Learned a new lesson about Handguns Tonight!

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All guns deserve the respect due a lethal weapon, especially the "unloaded" ones.

Let anyone including yourself treat "unloaded" guns as harmless, the odds of something bad happening goes up exponentially.

And with my luck, if someone twirled my Security Six it would fly off their finger and break my TV set.
Second issue.

Often the type of person to do such things is the same type that will have an accident with a firearm of some sort due to complete negligence...

I believe it was Gary Kleck who found that people who have gun accidents usually have more than average numbers of auto accidents and more ER visits for other causes.

Third issue.

Why is it people who arrogantly hold wrong ideas about guns counter attempts at correction with "I was in the military/police you can't teach me anything I know it all."
Yeah, not real bright. That's what happens when you have a culture whose only knowledge of firearms is what they've seen on television. That's why I never hand a firearm to someone without first giving them a rundown of basic firearm handling etiquette. After a while I even started doing this with folks I expected to be familiar with handling firearms.

I handed my prized revolver to a house guest early on in my carry career (after I had checked that it was unloaded). The moment he got a hold of it he started pulling the trigger repeatedly. :what: He never checked to see if it was unloaded, just started pulling away. I immediately took it from him and he never got to see any of my other guns down the road.
Would you be willing to advise which of the 4 rules for gun safety can be ignored?
There are many times that they are 'ignored'. I guess they are more like guidelines than absolutes, like the pirate code. :)

Cleaning and maintaining often requires you to violate the rules. Some firearms require cleaning the barrel from the muzzle end. Many require you to pull the trigger for dissassembly, etc. Also, I'd be willing to bet that carrying a firearm through your house will cause you to point it at things that your really not willing to destroy. Same goes for dry-firing, rules violations!

When I was in the Army I rode in helicopters a lot and depending upon the helicopter type and the direction of the crew chief you were instructed to either carry muzzle up or muzzle down. You ended up pointing your weapon either up and towards the rotors or down and towards the electronics and hydraulics under the floor board. I wasn't willing to destroy either of these but pointing at one or the other was just unavoidable.
I myself admitted that the whole scenario was my fault it was emotional for me because I caused it,maybe wrong on my part too express it here in the manner I did..many people who post here wait for the opportunity to jump on someones error.In This case I know better but failed,all day today I have thought of the countless Hours of reading and studying about Firearm safety and the respondsibilty yet I made such and bonehead deciscion...
I think few want to jump on your "error" (if error there was).

It seems to me that most of the posts advising you to offer forgiveness (or a second chance) are in the interests of 1) family harmony and 2) allowing for the potential for rehabilitation of your brother-in-law 3) the potential for increasing the number of voters who support gun rights.

I don't think there is any downside to making a kindly overture.

Do what you want, but having a brother-in-law and sister-in-law who think respectfully of your temper is better than having them think badly of you. Not to mention building brownie points with your own wife.

Far be it from me to tell you how to handle your personal relationships....oh, wait! I am.

Well, just look at it as a suggestion. Do what you think best.

Lost Sheep

(edit) It seems to me that you gave him his first lesson in gun handling, and an excellent one at that. To not follow up on it with lesson #2 is the only error I see here.
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Good lesson learned and nobody was hurt.

Press on!

- Do not trust people you do not know with your guns!
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