LEO Question

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Apr 14, 2004
Walla Walla
This could be regional, but I was wondering how any of you LEO's out there would react to a high school student such as myself politely asking what weapon it was you were carrying? Would you be offended or helpful? I'm always looking to learn more about handguns but I don't want to seem as though I'm some arrogant teenager who's seen guns in movies and suddenly considers himself an expert. This could apply to adults as well. Just curious.
If I'm open-carrying in uniform and not busy with something else, I usually will answer a polite inquiry directly.

"Kimber Stainless Classic 1911 .45 acp."
Nah. It's a matte finish, with a 60 year old blue knurled mainspring housing on it, with heavily-battered rubber stocks on it. The hammer (which is NOT stainless) has a pretty good patina going on it from thousands of hours open to the weather. It's just a damned fine working gun. :)
Ooooo, gooey.


I remember seeing a 1911 on a border patrol agents hip one time at breakfast, he was with his friends who appeared to all have Glocks... I said a little too loudly, "hey, a 1911 in the middle of Glocks", I am not sure if he gave me a dirty look or a yeah, isn't it funny look.
I've had a couple kids ask me questions like that. I answer them as best I can, since any positive interaction with teenagers is a nice change for me.
I think you'll find a lot of officers who don't know what model their sidearm is.

Dave Williams
Sheesh, I get that question from other officers! Freaks 'em out to no end when I say Tanfoglio. Soon, maybe, to be replaced with genuine CZ.
I think you'll find a lot of officers who don't know what model their sidearm is.
I've had that happen several times. I was pulled over a few years ago in south Georgia, and while they searched my car (for doing six miles over the limit), I noticed the officers were carrying what I later learned were S&W autos. I asked one of them what it was, and his response was, "Hell if I know, I liked my old .38." I was glad to be out of there :confused:

Alot more, when asked, will just respond, "40" or "9mm," and I don't pursue the conversation any further. Many police departments give the officers some discretion, though, so if I see someone carrying, say, a Kimber or a CZ rather than standard-issue, I know he's a shooter, and I usually strike up a conversation.

Incidentally, I've been seeing alot more Kimbers in the hands of Fulton and Atlanta Marshalls.
I cannot imagine why an officer would be offended. Of course, there is always some twit who'll ask if they can see it, and they get all boo-boo lipped when you politely decline to unholster and let them play with it..

I carried a two-tone GM for quite a while and got a number of comments, usually I just thanked them for the compliment and answered any reasonable questions the person had.

I dimly recall a FBI report concerning assaults on LEOs that surveyed criminals who had been convicted of same in which one or more commented that they assessed the risk of assaulting an officer based on the type and condition of their carry gun - and officer with a modded gun was seek as more of a risk, under the assumption that they took an interest in firearms, and so forth.
SPD has to carry Glocks, but I noticed that the King County Sherrif's officers have some variety- I've walked past some carrying M-92s, Glocks, and I think at least one Smith & Wesson. Also noticed that they're allowed to have long hair, which the SPD aren't.

Been thinking about signing up with SPD. Maybe I should look into the Sherrif's office too...
I've asked several LEO's before.

The shooters will usually give you Make, Model, and Caliber.

Non-shooters will often stare blankly for a moment, as if you had asked them what they ate for Dinner last Wednesday. They usually end up saying 9mm, or .40. Many have no clue what Make it is.
Polite interest - - -

And, yes, it's really happened to me:

"Uh, officer, I don't mean to be rude, but, uh, do you know your pistol is cocked?"

"Yes, sir, I do."

"But - - - WHY?"

"Because it won't work otherwise. Thank you for your interest."


PS: Some kinda .45 Colt's - - National Match, Government Model, Commander. Depending on the particular geological epoch.
If I'm not busy with other things I never mind a question like that. Even made a couple of friends that way.

Time and place permitting, I answer questions about my sidearm.

If it's a really quiet day, then I ask if they want to see what's in the cruiser. :evil:

Non-shooters will often stare blankly for a moment, as if you had asked them what they ate for Dinner last Wednesday. They usually end up saying 9mm, or .40. Many have no clue what Make it is.

Maybe if police cadets had to sleep with their weapons? :D

Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Tonight, you pukes will sleep with your rifles. You will give it a girl's name.....

At my most paranoid there was a Mossy 590, an M2 carbine, a scoped Remington 700 in 7mm Mag, an exposed-hammer-double-barrel 12 gauge bobbed off to about 10 inches, a back-up .357 snubbie, a .44 magnum wounded livestock remover, a bird whistle launcher, a Marlin 336 in .30-30, a Very pistol, and a Mk V reloadable OC dispenser.

And ammo. Lots of ammo.

I think I might have been carrying a 37mm gas gun, too. :evil:

Reminds me of when I was 15 and was talking to a guy in uniform and I noticed he was carrying a wheel gun . This was shortly after the mass adoption of Wonder Nines. He looked left and right broke leather and unloaded it handin g it to me butt first saying . ".357 magnum Colt Python . The last of the real guns ." That was realy cool and bad of him at the same time . I have lusted after those old revolvers ever since .
Question by student

I alway's answer if I am open carring. If concealed I tell them you never know.

Jayzus! I would think the longest part of your response time would be deciding which gun to use. Talk about an OODA loop! :eek:

Course, if you just started pulling them out and muttering to yourself, the threat might disappear itself. Specially the Very pistol.:p
My standard answer when asked if I am armed:

"Whaddya need?"


(It is extra-sad when other cops take you aside and whisper to you that your Gummint Model is cocked :uhoh: )
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