"Loves Her Gun"

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May 31, 2008
New movie coming out with that title. Woman is assaulted in Brooklyn, winds up in TX, buys a gun for protection.

Seems logical, but since it's a Hollywood production, we can be sure no good will ever come of it. Will serve to do nothing but dissuade victims from protecting themselves.

Gotta' love Hollywood, since they're all protected by their entourages. "Do as I say, not as I do".
Critic review doesn't look good


Upon arriving in Austin, Allie realizes that even this laid-back locale cannot tame her raging paranoia. Allie needs something more than just caring friends and perpetual sunshine in order to feel safe. So, while in Texas, Allie does as Texans do, she buys a gun. The pistol is empowering and comforting. Allie is finally in control, but her perception of control is totally misguided. Two thousand miles away from her aggressors, Allie begins to find other targets to intimidate with the deadly weapon clutched in her hands; but even her fellow Texans think that Allie is totally misusing her gun.

Read more: http://www.filmthreat.com/reviews/64047/#ixzz2q1Sin3It

Geoff Marslett’s Loves Her Gun studies the fine line between rational and irrational fear, as well as what it means to feel safe. Modern United States culture seems designed to perpetuate fear, whether it be by the government, news networks or entertainment media. Fear and violence cripples us, it makes us crazy, it makes us turn on each other.

Allie believes that it is better to be feared than to fear, but the philosophy of adopting the role of the aggressor is obviously not a feasible survival strategy for our society at large. Not everyone can be an aggressor; there will always be victims and many of them will be innocent. So, Loves Her Gun contemplates the role that guns should play in our society. In the wrong hands, the power of a gun can give someone too much control. The Constitutional right to bear arms is not intended to take away the safety and freedom of others; it is certainly not intended to make gun-owners the judge, jury and executioner

Read more: http://www.filmthreat.com/reviews/64047/#ixzz2q1SMGVL8
Were guns not a politically sensitive, hot-button topic, that might actually be a very interesting exploration of psychology, personality, and society.

Unfortunately it almost has to get out from under the "gun" issue before it can speak with clarity on the topic, though.
Sounds like another "victim turns vigilante" storyline that is so popular lately.
The film isn't even out yet so we can't do much of a fact based review of it if it hasn't been seen by any of us.
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