Liberal Ben Affleck is Pro-Gun?

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He has political perspirations

I saw him on tv hanging with the butcher of Chappaqidick so I don't think I can trust him.
Lots of hollywood elites shoot skeet and have armed bodyguards yet do their best to make sure the poor and working class lose their rights.
True, but based on the 2nd hand info :D from the thread it seems like he is not one of those.

I've heard Spielberg is though. Big gun collection, little concern for the rights of others.
As much as I appreciate Affleck's comments as relayed here, they amount to nothing as long as he is stumping for the Dems. As Laura Ingraham says, "shut up and act."

Yep. Everyone knows the best way to convert anti's is to be as rude as possible. :rolleyes:

Not all Democrats are evil gungrabbers. Not all Democrats support gun control. Most anti's are anti's because they are not very well informed. I'd be willing to wager a case of good beer that the majority of anti's are not rabidly gungrabbers but instead are simply misguided and believe the lies of the foaming-at-the-mouth anti's.

If Affleck is a Democrat and pro Second Amendment, good. Maybe he'll convert others to not supporting the extremist gungrabbers. Very bit helps, you know.
I thought it was preetty significant that he said it IN THE CONVENTION HALL! I mean, there he is, right in the center of Democratic power, and he makes a major departure from company policy.

I wish he had something like, "I don't want the AW ban to be renewed", so we'd know where he stood on the important stuff, but just specifically mentioning the 2nd A at the convention helps.
Yep. Everyone knows the best way to convert anti's is to be as rude as possible.

Laura Ingraham wasn't talking about gun control, and I'm preaching to the choir, so to whom precisely am I being rude?

Reindeer Games was another good Affleck film, often overlooked. Of course, it also had Gary Sinise.
I also think many people, such as O'Reilly, don't understand what 'pro-gun' is. O'Reilly thinks it's all about hunting. For God's sake, read the Constitution! Where in there does it recognize my God-given right to shoot rabbits?

People need to be educated that being pro-gun is being pro-freedom. It's what being American is truly all about. A people with guns are truly a free people.
I saw the interview - I have to paraphrase here, but he stated he supported the WHOLE Bill of Rights, including, specicically, the Second Amendment. He brought this up on his own, without prompting.

He mentioned it again a bit later in the interview, and opined that's an area in which he does NOT agree with the Democratic Party.

He agreed with O'Reilly's comment that Kerry was a big gun guy, shooting clay pigeons and such, but that went by so quick it was hard to tell if either one was serious. (Remember, O'Reilly thinks the AWB is about machine guns and bazookas.)

When he spoke of Bush, he didn't claim he was an evil liar who stole the election, murdered babies, and compare him to a woman's private parts, so that puts him a leg up over much of Hollyweird.

But he's only around 30, so there's hope. Remember, "If you're not a liberal at 20, you have no heart. If you're not a conservative at 40, you have no head."
O'Reilly is not necessarily a pro-gun individual and definitely wants to see the AWB renewed. He's pro-2nd amendment - but only with lots of baggage.

I expected Affleck to be be in lock-step with the Moore thing. He really got my attention the first time he indicated he was pro-2nd amendment because he stated it in an independent sentence. When said a second time, again independent of what they were talking about, it came out as a flat-out statement, which really impressed me. No waffling!

Kerry holding a shotgun at the hip doesn't make him pro-gun, sorta like Clinton's ducking hunting trip when he was running the 2nd time.
Ahhh, the old art of confusing fame with wisdom.

How easily some of you are swayed by this wolf in sheeps clothing.

Lie down with dogs, wake up with fleas.
"O'Reilly is not necessarily a pro-gun individual and definitely wants to see the AWB renewed. He's pro-2nd amendment - but only with lots of baggage."

This is not to disagree with what you said, as you qualified your statement by adding "lots of baggage". But I've thought a lot about this and I wonder if someone can truly support the Second Amendment and support the AWB. The Second Amendment, from my understanding, was put in place to give us the rights to own firearms that could be used to protect us from our own government. I believe that "assault rifles" are the very type of firearm that the Second Amendment was meant to protect.

