Listen to NPR's 'Here and Now' on Monday

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Dec 27, 2002
Hey - to all you who don't start frothing at the mouth every time someone mentions NPR.

On Friday I heard on 'Here and Now' that they are going to do a story Monday on how Democrats plan to start winning elections by changing their position on gun control.

Man, you can really tell this country is coming around on guns. If I were a Democratic candidate I would be seen wearing a leather flap holster. Nothing is cooler.
they allways sing the same song

you don't need an AK47 to go hunting and some reasonable restrictions are needed:barf:

oh and john nam vet kerry is the great white hunter.
"changing their position" = lying more

Honestly, I doubt dems will ever believe in the 2nd amendment but if they can get more votes by telling people that they do...
At least John Kerry served is country, unlike current chicken Republicans like Bush, Cheney, Hastert, etc.etc.
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At least John Kerry served is country, unlike current chicken Republicans like Bush, Cheney, Hastert, etc.etc.

How exactly is it service to your country to come back and denounce what your fellow soldiers are doing while they are still in harms way? Spending Christmas in Thailand on a beach helped the cause in Vietnam I am sure huh? Please, he is as dishonest as the rest of them.

And no I don't think I'll listen to NPR. The Democrats, like the Replublicans, will tell us anything they can to get elected. There is no way to hold them to promises made or spin put on their actions after an election.

Kerry was anti gun, I have no doubt the next Democrat candidate will be as well.

Bush claimed to be pro gun, then did nothing but sit there and let Congress expire the AWB. He has done exactly zero for the pro side. Clinton was anti. Bush Sr claimed to be pro but did nothing.

It's been decades since there has been an actual pro 2A pres, I think we can consider that office as anti from now on and spend time and money on more important Congressional races, both state and Fed.
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HA HA! I was wonderig if ANYBODY would just say "thanks - I'll listen on Monday". Oh well. I should of known that all the angry anti-Democrats would be first.

If the Democrats support gun rights, then what? What'll we talk about in this forum?
"If the Democrats support gun rights, then what?"

I think the problem is that we don't believe they will support gun rights.

I was doing my NPR announcer routine at work Thursday - talking slowly in a well modulated, deeply melodious voice with a touch of conspiratorial whisper in it - and the liberal NPR groupies were cracking up. They came right out and admitted that I had it pegged, right down to the I'm-smarter-than-you-are-and-don't-you-forget-it inflections.

I watched "Meet The Press" today. Two southern accented Democrats on with a new book called "Foxes in the Hen House". Another what the Democrats need to do to win book. Well they were doing the darnest to sound sane but then they let out the truth. After talking about how Democrats need to acknowledge and respect rural culture and gun ownership and OH YES YOU GOT IT hunting Russert said yea but what about those "Automatics" and the good ole boys both said NO those are not used for hunting. Yea they really have it down pat how they are going to try and fool the good ole boy hunters. It will probably work with some. Oh if they could just say the 2nd amendment is as important as the beloved 1st amendment and we are going to make sure the Federal Goverment and the Judicary protect that individual right and then prove they mean it then I might look at some of their other crap. But till then. Forget it. :neener:
NPR persons sound like they are broadcasting a golf tournment except for that lady that does "All things Considered" she sounds like someone is forcing her to suck on a green persimmon. And to keep it gun related if she says firearms she sounds like she is gagging on one.:eek:
If the Democrats support gun rights, then what? What'll we talk about in this forum?

There's no such thing as "gun rights," since firearms have no rights.

I'm sure a few individual representatives of the Democratic (sic) party do support the nation's Second Amendment civil rights; the party as a whole, however, remains deeply committed to disarming every last law-abiding American citizen.

That could, indeed, change—but I'm personally not going to believe a single word of it until I've seen rock-solid, incontrovertible proof over a substantial period of time. Representatives of the Democratic (sic) party need to take what you might call "affirmative action" regarding the Second Amendment.
Man, you can really tell this country is coming around on guns. If I were a Democratic candidate I would be seen wearing a leather flap holster. Nothing is cooler.Man, you can really tell this country is coming around on guns. If I were a Democratic candidate I would be seen wearing a leather flap holster. Nothing is cooler.

There were an awful lot of southern Democrats who survived the Katrina aftermath or had relatives who did, and saw just how bad human scavengers can be, and how an inept government can't appear like superheroes to save them.

