Lou Dobbs

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If it isn't a mil-spec primer, sometimes it goes kerflooey/kerbangy/ker-oh-bleepy.
When you use soft primers this happens more often than not. Funny how .gov doesn't use the ammo they tested the rifle in question with in their own weapons.:rolleyes:
Doobs is the only reporter I watch on CNN,the rest suck,and are Liberal tools of the left.
I think Mr. Dobbs is an Old-speak reporter, in old-speak pro-choice means you can have what you want whether it's a handgun or an abortion. Most of the press speak New-speak and that has been taken over by the women's groups. So don't run out and buy him an AR.
New-speak pro-choice only means abortions, pro-choice has been a hijacked term. instead of menaing what the phrase actually means, it is said only by 'women's groups' and has been reduced to a single issue.

I find him to be likable. Although, I am surprised that he hasn't drawn the ire of CNN execs.

I agree with you. I like Lou on a number of issues. As to why he's still at CNN, I can only guess he brings in the ratings, and even for a liberal network ratings trumps ideology. Of course, my theory falls apart when you consider CBS and MSNBC. :eek:
Big Lou D. can and does stir the pot . Like some I don`t always agree but when he`s on point, he delivers the facts.
The more I hear from Lou Dobbs the more I like him. From what he said at the end of part 2 he isn't letting this go until this guy is vindicated.
Don't forget Bill O'Reilly. He doesn't seem to be a huge 2A guy, but he deffinitely isn't anti.

I am pretty sure he supports the AWB. :fire:

As for Lou, no I had no idea he was pro gun.

Supposedly though, some of the guys on GT were saying that they saw the court docs on this particular case and that the guy did in fact alter the weapon. I don't know, but if it was an honest to goodness mistake/failure of the weapon, this is messed up...
Written Transcript

Here is a link to the written transcript:


And from Lou Dobbs:

DOBBS: Well, we're going to look at this and continue to look at this. We'll be talking with the National Rifle Association next week. We'll be talking about with the congressional delegation of Wisconsin about this and the U.S. senators of Wisconsin about this and see what in the world is going on. It might not be happening to a citizen in 2008 and it should in any year not happen to a citizen in the United States of America. Bill Tucker, thank you.
As for Lou, no I had no idea he was pro gun.

Supposedly though, some of the guys on GT were saying that they saw the court docs on this particular case and that the guy did in fact alter the weapon. I don't know, but if it was an honest to goodness mistake/failure of the weapon, this is messed up...

I'm not sure Lou got all the information he needed before he went to bat for this guy. I appreciate his doing so but something is very screwy with this case.

From what I gather so far, the AR was altered and the selector would go into a third, unmarked position. Now whether it doubled or did in fact fire automatically from that selector position is the information I'm still looking for.

It would seem someone had to alter that AR. Now if the guy did in fact alter the rifle so the selector did go into a third position and the AFT continued to monkey around with rifle and got it to double or slam fire in that position, that would suck.

Does anyone think Lou Dobbs has all the particulars and understands exactly what is going on with this case? I would be very impressed if he was that knowledgeable but I somehow doubt it.
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