LA Times- NRA is weaker

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Yet again they miss the point that the NRA is not the Joyce Foundation, nor is it Soros' The NRA has political power because it has members. Millions of them. They don't rely on billionaires writing their checks, they rely on millions of people paying membership dues. Those millions of members vote, and that is where the NRA gains its political power. Political power comes from votes- no more, no less. Money is only useful as it relates to the votes it can sway. Simply having money doesn't ensure a victory in an election.

If the NRA has any weakness, it is that their members do not always vote their rights; they can be susceptible to the obfuscation and lies said by anti-gun politicians as they give lip service to the RKBA. But the fact that their members can and have voted folks right out of office gives the NRA its power.

Politicians understand this, even if they don't admit it. The media certainly has never figured it out.

Just because the Democrats refuse to talk about the issue doesn't mean that they won't enact another ban as soon as the elections are over. Having control of both houses and the executive will be similar to the rash of bad policy that the Republicans did back in the first years of Bush.

Just slam it down our throat and hope we get over it. It may hurt the party short term and we may see a shift in power in congress but it will be to late. Politicians only see the short term and figure they can lie their way back into office. I've seen it to many times to think differently.
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