Well said, I actually agree with you.
Well said, I actually agree with you.
Confed, well, the Supremes ruled a while ago that the National Guard is not the militia. Always a good one to throw in their faces.
I think what Wilddon'tspeakformeKirkyounumbnutsAlaska may be getting at is that by focusing on the "militia" one is making the mistake that the antis do--mistakenly (although often deliberate) look to the dependent clause and not the main clause.
Ahhh, hereby playing the "well its in plain english" game ignores 600 plus years of Anglo-American jurisprudence that must be consulted and intepreted before one can say exactly what "plain english" is...
Ahhh, here
Using that as your sole understanding of the legal system is the same as figuring out the tides by watching the water run down the drain in your bathtub...
But hey, everyone is entitled to be ininformed in their life
Namely they are sexually immature, of low self esteem and pin-headed.
Step 3. "600 plus years of Anglo-American jurisprudence that must be consulted and intepreted before one can say exactly what "plain english" is" stands between you, me, and a "fair and just nation".
I've read a dozen or more well-researched, scholarly articles on the subject, and there simply is no concensus.
And given the prevailance of "legal realism" in the law schools, there never will be such a consensus, until there's a consensus as to what it OUGHT to mean... since way to many legal scholars are committed to denying that laws have any objective meaning apart from what lawyers want them to mean.