Let's all join the Brady Campaign!

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Sep 13, 2006
The Bradys have a big job cut out for them in combating the RKBA, and I think they could use some help. THR members should all join the Brady Campaign and help inject some zeal into their anti-gun advocacy. Fill out an application or whatever they have, telling them you've seen too many shootings on the news and want to make a difference.

After joining, storm into your state legislators' offices with lists of the silliest demands you can come up with.

"Guns must be equipped with thermal sensors that can detect a shooter's level of anxiety and refuse to fire in the hands of someone under too much stress! Also, every gun barrel should be equipped with a camera and an image sensor that will prevent it from firing at anything human-shaped! These safety features need to be law! Right now!"

When you're told to please leave unless you scheduled a meeting with the representative ahead of time, start screaming "baby-killer!" at the top of your lungs and throw pig blood on the furniture.

After you post bail, call every media outlet in your vicinity and demand interviews. Call every radio host in your city, especially ones who do shows on unrelated topics like car maintenance and gardening. Make the most outrageous claims you can think of. Suggestions:

"The gun industry has just begun selling 'bolt-action' guns! These guns are so named because they shoot bolts of lightning with millions of volts that can destroy schools and churches with one shot, yet they are completely legal!"

"Gun dealers are now selling atomic bullets that can set off nuclear chain reactions when they hit a target! These weapons have no sporting purpose and are ripe for use by terrorists!"

"It's illegal to own fully-automatic guns, but anyone can buy fully-automatic bullets! These bullets can be fired thousands of times per minute and are a danger to national security!"

"The 7.62 is a military sniper machine gun bullet so powerful it can penetrate the Earth's crust and create supervolcanoes that destroy entire cities! Despite this, these weapons of mass destruction are sold over the counter in thousands of stores! It's only a matter of time until a maniac fires their 7.62 into the ground and kills us all!"

Remember, anyone who questions your statements, doesn't have time to talk right now or asks you to lower your voice supports the murder of 1 million children every year by guns. Make sure to increase the child murder statistic by a factor of 10 every time you mention it.

What are your gun control lobbying ideas? What claims would you make to catch media attention? The terminally humor-impaired should note that this thread is meant to be farcical.
Ah, I thought you were going to suggest that everyone become a voting member, and then vote for major changes in priorities.

IIRC, didn't Michael Moore encourage socialists to join the NRA and vote that the NRA stick to hunting rifles only?

Bad idea in SO many ways. I see what your trying to do, plus I am sure the brady bunch types read this board so your suprise attack is no good anymore. Anyway glad to be in before the lock.
They're centrally controlled so the effort to change their policies would have a more difficult row to hoe than changing the NRA.
Exactly, they are centraly controlled, thier policies and decisions are made within this elite core and supporters are numerical and financial, not active policy decision makers. They are not about liberty and freedom, and they even know what is best for thier own supporters.

Joining them would simply make you a numerical statistic to be cited as a supporter, not an active contributor entitled to your share of decision making.

The NRA allows supporters to decide what agendas they wish most of thier membership $ to be spent supporting. The Brady bunch knows better and knows as a member it is evil guns and all aspects of thier downfall that you support.
Hahah, hilarious post. Thanks for the chuckle at work.

The strange part is, I would expect to see something like "fully automatic bullets" mentioned in a newspaper article. :scrutiny:

Thank you. That was the best laugh I'd had all day.

Some of the other responses kinda had me worried... like maybe they read the title of your post and took it at face value... and dead seriously, to boot.

Nice one!
Their being centrally controlled doesn't matter if you're doing a "false flag" operation to discredit them by making outrageous claims in their name. But the post is just a joke and I'm not actually promoting said action. It might be amusing for to email them as a supporter and tell them to please help ban fully-automatic bullets and "bolt-action" lightning guns, though. I could also tell them that there's a new type of ammunition called the "round" that's much deadlier than a bullet. "Many pistols coming out today fire 'rounds' instead of bullets. Studies have shown that 'rounds' have enough power to destroy an entire school bus in one shot! Call your representatives and tell them to ban 'rounds' today!"
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