politicians. This latest torpedo job of Kerry was a master stroke by them. Using Clark as a kamikazi--pure instinct.
Yup. Clinton's goal is that either his man (Clark) wins or Bush wins. If Bush wins, then Hillary can run in 2008.
Won't this strengthen Kerry's base?
A number of years back, Louisiana Gov. Eddie Edwards was running for re-election during one of his gambling scandals. He said to the press that the only way he could lose was if they found him in bed with a live boy or a dead girl. Unfortunately, that doesn't disqualify you from office in Massachusetts -- witness our current and former congressmen Ted Kennedy (dead girl), Barney Franks (boyfriend turning tricks out of his condo), and Studds (got a 16-year-old male congressional page drunk and then sexually assaulted him).
Is there any proof this is real?
Not yet. But give it time.
Then I really woke up and have discovered that regardless of who runs the legislative or executive branches, be it reps or dems, bonesman or bonesman, the direction is the same.

I'm voting Libertarian regardless!

p.s. please don't wake me up this time.

Speaking as a Libertarian myself, if the LP was really successful, then who knows what would happen? Wouldn't they become corrupt, too? I sometimes wonder. Maybe all the dirty money and favors going to the Repugs and the Democrats would shift to the Libertarians (mocking nickname - Fibbertarians)...
Art Eatman:
MB, it has to do with character.

To be honest, I don’t really care if George W was into cocaine and boozing or even if he was AWOL in his younger years. I do admit they all show signs of bad character though.

If Kerry is getting a little on the side, that’s not for me to judge. I do admit that shows bad character though.

I want to know where they want to take America. Who among us is a Saint? Let those cast the first stone.

In the meantime, what will our next president do to get us out of the mess we are currently in? That’s what I need to know.

Speaking as a Libertarian myself, if the LP was really successful, then who knows what would happen? Wouldn't they become corrupt, too? I sometimes wonder.

No need to wonder. You already know it will happen. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. A little power corrupts quite a bit as well. We can cross that bridge when we get to it. If the libertarians became very successful, you know many reps and dems would abandon their ship and bring their baggage with them. But hey, maybe we can get a third party in there, then when it goes rotten, get another third party in there, etc. Sooner or later maybe they'd get the picture.

One good thing about voting for a libertarian this time around will be that, even though a libertarian will not be elected, the dems are such bumbling fools, Bush will probably have a September or October surprise, the economy will be growing and Bush will win hands-down. That way, the dem gun-grabbers will not get in and Bush, who is apparently only an "assault-weapon-grabber" is probably the lesser of the two gun-grabbing :evil: 's. In the meantime, the libertarians build their base, get enough votes to share in the spoils of campaign finance --- then we're on our way.

There probably has never been a better time to vote for the libertarian candidate for president.

editted to add: shhhh, I'm still sleeping :eek:
Only in the U.S. do we get all worked up over who politicians might be sleeping with. Who cares? I don't as long as it's consensual. Attacking Kerry on something as inocuous as his sexual habits takes the focus from issues of real substance. His visions for America are far more dangerous and effect all of us.
Y'all need to get out of the Victorian age mindset and pay attention to the damage a President Kerry could inflict on Constitutional freedoms.
Y'all need to get out of the Victorian age mindset

The concept of loyalty has nothing to do with a "Victorian age mindset." Its a simple trait, but one that I demand in a potential Commander in Chief.
To those of you who don't have a problem with Kerry fooling around with a woman who is not his wife, what if that woman was your wife or daughter? What do you say now?

I have known a lot of guys like this who lie and cheat on their wives. In the long haul, they are not to be trusted. Period.
stevelyn: attention to the damage a President Kerry could inflict on Constitutional freedoms.

Are you saying he has something worse in mind than the “Patriot Act†or the Patriot Act II†in mind? If so, please share!
Are you saying he has something worse in mind than the “Patriot Act†or the Patriot Act II†in mind? If so, please share!

Well, he's got a perfect score from the Million Moms, is a true believer in SERIOUS gun control, and he believes the U.S. military should be under U.N. control...
"Are you saying he has something worse in mind than the “Patriot Act†or the Patriot Act II†in mind? If so, please share!"

Do I see a pattern here:

President Ronald Reagan's wife, Nancy, is a strong minded woman with high morals.

President George H. W. Bush's wife, Barbara, is a strong minded woman with high morals.

President George W. Bush's wife, Laura, is a strong minded woman with high morals.

I don't recall any extra-marital affairs with these presidents.

Maybe it has more to do with the wives they choose. Maybe that is really more important, or at least more indicitive, in determining the character of a potential president. More likely, the two go hand-in-hand I suppose.

To me, if someone cheated on their wife, with whom they took a vow of fidelity, etc. and then broke that vow, it follows that if he were to become president and take an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America, that oath would be hollow and meaningless.
Thumper: Thank you for that information. Those were very helpful and offered insight. In my opinion (which I know won't be popular here), the U.N. should be moved to France or Africa.

Greg Bell: You just seeing your name online turns you on, eh? Congrats! You got it.
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