law introduced to make it illegal for a mountain lion to attack you! (CA)

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May 8, 2003
Reno, Nevada
makes me feel a whole lot better!

Mountain lion bill introduced
Herald Staff Writer

A bill making it a crime for a mountain lion to attack a human has been introduced into the state Legislature.

Assembly Bill 2273, introduced by Assemblyman Bill Maze, R-Visalia, is intended to make victims of mountain lion attacks eligible for compensation for their injuries through the state crime victims' fund, according to Somke Mastrup, deputy director of the state Department of Fish and Game. For them to be eligible, they must be crime victims.

Mastrup reported on a number of bills pending in Sacramento at Thursday's meeting of the state Department of Fish and Game in Monterey, legislation that the commission should keep an eye on, he said.

Others include:

• AB2467, which would allow the U.S. Forest Service to issue permits to take lions. Sport hunting of mountain lions has been outlawed in California since 1990, except for predation permits issued when lions kill livestock or pose a danger to humans.

• AB2485, requiring "kitty litter" to be labeled to protect sea otters from diseases borne by cat feces flushed into the bay that carry germs harmful to them. A "flushable" variety of cat litter has gone on the market.

Other pending bills would regulate fish farming, elk and antelope hunting, and funding of wildlife programs, Mastrup said.

Mastrup submitted a report on state wetland policies, which remain essentially unchanged from last year.

The Fish and Game Commission will resume hearings in the City Council chambers of Monterey City Hall at 8:30 a.m. today, focusing on issues about the state's salmon and steelhead trout fisheries.
Kevin Howe can be reached at 646-4416 or [email protected].
The sad thing is that this bill will pass and the legal hunting of mountain lions will fail.:banghead:

And no one will mention the fact that mountain lion attacks have gone up substantially since hunting was outlawed.:barf:
I want to write the law review article about applying due process to mountain lions.

If you just want to pay people to be attacked by mountain lions, why not just pass a law that says "if you get attacked by mountain lions, we will pay you money from the state treasury." That is essentially what these clowns are trying to accomplish.

I think California is a great example of what happens to governments not constrained by a constitution (CA has one, but it isnt constrained by it, is it?). There is pretty much no legal theory under which crime victims could compel the state to pay them money for being victimized. Unless, of course, there was a law granting them a property right as a result of victimization. Which is why having a constitution that prohibits such foolishness is necessary.
It sounds dumb and it will get sensationalized, but there is a reason for this. One was already outlined: Attack victims are eligible for state support (medical bills, &c.). Second, there may be some provision under the law that would make it legal (now that the cat is a 'criminal') to have animal control/law enforcement dispatch it if it is a known human attacker.
someone has to decide what the yearly salary for a mountain lion has to be before they become eligible for a public defender. :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
Those victim compensatio funds are supposed to come from convicts restitution. (but con's don't pay so the state does)
How you gonna bill a (soon to be dead) mountain lion?
"A "flushable" variety of cat litter has gone on the market."

It's all flushable, you just have to be fast so it doesn't have time to swell up into a big ball of clay in the bowl. I've been flushing the stuff for 35 years.

Bad kitty.

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