Look what the evil anti-gun Democrats have on their forums!

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It looks as if this thread was started 02/28. Today when I went to link to it, I got a not found. Have the Demos taken it down already? Would like to read the post.
YankeeRebel: loaded just fine right now...

so read away. Maybe the site was down momentarily.

I'm with Tamara. Why be surprised about Democrats wanting a new, more complex beauracracy? (or Republicans either, for that matter).
Registration along with sugary words.... what more would you expect from socialists. Their motto seems to be "why would you tell the truth about your true intentions?". The Demosocialists are the party of defense attorneys and crimminals for a very good reason. They only want to take money from those who EARN it without producing anything themselves. They either have evil intentions or are morons.

Should the government take control over all bears so as to feed the bears that are too lazy to hunt for food? It is all about choice...which the Demosoc's seem to promote, but really oppose. I bet Mr Darwin hates Democrats more than I do.
I have to say, I'd rather accept a nice proposal like this rather than be forced into registration without getting all those benefits.

Just my 2 cents, though.
Not sure I know the answer, but consider this ...

No, it isn't consistent with 2A. But haven't we all learned, the hard way, the power of incrementalism in policy change? Everybody remember Feinstein's "Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in" quote? She takes a little at a time until she gets what she wants [shiver].

Here in Kali, we have de facto registration for every legal gun purchase. I see this as losing nothing, but gaining something. No we don't gain what is guaranteed in the Consititution and has been taken from us, but we head in the right direction. When violent crime goes down, and people see the lies the gun prohibitionists peddle for what they are, claiming more freedom becomes possible. For a change, the slippery slope would be going our way.


Before anyone tells me to re-read my own signature: I don't consider gaining something and losing nothing a comprosmise.
What we should appreciate is that these are the Democrats we need to work on. These are the people who have met us half way, now we need to fully convert them.
Assuming that it was posted/responded to (positively) by Democrats. I'm not willing to make that assumption.
That is the fallacy. All the cons can't see beyond one of two things:

1. Comes from DU therefore it is suspect (I am sure there are a few liberty minded individuals there, although they probably get shouted down), or

2. We want all or nothing (thereby continuing to live with the chains of the current regime)

A few words for you.....Troy and Trojon Horse

Look at the history of gun confiscation in other countries. They always do this. Sucker the freedom lovers with stuff like this then screw them later. Oldest trick in the book.....Bait and Switch
Actually, looking at this again, I'm guessing that the DU poster, one "jhfenton" might be a fairly smart, fair sort of guy. But, look at the posts that follow. Those posts more correctly demonstrate the mind of most of the leftists. If something like this could pass, and it stayed exactly like that, fine. But what do I have to say to that? In a Pig's Eye. The leftists would use this as the above mentioned Trojon Horse, even if some fair people on their side originally supported it.
Obviously MicroBalrog hasn't grasped the concept of the exception that proves the rule. ;)
Whenever a proposal involving guns includes the term "grandfather", I immediately do not approve of it. Grandfathering = a ban.

I have a C&R, but I would NEVER submit to this plan.

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