Life in Free America

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The neocons running the conservative side since the late 80's aren't anywhere remotely representative of my beliefs. So I cannot support them.
Let's be clear with our terminology. "Neocons" are former liberal Democrats who broke with the Democrats primarily because they wanted an interventionist foreign policy.

Neoconservatism (commonly shortened to neocon when labelling its adherents) is a political movement born in the United States during the 1960s among liberal hawks who became disenchanted with the increasingly pacifist foreign policy of the Democratic Party, and the growing New Left and counterculture, in particular the Vietnam protests. Some also began to question their liberal beliefs regarding domestic policies such as the Great Society.

Historically speaking, the term "neoconservative" refers to those who made the ideological journey from the anti-Stalinist left to the camp of American conservatism during the 1960s and 1970s. The movement had its intellectual roots in the Jewish monthly review magazine Commentary, edited by Norman Podhoretz and published by the American Jewish Committee. They spoke out against the New Left and in that way helped define the movement.
Let's be clear with our terminology. "Neocons" are former liberal Democrats who broke with the Democrats primarily because they wanted an interventionist foreign policy.

If you trust a left leaning wikipedia for all your answers. I guess I just meant the big gov, foreign interventionist fake conservatives who will compromise our rights for political gains. Romney, to me, exemplifies a neocon. All his policies are far left if you use your wide angle lens instead of overton's window, politically speaking. The old "read my lips, no new taxes" republican.
Consider the demographics of a state. Progun legislation may continue in traditionally progun areas. However, two things are important:

1. New folks moving into states dominated before by rural areas. Urban folks may not be gun purists. They may think that having an SD gun is fine but support stringent background checks, Red flags and don't see the need for Modern Weapons of War (oh, dear). They see themselves as passing background checks, not being turned in the purge or defending whatever with an assault style rifle.
The sad part of the changing demographics is that the changers don't realize they're fleeing the sorts of enactments that soured the places from which they are fleeing and start enacting them in the places to which they flee.

2. Rampages that continue unchecked will erode opposition to UBCs, Red Flags and banning military style semi autos even among those previously opposed to restrictions.
Shoot up a school with kids with an AR, and you better have a better rationale for owning them, than 'shall not', 'God given', 'the socialists are coming'.

If people could get as interested in why they are happening as they are in what was used to make it happen the outlook would be different. But, instead of doing investigative reporting on the chain of events that allowed this person to become a shooter they are being told assault weapon ad infinitum. No one in the media is doing any checking on whether there was complete and accurate information in the NICS computer or if police and school officials were complicit in suppressing information that would shine a bad light on their communities and schools and never reported "incidents" as in the case of the Parkland Florida shooter.
I have researched many of the shootings and compiled a list that is somewhere on a thumb drive that I often show friends of a certain persuasion when I challenge them to, short of throwing all guns into the Marianas Trench, come up with a solution that would be constitutionally feasible and effective at the same time.
But, instead of doing investigative reporting on the chain of events that allowed this person to become a shooter they are being told assault weapon ad infinitum.

By "chain of events" I mean not just the chain that led the shooter to have a SAR, but the path that took a goo-goo gah-gah baby to become the sort of monster that indiscriminately takes innocent lives for giggles. Were there missed red flags? I'm awaiting delivery of a book that delves into the backstory of the Parkland shooter, whose name I refuse to type or speak. I think one motivation is the after the fact fame that comes with being a monster.
A non-vote means nothing and makes no positive change.
Always vote for someone, even if it's Mickey Mouse.
And what would a vote for Mickey Mouse represent, more than a non-vote?

When tabulating votes, an "undervote" in a given race stands out like a sore thumb, and sends a clear message.
A protest vote (also called a blank, null, spoiled, or "none of the above" vote) is a vote cast in an election to demonstrate dissatisfaction with the choice of candidates or the current political system. ... If protest vote takes the form of a blank vote, it may or may not be tallied into final results.
-From Wikipedia.
This is way off gun issues into pure politics. So, I'm going to close it.
Sorry, that's the rules.
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