LFI-II Question

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Dec 26, 2002
Hello Everyone,

I am planning on attending Lethal Force Institute's LFI-II class in the near future with Massad Ayoob.

I've trained with Mas in the past in LFI-I, but was wondering if any veterans of LFI-II could comment on specific equipment that helped them get the most out of the class.

One point in particular is the handgun itself. I carry both revolvers and autos, but am open to using one specifically over the other at the class assuming there is some specialized training involved that would favor one over the other.

Is there anyone who has actually taken the class that could comment on this?

Thank you for your input.
I Don't Know...

...what's still included in the LFI-II curriculum. In the years that I was an adjunct instructor with LFI, I saw the LFI-II curriculum "diluted" from what it had included when I took the course as a student.

As a generic response, I would recommend using the equipment you're most likely to carry (or use in your home), for the training value, rather than selecting equipment for the purpose of looking better in front of your fellow students.

One thing about training, if it's realistic, is that it gives you the chance to assess your choices in equipment.
Focus on using what you will primarily carry. (On that note, seriously consider why you would carry a 6-round revolver with slow reloads from awkward clips, instead of a 10-17 +1 round auto with fast reloads with convenient magazines.) Take everything you are seriously likely to carry - preferably two of each in case one breaks - as you may have reason/opportunity to explore the alternatives (they're light & small, so no reason to not take them). Expect to use just one because you don't want to obfuscate things by transitioning from one type to something significantly different; you'll have enough change & variation to deal with without adding on changing the core tool significantly.

Take twice as much ammo as required. You DON'T want to run out, and you may have opportunity to shoot a lot more than planned.
Take more calibers of ammo than you need. You may have opportunity to try other stuff, which may not happen if you have to go 'round begging for a certain caliber.
Take a shotgun (or two) in 12-gauge, plus plenty of slugs & buckshot. You will be sore.

Stay at the Brick Tower (hah! brick, but no tower) Lodge. Most do. Other options will likely stifle participation.
Get a map of Concord (or wherever the class is). Know how to get places (Mas' office included).
Bring lunch. You may opt to order out, but have food ready in case that doesn't work out.
Bring money - lots of it. The store is full of goodies, and you may have opportunity to buy something special & expensive (I bought the Steyr Scout that Mas was evaluating for an article when it was first introduced).
Rolling Rock gets Mas chatting after class/sunset. Bring a case.

Sunscreen & water in copious quantities.
Have a car of your own. Be ready to move.
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