my girlfriend has taken an interest to shooting latley. we bought her her first gun (a synthetic stock ruger 10/22 carbine) at sheels about 4 months ago and she really likes it. we also got her a 20 guage shotgun (marlin model 500 youth) for her to shoot doves with. we pretty much just got her into shooting pistols and i would love to get her one (and ill have something else to shoot as well). for right now i'd like to narrow it down by just asking about .22' she didnt like shooting the 9mm or .40. she shot some of our old revolvers and liked them, but the cost of coming up w/ one might be too high for her first pistol. she also shot some auto .22's, like a browning challenger and the like. she's pretty sure she wants an automatic, and we are looking around at different guns right now. i suggested the ruger mark III, but she didnt like the way it felt in her hands. so any suggestions on a good first gun for her would be great. keep in mind she has pretty darn small hands, and that pretty much narrows down the search to about 2 guns at the local gun store. we are planning a trip to omaha, and we want to go in and look at some pistols, but it would really help if we had some suggestions and ideas of what to look for when we go in. thanks alot.