Guess what sort of legislation they're voting for now? It's not for disarmament!
some dems are better then some repubs

I would vote for Bill Richardson or Harry Reid over Guilianni and McCain.

anti gun loon bloomburg is a repub
I would vote for Bill Richardson

While it would appear that Big Bill is gun friendly, he is also one of the most blatantly corrupt politicians (IMO) you will ever see. Bill only does what is in Bill's best interest. If a new law looks like it will gain him election points, it gets signed; if not, pass.
Do not trust anything this man says.
The "state of emergency" on the border thing was just a pre-election ploy for some camera time.
I'm hoping that we can de-elect him in November and put a real crimp in his Presidential plans.
you don't need an AK47 to go hunting and some reasonable restrictions are needed

oh and john nam vet kerry is the great white hunter.
The second amendment is not about hunting or shooting a piece of clay. It's about defending the country from enemies foreign and domestic. A pistol isn't going to be that great if there ever comes a confrontation with the government or an invading army. I hope it never happens but if it does then give me the 7 P's.

Never pay any attention to what politicians SAY. Pay attention to what they DO.
"At least John Kerry served his country...

... unlike Bush and chicken Republicans..."

Dear ACP:

I see you've bought that tired old mantra still pushed by the militarily-ignorant news media, academics, and the LibDonkeyLeft.

The facts are these:

1. Bush was an officer and pilot in the Air Nat'l Guard, not a regular grunt (not to disparage ANY grunt who also did his duty).

2. To become a pilot meant that he was virtually on active duty in the U.S. Air force for over 18 months (including Officer Training school AND rigorous pilot training). And THEN his years in the A.N.G. commenced. You don't learn to fly jets doing one weekend per month.

3. Bush eventually qualified to fly the F-102 jet fighter aircraft -- and THAT is quite different than driving a helicopter or cargo a/c carrying 'taters and toilet paper to the troops.

4. If you examine the non-combat accident rate -- and mortality rate -- for the old F-102, you'll discover that it was an entirely diiferent (i.e., far more dangerous) game than the "gentlemanly weekend warrior" picture that the ever-hostile-to-Republican snots (previously mentioned) like to portray. Military aviation, in war OR peace, has always been frought with unpublicized dangers. Even during the Vietnam War, for example, I lost more squadron mates (pilots) and friends to various accidents/malfunctions than to hostile fire.

Both Republicans and Democrats have their share of Chicken-Hawks. However, when you get your facts straight and are able to tell your own @ss from Cyndy Sheehan's, you might be able to sing from a different playbook.
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I'll tell you what. on the national level I definetely don't trust it yet. Why? Billy Boy Clinton proved that a Southern Democrat is soon parted from gun rights when in Washington.

On the state level, oh yeah I trust it. But here is what the Dems would need to do to prove they are now "pro-gun"

Introduce, support, and get passed a bill which takes away some gun control. Alot of people are talkin' about Mark Warner, Gov of Virginia.

I won't believe his "pro-gun" stance until he says he will repeal the '89 Import Ban, or set up restrictions of ATF practices and set up a program to have more gun dealers. That happens, (b/c the Republicans will almost surely pick a hated neo-con) I would vote for him under the idea, well it probably can't get worse. (I'd love to see the supposedly pro-gun Republican answer to Warner saying something like that)
The AK is an excellent hunting weapon. As I pointed out elsewhere, 122-154 grain commercial projectiles are suitable for deer and hog. If you handload you can go up to 220 grains for large game and down to 90 grains for small game. The rifle has unlimited capabilities.

If the Democrats and republicans are supposedly pro-gun, where are all the bills to repeal gun control? No, instead we get STRONG RESISTANCE to a bill that merely moves laws from appropriations bills to the US Code without actually changing anything. Sorry, it still quacks and waddles like an anti-gunner.
GUNSMITH - "I would vote for Bill Richardson or Harry Reid over Guilianni and McCain."

Rudy Guilianni is EXTREMELY anti-guns owned by us worker peasants. He's a hypocritical one-eyed-jack if there ever were one.

As for McCain, he's no different than Guilianni.

When it comes to the four listed above, I'd as soon eat a plate of barbed wire as to vote for any one of them!

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