Knife For The Emergency Box

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I carry a Wenger Tradesman in my pocket all the time and use it for various things at least once a day, usually more often than that. I've even used it to cut down the most awesome walking stick I encountered in the woods. Whittled it down like a beaver cutting wood, but it worked.



  • opticsgiant_1983_34555399.jpg
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I had the same exact problem when I threw a small kit together for mine and my wife car and I went with two different solutions.

I bought the Wyoming Knife Kit from Jantz and made one for my wife. I figured if she's reaching for it she needs it REALLY BAD and it's a full tang knife ground out from a lump of steel that won't break on her no matter what and I usually have one on me (An Al Mar Sere folder) in addition to the Mora in the small kit.

Jantz Wyoming Knife Kit

Then I bought one of the Blue handled Mora knives from Ragweedforge for myself (making that Jantz Wyoming kit knife was kind of a pain since it was my first knife kit and it came out well, but I wasn't anxious to repeat the experience again within a week of making the first one).


I read a review of this blue handled Mora knife awhile back where the author of the test took pieces of rope and continued to cut them until the knives were so dull that they would no longer cut. He used a broad section of various knives and this particular Mora knife cut 300 pieces of rope before it lost it's edge and wouldn't cut any longer and it did as well or better than knives costing ten or eleven times (literally) as much. Mosting it's a knife for slicing and I wouldn't try to use it as a pry par or to baton firewood with as I don't think that it's a full tang knife and I'm not sure how much actual abuse it would take, but when I tried it out for awhile before sticking it in the kit it did really well for cutting things with (which is what a knife is for anyway, I won't be trying to be Jim Bowie and slashing and stabbing my way through hordes of troops anytime soon).

The Cold Steel Finn Bear and some of the Puukko knives from Northerner would have been an option if I'd known about them at the time, but considering that rope test and the fact that they've both performed really well so far I'm happy with my choices.



Northerner Puukko Knives (alot of them are $35 or less).
So, Rapala 4-inch bait knife. Five dollars retail.

The floor is open for suggestions.

After reading this I ordered a trio from since no stores in the area stocked them.

For a $5 knife, I'm really amazed. Thanks for the heads up! :)
Ka-Bar Fighting Knife

I'm not much for knives, I tend to just think of them as tools. Maybe that's why the Ka-Bar Fighting Knife suits me (the short model with the 5 1/4 inch blade). The leather handle, the weight, and the history of it, what's not to love? It meets all your requirements as I see it. True it cost more than $5, but is $35 really that much? I've paid more than that for one box of quality ammo.
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