Bill O'Reilly needs a very harsh lesson on the chances of him doing what he does now without the second and its true meaning. These morons all thing the first keeps them free and spouting whatever drivel they want. They sure need a real harsh lesson.
This actor bashing is about as logical as saying, "Why does my opinion matter? I'm just a carpet layer, or a plumber, or a farmer, or a district manager." By this logic we should all shut up and let the professional politicians run everything.

Sure, there are a lot of actors who have opinions we consider as foolish as Diane Feinstein's. Perhaps that's because a lot of actors are her constituents. I'd bet good money that there are plenty of Californian carpet layers and plumbers and farmers and district managers with opinions we'd consider equally as foolish as Feinsteins or those actors.

But there are a few actors and perhaps even a few Californians who have positions many of us would agree with, too.

Has it occurred to anyone here that when you start complaining about the rights of one group to express its views you are putting the rights of all of us to express our views at risk? This attitude always amazes me. The perfect example is when a pro-2nd Amendment person complains about 1st Amendment freedoms. I often hear people say, "Without the 2nd Amendment, the 1st Amendment wouldn't exist." True, but the reverse is true also. Without the 1st Amendment, the 2nd Amendment wouldn't exist.

When you start trying to take away the 1st Amendment rights of others for some arbitrary reason like what they do for a living, quite frankly you are effing yourself in the A, to use the vernacular of our time. If we manage to take away the 1st Amendment rights of actors, who's next? Gun nuts? Remember, there are probably as many misguided people who hate firearms enthusiasts as there are firearms enthusiasts who dislike actors.

Be careful of what you wish for.

I'm gone for a few weeks, come back, and suddenly everyone's a freakin' psychic...

I in NO way advocated taking away anyone's rights. I pointed oout a response that I thought was interesting, in that too many in our society seem to equate fame with wisdom, when the two have nothing in common. And I get blasted for censoship?!?!?

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, over?
Sorry if I blasted you. I meant no disrespect. It's just that I believe in the 1st Amendment as strongly as I believe in the 2nd, and that goes for people with whom I disagree, like Ted Kennedy, as much as it does for people who share my views, as does, in this particular example, Ben Affleck. And that holds true for you, also. I certainly wasn't trying to shut you up. I believe your point was that we shouldn't hold actors up as authorities, which is a fair generalization. But that doesn't mean all actors are without knowledgeable and well-reasoned viewpoints, either. I apologize if it was a bit harsh.
Here is the problem I have with celebrities and their views:

They often get access to a speaking forum that most regular folk will never get due to their celebrity status. Many of them and the media (in general) treat them and their views like they have some magical insight to politics, religion, whatever.

Because they get an opportunity to speak out and share their views that most of us do not, they have a moral obligation, imho, to either NOT spout an uninformed viewpoint, or to inform themselves thoroughly on the subject, whatever it may be.

It is responsible to say "I am not informed on blah blah blah topic, so I will not comment". It is irresponsible to say "We need to ban those things" without doing any research on the topic. This is magnified many times over when this is done to a larger audience.

If any one person is conversing in a small group, spout whatever you want. When you have an opportunity to influence many (thousands?) of people with your view - be responsible and educate yourself first.

Rights come with responsibilities. With the 2A, the responsibility is somewhat obvious (at least to me and some others) - handle them with care. With the 1A, it is not as obvious, but one should exercise responsible behavior as well.

Applicable quote from Brad Pitt (of all people!)
"Reporters are always asking me what I feel China should do about Tibet. Who cares what I think China should do? I'm a ????ing actor. I'm here for entertainment, basically, when you whittle everything away. I'm a grown man who puts on makeup."
He may very well be pro

Saying he is pro-2nd amendment means nothing. Every NYC politician says that.

Now when he says he disagrees with Kerry... now that means something.

He was reported to have received a GA permit i.e. CCW not too long ago- a bold move for an actor, especially since the act was much publicized. He may actually be pro-gun after all.

As for him supporting the Dems.... we need more progun people on the dem side. We may very well lose this election (gun owners being the idiots they are). We may lose many others. If this is strictly a partisan issue it becomes very very risky.

Keep in mind that if anti dems control both chambers and the presidency full UK style gun control could be enacted in a single day. We need to to try and add some pro-gun diversity to the party just in case
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